
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Raid on Hachinosu (3)

<Severe Shockwave>

"*smile*…Take this!...Haa!" As Ashen punched through the air near Wang Zhi directly cracking it, he sent a severe shockwave towards him, causing a massive destruction on the ground they were standing on.

This ability still has drawbacks, first thing is it's very taxing on stamina since Rokuogan uses a lot of physical strength, and the technique also requires a great amount of focus since Ashen can't just crack the air by imagining it like the Gura Gura no Mi. But the pros still outweigh the cons, he now doesn't need to make contact or even be close with an object or a person in order to send a shockwave like Hasshoken and can simply crack the air from a distance.

He can also damage the opponent from the inside and outside with a single technique, and the shockwaves are a lot more destructive than before.

*Crack* Wang Zhi look dumbfounded seeing Ashen display of power, and he was taken by surprise causing the attack to hit him, dealing some eternal damage.

"Zehahaha! How do you like that?!" Ashen proceeded to point his sword upwards and amassed flames at the tip of it, creating a large fire ball that resembles the sun, and then he proceeded to hurl it at him.

<Cruel Sun>

*BOOOM* Wang Zhi managed to regain his composure as his Haki flowed through his massive sword, before he proceeded to cut the fireball in half.

"You took me by surprise right there…For a second, I though you used the old man's power" Wang Zhi said while observing Ashen in curiosity "I don't how you managed to replicate such a technique, but it doesn't seem like a devil fruit power, I'm guessing you real ability is to control fire?"

"I'm not obligated to answer that question"

"Enough with the chitchat!" Mesagi said as he created a strong tailwind that propelled him forward with incredible speed, allowing him to close the distance quickly. After that he created a massive explosion of cloud and lightning above Wang Zhi and proceeded to strike him down with it.

<Cloud Burst>

"Hm?..." Wang Zhi looked above him as he saw massive lightning bolts about strike him down, before he disappeared at incredible speed that is impressive for someone his size and appeared again near Mesagi sending him flying with a horizontal sword slash.

Mesagi tried to stop it, but he was sent flying back a few meters.

"Don't think you're the only ones who have an ability!" Wang Zhi declared as he gazed at Ashen, before a transparent sphere appeared ingulfing both of them.

"What is this?" Ashen became alarmed and quickly tried to exit the sphere, but to his shock he couldn't move 'No I'm moving slowly'.

<Time Bubble>

Wang Zhi ate the Time Time fruit, giving him the ability to control time. He moved calmly towards Ashen who looked at him tensely "You're in my space now" he said before he slashed the latter in the chest leaving a large cut.

"Aghhh!...fuck" Ashen tried to move his hand to send a shockwave to shatter the space, but he was moving very slowly. Wang Zhi calmly pointed his sword at him and prepared to stab him before a long, pitch-black polearm weapon thrusted the sphere while a strong burst of wind shattered it, forcing Wang Zhi to sidestep and avoid it.

"Hehehe! Did you forget about me?" Mesagi asked him while grinning wickedly.

"I see, you're no push over"

This gave both of them the opportunity to attack again. Mesagi quickly created a massive storm cloud above the battlefield and generated lightning. As Ashen saw the that, he shot his flames towards it to amplify the storm's intensity, striking down Wang Zhi with a greater force.

"Hmph, useless!" Wang Zhi used his observation Haki to dodge the lightning bolts and proceeded launch himself at Ashen again while emitting his Haki through his sword. Wang Zhi is a very skilled Haki user, able to use an advanced Armament Haki technique, which is Emission that allows him to either unleash invisible bursts from a distance, or attack and hurt enemies without touching them, it is also a lot more powerful than simple hardening "You're Haki is inferior to mine!" He stated as he appeared beside Ashen and slashed him on the side.

Ashen blocked his attack before he sensed Wang Zhi's next move, he quickly punched the air causing a crack to destroy his Time Bubble before he gets trapped, and then he proceeded to shoot a fast concentrated beam of heat from his palm towards him.

<Time Warp>

Wang Zhi warped space-time around himself causing Ashen's attack to be redirected and hit Mesagi instead.

"What the hell!- *BOOOM*"

<Time Portal>

After that he proceeded to create a portal that can lead to different moment in time, allowing him to either escape or attack from a different angle. He used it to rain down Mesagi with attacks from every direction until Ashen interfered.

<Demonic One Sword Style: Blazing Storm>

Ashen created a massive fire storm of sharp wind blades towards Wang Zhi. But it proved to be useless against his ability.

'Such a ridiculous ability, no wonder Blackbeard needed some kind of help to defeat him' Ashen though as he was standing thoroughly in his place while soaked in blood "Huff…Hey, blondie! Stop being a dead weight!".

"Shut up!...Huff…Huff…" Mesagi slowly got on his feet while covered in bruises and injuries "We need to coordinates our attacks, if the two of us get trapped in his time bubble we're as good as gone" He stated.

"I got to applaud your effort" Wang Zhi said while walking slowly towards them "But how many years-no decades you think I've been ruling this island? You're not the first ones…Two shitty brats like you can't end my reign!"

"I didn't go through all the kinds of trouble all these years in the New World, just to die pathetically here" Mesagi said with a serious expression "I Ain't backing down until I take your head"

"That was my phrase!" Ashen said in annoyance while looking at Mesagi.

"Very well then, bring it on Kids!" Wang Zhi shouted as he lunged at both sending a wide projectile sword slash that carrying his Haki.

*BOOOM* They both managed to dodge it with ease.

"I just need to hit him…" Ashen said while flying near Mesagi.

"I don't know if you can hurt, but I'll create an opportunity for you" he replied.

Ashen started using his devil fruit power to superheat the air around the battlefield, creating steam clouds, while Mesagi used his Cloud power to manipulate it and created a whirlwind of hot steam around Wang Zhi to scorch him while covering his vision.

After that Ashen coated his weapon with Haki while channeling fire through it before he launched himself at an incredible speed using a combination of Soru, fire and shockwave from his feet.

He flew inside the whirlwind taking Wang Zhi by surprise and slashing his left arm. The latter quickly created a Time Bubble to slow down Ashen and slashed his back from behind, luckily Mesagi interfered again from the outside and shattered it before he could deal any serious injury.

"We need to trap him in his place!"

Mesagi quickly increase the density of the steam clouds to pull Wang Zhi and trap him in the center of it, while Ashen overwhelmed him in flames before he launched himself at him.


"Ultimate Punch!!!!" Ashen used his powerful technique that combines every martial art technique and power that he learned, when Mesagi saw him, he proceeded to empower his move further using his lightning.

*Thunder*-*Crack* the speed of the punch broke the sound barrier as it created a thunderclap, while the air in front of Ashen's fist produced a cracking sound.

*BOOOOOOM* When his fist hit Wang Zhi, Ashen released all the fire and the lightning wrapping his arm while sending a devastating shockwave towards him which caused a massive explosion.

The attack managed to send Wang Zhi crashing a few blocks ahead while taking a lot of damage "You punks!" He looked a little bit shaken as he spat some blood from his mouth.

"Huff…Huff…It seems that my attack managed to deal some damage" Ashen stated while he was panting heavily as the last attack used a lot of stamina.

"But he looks far from being defeated" Mesagi commented while gazing at Wang Zhi who quickly regained his composure.

"It seems that I've been underestimating you, that's a powerful punch right there" He said while holding his stomach "I'm going to get serious from now on!"