
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 8: Setting Sail

[ 5 Years Later]

Lami's Pov:

As I look up at the sky I see the moon shining down on the island it looks red it's the Bloodmoon. I couldn't help but remember the day Corazon sacrificed his life to save me and Law from Doflamingo. That day we almost lost our lives due to having weak and untrained bodies. But that period of being weak is over thanks to the intense training and cultivation techniques we adopted.

Now 5 years later I can proudly say that my physical strength and endurance have greatly improved I'm now comfortable in this body knowing I can defend myself. I bet now I could tank all those attacks from Vergo without trouble. Now I have just been improving my skills and techniques.

Law has also grown into a fine swordsman thanks to all the training methods I taught him. He also has been training his devil fruit abilities and became more proficient at using them in combat especially that " shambles" of his. He still has to train more to increase his stamina since he tires quickly due to his devil fruit.

We're also trained our Haki and can now utilize it at will. Law is more proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki while I'm more skilled in my Busoshoku Haki since I can coat it with my Qi. I also have pretty good control over my Haoshoku Haki though it drains stamina quickly. Law is still having a hard time in utilizing Busoshoku Haki, I think it has something to do with his lack of willpower but I'm sure he will get there one day.

Looking back I can say Law has grown especially his mental attitude and determination in combat. He's no longer the hot-headed brat he used to be and has become calmer and more strategic in his battle approach. Currently, when we spar Law can't beat me without the use of his fruit.

Law has also been planning our next order of business, with all the knowledge he got from Doflamingo he decided that we should build our own pirate crew and also establish an underground organization. I couldn't agree more with Law.

We've been gathering information on potential crew members and allies with different skills and talents that will complement our own. We've also been searching for very specific individuals due to a certain connection we have with them. With all the information we got from Doflamingo, we know everything we need for our organization.

Speaking of Doflamingo we've been keeping tabs on his activities as well. Baby 5 has been keeping us posted on any moves he does. A year ago he became the king of Dressrosa after the previous royal family was overthrown by his sick tactics.

Apart from that, Doflamingo has become more ambitious as he clashed with one of the four emperors, the Supreme Commander of the Beast pirates, the World's Strongest Creature Kaido. They fought for 3 days and 2 nights with Doflamingo ending up losing and fleeing.

However, this was not the end as he caught the attention of the Navy and he was offered a seat among the Shichibukai (seven warlords of the sea). From the information from Baby 5 Doflamingo and Kaido could be secretly allied but that is not verified. That means if we want to kill Doflamingo we have to also deal with Kaido, that is not an easy feat at the moment.

It seems we have quite the work and scheming ahead of us. But with all the information we possess, Law and I are confident we can build a powerful crew and organization that will bring a storm in the world in the upcoming future.

The most shocking thing that occurred was that Law was able to make a friend given his reserved personality. Yes, you heard that right Law made a friend! Law's friend is this really cute polar bear named Bepo!! I think he said that he is a mink a specie that resides in the New World on a moving island named Zou.

Bepo was saved by Law while he was being attacked by some heartless humans. Law was surprised to see that Bepo who is a polar bear can speak. It seems Law's kindness made him an ally in Bepo as he soon became a part of our group and a valued member of our crew with his unique abilities and perspective as a mink.

Bepo turned out to have a godly sense of direction and his ability to sense the weather made him join us as the navigator of the Heart Pirates. Yes, we have now officially named ourselves the Heart Pirates in honor of Rosinante who used to wear the mark of the heart.

Law is the captain, Bepo is the navigator and I'm the first mate of the Heart Pirates. Law didn't want to be a captain since he has less combat experience than me, but I told him that he possesses strong qualities of leadership and strategic thinking which still need to be explored and honed. He needs to grow on his own I will only aid him but I won't do everything for him

Bepo also started to train with us and I also taught him my cultivation technique and how to manipulate Qi. He turned out to have the lighting element in his Qi which is the same for Law. Unfortunately, when it comes to his use of Haki, Bepo is only able to utilize one type which is his Kenbunshoku Haki but I don't blame him he only started training with us a year ago and he adapted rather quickly to my training techniques which showed a talent for combat.

With Law's cunning, Bepo's navigation skills, and my past life experience and combat abilities there is no doubt that we are ready to sail!! We are the Heart Pirates, the siblings of the "D" clan the ones who must live a checkered life for reasons unknown. We will sail the seas and make our mark in history like those who came before us bearing the will of "D". We will bear the "D" with pride and let the world know that we are not to be underestimated.

Pov end

[ On a certain Island in the North Blue]

On top of a cliff, two figures were standing opposite to one another ready to engage in battle. One was holding a katana while the other had his claws out standing in a kung fu pose. This was Law and Bepo who were sparring with each other, practicing their combat skills before setting sail.

The sound of a sword clashing with claws echoed throughout the cliff, as Law and Bepo exchanged blows the ground beneath them cracked and some rocks sent flying. Their movement was fluid and swift as they move back and forth, trying to gain the advantage.

Lami watched from a distance as the two spar and she couldn't help but be impressed and proud of their skills as she is the one who trained them. ' Yep, we are ready to set sail,' thought to herself with a smile.

The spar continued as it started to get intense. Bepo realized that he was at a disadvantage in range and decided to just focus on speed and agility to have any chance to get past Law's defenses.

Law was starting to run out of breath but refused to let Bepo get the upper hand. Law suddenly closed his eyes as he could no longer see the sight of Bepo anywhere but he could sense his presence

Bepo was now missing all the blows he was throwing at Law who was counting with ease as he was using his Kenbunshoku Haki to predict Bepo's movements. Law has mastered Kenbunshoku Haki and reached a bottleneck in his training, so he decided to push himself and spar with Bepo on a full moon.

Law was able to anticipate Bepo's next move and countered and attacked with a swift and precise strike catching Bepo off guard. Bepo was surprised by Law's sudden attack, but he was proud of how his captain has honed his Kenbunshoku Haki to a level where it seems like he could predict the future.

< Thor Claws>

Bepo's frontal claws got wrapped in lightning as he charged toward Law. Law stood ready calmly and dodged all of Bepo 's attacks with ease. As he tried to counterattack, Law was shocked to see Bepo 's speed had increased and now there was no way for him to dodge.

Law received a claw wrapped in lightning on his right shoulder which sent him back but he soon took a defensive stance waiting for Bepo's next move. He was correct as Bepo launched another attack as he sending a kick toward Law's midsection.

< Shambles>

Law suddenly disappeared as Bepo's kick was headed for him. He reappeared a few meters away from Bepo holding his sword with a grin on his face. "It's time to end time," he said as a transparent sphere appeared around Bepo, trapping him inside.

< Illusionary barrage radio knife>

Law activated his devil fruit and used a sword technique he copied from Lami to create clone mirages each wielding a sword. The flurry of blades was hard to keep up with if you wanted to dodge them.

With that attack, Law defeated Bepo as he sliced his body parts all over the transparent sphere. Law once again proved his mastery of Kenbunshoku Haki and his devil fruit abilities.

" Captain you win I lose please combine my body parts," cried out Bepo acknowledging Law's strength and skills. Law walked toward Bepo and grabbed him by the arm," You've gotten good Bepo with that lightning power of yours," said Law praising Bepo's progress.

" Well I did get trained by Lami Oneesan," responded Bepo with a horrible expression on his face as he remembers the training with Lami. Law and Bepo shared a laugh before combining Bepo's body back to normal however Bepo stared too long at the moon and his body started to grow.

Law realizing that Bepo was in danger used his fruit power to shrink Bepo back to normal size before he transforms and turns Sulong. Law saved Bepo from a situation of turning Sulong thanks to his quick thinking and use of his fruit powers.

Lami approached the two, "Good job you guys I can see you have been working hard but we need rest tonight because tomorrow we will set sail," announced Lami with a smile.

The group made dinner and went to bed early knowing that they have a long day ahead.

[ Following day]

The sun had yet to rise the crew was already standing on the cliff waiting to see the sunrise. As the sun shined on their faces like it was a blessing, Lami addressed the crew," today we set sail," she said in an excited tone.

Lami and Co set sail, heading towards their next adventure. " Captain, where is our first destination?" asked Bepo curiously.

Law looked toward Lami and said," Iron Island," declaring their destination. "We're going there to search for a rare metal found only there," he added.

" I see maybe we can even search for that man who they say is mad," responded Lami with a grin, excitement clearly visible on her face.

The crew set sail towards Iron Island, their excitement and anticipation for the next adventure palpable.


So I decided to upgrade Doflamingo to admiral level. I need these characters strong in order to make the story more interesting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SizoZondicreators' thoughts