
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Escaping from the Navy

Lami and the girls rode on the back of Alexia and soured toward their ship. As they flew over the island, the sight of destruction and chaos left them stunned.

" Just so you guys know," spoke Lami with a chuckle, " this mess is all Alexia's fault and I'm guessing our bounties will probably be skyrocketed after this incident."

" Nani? How is this my fault?" Alexia protested, "It's those guys in suits who started this mess!"

Lami let out another chuckle, " I'm just messing with you, Alexia." The girls had mixed emotions as they looked upon the devastation before them.

" I hope Carina and those girls I saved are safe," said Alexia in a sad tone.

" No need to worry there're on the ship with Reiju," reassured Lami with a smile.

The Cipher Pol agents were taken down by a single attack from Alexia that sent them flying out of the auction and crashing into the island.

The agents regained their consciousness much later, and upon seeing the destruction and chaos, they quickly reported everything that was happening to their superiors.

With the fleet that was on its way into the island, they felt that they now had a chance to defeat and capture Lami who has eaten the Cold Cold fruit and Alexia who ate a Mythical Zoan.

They had hoped to capture the girls when they were done fighting as they will be exhausted and possibly injured. But when they saw the dragon flying away they decided to chase it down and capture them.

They used one of the Navy's six powers, Moon Walk, and chased after the dragon in midair.

As Lami and the girls were chuckling and reminiscing about their adventure, they sensed three figures chasing them in the air.

" They don't get tired of having their asses handed to them, do they?" spoke Alexia, rolling her eyes in annoyance as the agents started to close in on them.

Lami and the girls quickly prepared for battle, ready to defend themselves from the pursuers who refused to give up.

< Tempest Kick! >

Announced the agents as they launched attacks at the same time. The agents used their legs to create powerful slashes in the air, sending a wave of compressed air toward the dragon.

Alexia quickly dodged some of the attacks while Lami sliced through the rest with her Naginata, cutting the compressed air with ease.

The agents were stunned when they saw that their attacks were being sliced and deflected easily. Lami smirked, " Not bad for government dogs."

Alexia let out a laugh, " They need more training before they could even think of contending with us."

Amelia, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. " I got this," she calmly spoke as she turned her arm into a cloud and summoned a lightning bolt.

She aimed the bolt at other clouds in the sky, charging them up and creating a massive thunderstorm that raged toward the agents, striking them with lightning bolts so powerful they knocked them out instantly.

With the agent defeated again Alexia soured her wings and flew toward the ship that was already in sight.

The massive figure of Alexia was noticed by everyone as she was flying in the air. Her Mythical Zoan form was quite a spectacle, attracting the attention of both allies and foes alike.

The Navy was alarmed by her sight and they moved their ships to surround the island, not wanting to let her and Lami get away. But Lami was unfazed by the Navy's attack and attempt to capture her.

She stood firm ready to defend her friends and herself against all who threaten them.

" I'm guessing that our Mythical Zoan eater, get to your positions men and prepare to tame that dragon," ordered the Navy Vice-Admiral, Momousagi who was leading the fleet.

However, little did the Navy know that they were no match for Lami and her companions.

Lami and the girls made it safely to their ship and quickly set sail toward the Navy warships that were blocking their way.

One of the warships opened fire on them, but Alexia's dragon form easily deflected the cannons. She breathed a blast of wind at the ship, destroying it on impact.

The ship took a heavy hit and was destroyed, while the Navy sailors were all left sinking.

The other Navy warships opened fire on them as well, but Lami and the girls were able to dodge the attacks and destroy any threat that came their way. They sailed out of the harbor and into the open sea, with the Navy fleet in hot pursuit.

The Navy continued to chase after Lami and her crew however they were not a match for their superior skills and abilities.

*swish* *swish* Lami swang her Naginata and sliced through the incoming cannons with ease, while Olivia who was still weakened, summoned a sniper rifle and took out the cannons with precise shots.

Amelia continued to use her devil fruit powers to create thunderstorms, striking the Navy ships with lightning bolts and causing chaos within their ranks.

Lami knew that they couldn't outrun the Navy fleet, so she decided to take the fight to them. She turned her ship toward the nearest warship and jumped onto it, she used her ice powers to freeze the ship solid.

With the ship immobilized, Lami quickly jumped onto the next one and repeated her freezing technique.

The Navy fleet was caught off guard by Lami's attack. They were expecting her to run away, not to charge and fight. Lami and the girls charged into the fleet, cutting down sailors and destroying ships.

The Navy fought back bravely, but they were no match for Lami and her companions. The girls used their superior skills to shatter the Navy's ships, and Lami used her ice powers to freeze the sailors in place.

" Hurry and get closer to them men!" shouted Vice-Admiral Momousagi who was watching in horror from a ship that was far from Lami's ship. But it was already too late.

' These girls are stronger than they were the last time I saw them,' thought Gion as she tried to come up with a plan to take out Lami and her crew.

However, Gion's attempts were in vain as Lami and her girls continued to decimate the Navy fleet.

The Navy Vice-Admiral Momousagi realized the power and danger of Lami's crew, especially their Mythical Zoan powers.

She ordered all the ships to retreat, realizing that they were not a match for Lami and her crew.

The Navy retreated in disarray, as Lami and her crew stand victorious on their ship.

Lami and the girls had destroyed most of the Navy fleet and were sailing away from the battlefield with their heads held high.

" It's still not enough," mumbled Lami in a low voice.

Reiju who was standing next to Lami asked, " What do you mean, they are retreating which means we won right?"

Lami looked back at the island, " Not that." Lami was silent for a moment, " The chaos, the destruction, it's not enough I want more!" she exclaimed with a wicked smile on her face.

' Ah, crazy Lami is out again,' thought the girls that knew Lami's nature. They knew that Lami's lust for battle and destruction was never-ending.

The girls couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and fear as they sailed away, realizing that more adventures were to come with Lami as their crazy captain.

Within a few minutes, the Navy fleet was in ruins. The Navy has suffered a devastating loss against a rookie pirate crew, this will surely cause a stir in the world.

Lami's crew was a force to be reckoned with, and the Navy knew they had to be more prepared if they crossed paths with them again.

Alexia turned back into her human form and tried to stand but her legs gave in as she stumbled to the floor.

Fortunately for her, she was caught by Lami who helped her up, " You're out of steam and here I thought we could have some fun if you know what I mean," teased Lami with a smile on her face.

Alexia smile weakly and looked toward the horizon, " The sun is about to rise, it's morning," she spoke.

" Yeah we should get some rest, we have been fighting the entire night," replied Lami as she ordered her crew to sail to the nearest island for some deserved relaxation.

Lami and the girls then set sail for the horizon, leaving the Navy fleet in their wake. They had successfully escaped and destroyed the Navy's pride and reputation.

The Marine soldiers who were lucky to survive the attack will never forget the power and fear that Lami and her crew could bring.

As they sailed away, Robin looked back at the island. She knew that she would never forget the day she survived a battle against an entire fleet.

' Such strength! Is this the power possessed by the D's,' thought Robin as she was a little shaken by the experience. But she felt grateful to be part of such a strong and determined crew.

The girls were also excited about their victory. They had proven that they were not to be underestimated, and they had made a name for themselves in the world of pirates.

They knew that the Navy would be after them now and probably send someone strong like the three Admirals, but they were not afraid. They were ready for anything that the Navy could throw at them or so they thought.

Above the clouds in a floating blip, a bird-like humanoid mysterious figure watched Lami and her crew sail away. " This is BIG NEWS!, more rookies are emerging and it seems they're all going for the great treasure, THE ONE PIECE!" the figure laughed ominously.