
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Mystery Crystal



The rising sun was a refreshing sight for Lami and the girls as they sailed to their next destination. They were tired, but they were also happy.

Lami and the girls escaped from the Marines, but they knew that they were not out of danger yet. Their bounties will be increased, and the Marines would be looking for them.

They needed to find a safe place to hide, and they needed to find a doctor who will do a check-up on the girls they saved at the auction.

One of the girls turned out to be a mink, her name is Bonnie and her parents left her at a young age to become pirates. Unlike the other girls, she had injuries that she sustained when she was captured by the pirates. She didn't go down without a fight, and Lami admired that about her.

Lami gave her first aid however, they needed to get her into a doctor's care as soon as possible. While the girls rested, Lami was left to steer the ship toward where the log pose was pointing next.

They sailed for several hours, and eventually, Lami could see an island in the distance. As they approached, the air started getting colder and Lami could sense something unusual about the island.

The water around the ship suddenly started to freeze and block the ship from it's path, and Lami knew something was off.

She quickly used her ice powers to try and manipulate the ice around the ship but it was too strong as it overpowered her own and left her exhausted. ' How am I losing against ice!' Lami thought to herself frustrated.

The ice was slowly encasing the ship and Alexia came running to see what was going on. As Alexia saw the ice encasing the ship she shouted at Lami and told her to stop messing around as she thought the ice belonged to Lami.

Lami tried to explain that it wasn't her but was cut short as the ice expanded on the ship, almost freezing them all.

However, as the ice came into contact with Lami's skin it stopped moving and shattered, even the one that covered the ship. The sea around them went back to normal, leaving all of them with the same confused expression.

' What the hell was that just now? Why did that ice drain some of my Qi?' wondered Lami as she steered the ship closer into the island.

They came to a small island. The island was cold and full of snow, and it looked like a perfect place to hide. They docked their ship and went ashore.

' What with that energy this place is giving an off vibe, also something is not right about this snow it feels weird,' Lami thought to herself as she looked around a little paranoid.

Alexia saw Lami's expression and asked what was wrong. " Don't worry, it's nothing, I think," Lami brushed it off trying not to worry the others.

' Sh*t, don't tell me they can't sense that off energy,' Lami wondered to herself as they explored the island.

They explored the island for a while, and they soon found a small village which was inhabited by a tribe of people.

The villagers had their guard on high alert and they were shocked to see that Lami and her crew made it past the freezing ice however they welcomed Lami and the girls.

It turned out that the island hasn't had visitors in over decades, which surprised Lami and her crew since the island was so easy to find.

They told the villagers about their situation, and the villagers agreed to help them.

However, most of the old people in the village were giving Lami strange looks, almost recognizing her from somewhere.

Lami brushed it off, thinking that maybe they saw her in the newspaper or something.

The villagers led Lami and the girls to a doctor who lived on the island. The doctor was a kind and gentle man, and he agreed to help the crewmate.

He examined Bonnie and the other girls and told Lami that the girls needed to rest and gain their strength for a few days before they could sail.

However, the doctor needed to operate on Bonnie and Olivia as they sustained internal damage. They were grateful to the doctor, and they thanked him for saving their lives.

" You do realize that you could have easily healed yourself, Olivia," spoke Lami with a smile. Olivia chuckled, " I know, but it was taking too much time."

Lami invited some of the girls to further explore the island with her as she felt a strange connection to it. Alexia, Reiju and Carina were the only ones who accepted while the rest decided to rest.

They walked around aimlessly with Lami leading the way however she was shocked when they stumbled upon a hidden cave at the edge of the island.

Her heart raced as she opened the cave and went inside, feeling a strange energy emitting from deep within. Lami and the girls cautiously made their way deeper into the cave, the feeling only getting stronger and more intense.

" I'm not the only one who senses weird vibes about this place, right?" asked Carina who was shivering with unease. Lami nodded, feeling the same intense energy.

They walked deeper and deeper into the cave, and soon they came to a large chamber.

In the center of the chamber was a large crystal and a futuristics machine behind it. The crystal was glowing with a bright light, and it was filled with a strange energy. Lami approached the crystal with caution, her heart beating fast.

Lami and the girls stood in front of the large crystal, their eyes wide in wonder. They had never seen anything like it before.

"What is it?" asked Carina.

"I don't know," said Lami. "But I'm concerned about the Qi energy I'm sensing from this crystal."

" What's Qi energy?" asked Carina. " I'll teach you how to manipulate it later, it's your spiritual energy which could be used for cultivation even though it's a slow process without having any mana," replied Lami.

' Mana? Cultivation? Spiritual energy? What the hell is that?' Carina's head exploded from all the new concepts she was receiving.

" I'm also getting concerned, Lami," spoke Alexia while focusing on the crystal.

Reiju was surprised when she heard that not only Lami but Alexia was also concerned about the crystal. " What's wrong with the Qi energy that is coming from the crystal?"

" You seriously can't sense it? It's too familiar and it feels like there's more than one," replied Alexia.

Reiju was still confused about what she was talking about so Alexia decided to further explain about who the Qi energies were similar to, which caused Reiju to have the same reaction as Lami and Alexia when they entered the chamber.

" Wait is something like that even possible?" asked Reiju. " I want to know too, how is that possible," added Carina who was also shocked at the reveal.

" Don't know it's definitely a concern but I don't think it's that bad," replied Lami

Lami reached out and touched the crystal. As soon as her skin made contact with the crystal, she felt her Qi energy flowing through her body without her manipulating it. She gasped and pulled her hand away.

"What the hell was that?" asked Reiju as a sweat drop left her face.

"It's forcefully draining my Qi energy," said Lami. "But it felt like I was being connected to something."

Alexia also reached out and touched the crystal but surprisingly the crystal didn't suck any of her Qi energy. She tried to pour some into the crystal only to have it rejected.

" Now that's something you don't see every day," spoke Lami as she placed her hand back on the crystal and poured her Qi energy which the crystal accepted.

Reiju also did the same thing as Alexia only to have the same results as her. Carina on the side didn't know even what Qi energy was or even how to manipulate it so she couldn't experience what was going on.

However, the moment she came into contact with the crystal something unexpected happened. She suddenly felt the energy in her body getting drained which caused her to drop to her knees and gasp for air.

Lami pulled her away from the crystal and was shocked when she sensed that the crystal had drained Carina's Qi energy.

' So it's not only after my Qi energy but Carina's too, what the hell is up with this crystal and that machine,' she thought as she poured some of her Qi energy into Carina to replace the one that was drained.

The girls looked at each other, their eyes filled with fear and excitement. They didn't know what the crystal was, but they knew that it was something special.

"What do we do now?" asked Alexia.

Lami didn't know the answer. She just knew that they had to find out more about the crystal. But she couldn't deny the feeling of familiarity she felt towards the crystal.

"We need to take it with us," she said. "We can figure out what it is later."

The news of the auction incident was spreading like wildfire and the Navy HQ was in shambles because of Lami yet again.

The Marine higher-ups were currently in a meeting discussing the situation and their next plan of action.

" It seems that we severely underestimated the abilities of these pirates, Trafalgar D. Lami," spoke one of the admirals in a lazy tone.

" To be able to defeat one of Big Mom's top officers, these youngsters are truly scary," replied another admiral in a slow voice.

" I don't care even if she defeated Big Mom's officer, pirates are filthy scum and I will make sure to eradicate them if I get my hands on them," declared a third admiral with a fierce tone.

Despite the admiral's determination to eradicate the pirates, they had no whereabouts of Lami and her crew. The thought of the pirates getting away with their crimes filled them with frustration and anger.

Vice-Admiral Garp was quietly observing the discussion, his mind lost in thought. He was also carrying Lami's bounty poster in his hand and was studying it carefully. ' This brat, she couldn't be related to her, could she?'

Garp was interrupted from his thoughts by the Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, " Hoi Garp you're awful quiet today, do you have any thoughts on the matter?"

Garp looked up from the bounty poster and cleared his throat before speaking, " Not much, I'm just looking forward to meeting these youngsters in person and seeing what they're all about."

There was a twinkle in Garp's eyes as he spoke, and the other admirals looked at him with surprise. " It rare for you to take interest in rookies, Garp-san," spoke one of the admirals.

" Bwahahaha, well these aren't your ordinary rookies, are they Kuzan?" Garp replied as he laughed, " Plus something is intriguing about that Lami."

All the higher-ups who were present looked at Garp in curiosity, wondering what the young pirate has done to capture the attention of the legendary Marine hero.

The Navy HQ was not the only place where talks of Lami and her crew were circulating. The news of their chaos and destruction has spread all across the Grand Line, causing both fear and excitement in the hearts of pirates and civilians alike.

The name " Trafalgar" was becoming well-known and respected throughout the seas, due to her previous actions and also her brother's action, making them a force to be reckoned with.

On top a castle that looked like a skull dome a figure could be seen doing intense training. The figure was interrupted by the sound of a men that were running toward and carrying a newspaper.

" Young-master! Please take a look of what happened at Doflamingo's auction house," one of the men shouted as he handed over the paper.

" Stop shouting let me see," responded the figure. ' It's this girl again, I wonder how she survived,' thought the while reading through the newspaper.

In the sea of the New World a large ship that looked like a whale was sailing, it was the Mobydick, the ship of one of the four Emperors the Strongest Man in the world Whitebeard.

The Emperor was sitting on his seat reading the newspaper while laughing, " Gurararara, why are these youngsters such in a hurry? I wonder how Linlin will react to this, her son getting defeated by a rookie, Gurararara."

In a beautiful country, that had a lovely garden with blooming flowers a man was inside a castle seating on his throne looking at the recent newspaper.

" That brat is still as crazy as ever I see, but I'll make sure to pay her back for ruining my auction house and for their betrayal with Law, Ehehehehehe," he spoke as he laughed in a menacing way that sent shivers down the spine of the men who were with him in the room.

A young woman was resting in her bedroom after an intense sparring match and was about to read the newspaper however as soon as her eyes fell on the paper she froze, ' How did this happen? How did the future I saw change?!' " Trafalgar D. Lami, you have gained my interest I'm looking forward to seeing you soon"
