
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 13: The troublesome Princess

The crew has been sailing for the past few days and now there were only a few hours away from their destination. The waters were calm and the sky was clear as Lami stood at the helm gazing upon the breathtaking view of the sea.

As Lami took in the beautiful horizon she couldn't help but reflect on the journey that they had to go through with Law. Her thoughts were interrupted by Law who approached her from behind and placed his hand on her shoulder.

" You don't have to keep worrying about me anymore, Lami," said Law in a calm and reassuring tone. " Oh no don't kid yourself I'm only thinking about how long until I can have more harem members," joked Lami trying to lighten the mood.

Law let out a small chuckle before speaking," Oh yeah about that how are you going to handle being a captain and having a harem at the same time?" Lami turned to Law and replied," I'll manage just fine my little brother," with a smug on her face.

Law shook his head and said," Stop calling your little brother, Lami I'm older than you remember?" Lami shook her head in defeat and said," Do you still not believe me that I'm on my second life?" Law smiled and said," Of course, I believe you," in a tone that suggested he was teasing her.

A few hours passed and the crew finally arrived at their destination. As they docked they were greeted by the villagers who were shocked to see that they made it alive from their hunt in the Germa Kingdom.

Lami stood on the ship looking out over the village with a sense of accomplishment and pride.' Having a territory is not such a bad idea I should try and secure one as soon as I'm done gathering my crew,' Lami thought to herself as she found pleasure in the warm welcome by the villagers.

As the crew disembarked the ship Law turned to Caribou and said," Hurry up and unload all the provisions we gathered from the Germa Kingdom and don't you dare try to steal any of it," Law's warning made Caribou shake in his boots as he already have seen what law is truly capable of.

Caribou quickly nodded and began to unload all the treasure, Iron ore and weapons they stole from Germa Kingdom. The villagers were shocked at the sight of Iron ore as they knew this meant that it was stolen from Germa 66.

" Is that really Iron ore? You guys were actually able to pull it off and steal from Germa?" one of the villagers asked as he couldn't believe his eyes. Law turned to the villager and calmly said," We're pirates stealing is what we do," sending a chill down the villager's spine.

Lami chuckled at the villager's reaction and turned to Law," Looks like we made one hell of an impression back there," she said with a mischievous smile. Law shook his head," Hoi Joe will this Iron ore be enough for that submarine we need?"

" It's more than enough in fact there will be leftovers for other projects too if you need any," Joe confidently replied as he was inspecting the Iron ore. Lami's eyes lit up with excitement," Hoi Law do you think I could the leftover Iron ore?".

Law raised an eyebrow at Lami's request," I thought you said you were planning to build a ship, not a submarine," he said with a hint of curiosity in his voice. Lami grinned," I'm building a ship alright but I thought it's best if I reinforce the training cabin with some Iron ore," she explained her plan to Law.

Law nodded in understanding," That's a good plan you can take as much as you need," he said as he walked to inspect more of their loot. " Joe, how long will it take to fix this ship? I'm planning on taking it for myself," Lami asked Joe with eagerness.

Joe looked up from the Iron ore he was inspecting and replied, " Since you want me to install some modifications I would say 3 to 5 days depending on how fast we can melt the Iron ore," he said with a smile.

Lami's excitement grew as she couldn't wait to set sail on her newly modified ship. Law watched the exchange between Lami and Joe who were planning their next move.

[ A week later]

Lami was standing on her ship ready to set sail on her own adventure leaving behind Law and the rest of the crew. She looked at her ship and felt a sense of pride as the ship looked stronger than ever with the improvements Joe made.

On the island Law watched Lami disappear into the distance on her newly modified ship, knowing that she was capable and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. " Captain, what are we going to do now?" Bepo asked with a sad tone as he watched Lami disappear into the horizon.

" We'll continue with our adventure, of course," replied Law with a smile. " But for now we should focus on gathering more members so that we can establish our organization and achieve our goals," added Law with a determined look on his face.

Bepo nodded in understanding, and together they continued with their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Lami on the other hand was sailing into the unknown with a feeling of excitement and anticipation. As she looked at the vast sea she knew that her adventure had only just begun and many more challenges were waiting for her in the future.

After a few days had passed Lami reached her first island without any trouble. She was confident in her ship and the modifications made by Joe. As she docked her ship she looked around to explore the new territory and start her next adventure.

Lami set foot on the island with a sense of wonder and excitement ready to face whatever comes her way. She moved around the island hoping to meet new people and learn about new cultures, but also to look for potential allies and crew members for her ship.

She explored shop after shop, talking to various merchants and trying to gather information about the island. She was determined to gather as much information as possible and she did it all with a smile and also flirting with some of the ladies working in the shops.

Lami passed by a group of men who were dressed in the same uniform and seemed to be discussing something. Her natural curiosity leads her to eavesdrop on them.

" We lost her again! We need to find her before she causes any trouble," one of the men said in a worried tone. " There's no need to worry it's not like there is anyone on this island that can stop her," the man wearing a different uniform replied in a calm tone.

Lami couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity toward the woman they were referring to. ' From what I can guess these guys are guards for someone important, I hope I can meet this woman,' Lami thought to herself.

She decided to leave and go find a place to eat and plan her next move. Lami walked into a bar and ordered some food and drinks while observing her surroundings she noticed a young woman no older than herself sitting alone at a table enjoying her meal.

The woman was very attractive and had short blond hair and piercing green eyes. ' Such piercing eyes she looks like she is trained in combat. Lami was about to approach her when she saw a group of men approaching her with bad intentions.

However, Lami decided to confirm if this woman was indeed trained in combat by observing her response to the situation. Lami watched as the woman swiftly moved at high speed to defend herself and the next thing Lami saw was the men on the floor.

" You have some pretty nice moves there, I couldn't help but notice," Lami said as she approached the woman with a smile. The woman looked at Lami with a mix of surprise and cation before she replied," Thanks," in a sharp tone.

" Don't worry I'm not here to fight with I was just impressed by your skills and beauty," Lami said as she sat on a chair across from the woman. The woman's expression softened as she replied, " I appreciate the compliment but why are you seating on my table? I don't even know you".

Lami chuckled and said," My apologies, my name is Lami, I'm new to this island and just looking for some company," as she extended her hand toward the woman.

The woman shook Lami's hand and said," I'm Alex and I'm just passing by this island," Lami's interest was piqued as she thought, ' Could she be the one that those guards are looking for? They did say she can defend herself,' Lami decide to ask," So Alex do you want to stick with me for the time being and explore the island together?"

Alex looked at Lami with a mix of curiosity and cation before replying," Sure what's the worst that could happen," Lami grinned and said," Well let's find out".

As the two women walked around the island Lami kept observing Alex trying to find out if she is related to those guards who she saw earlier. She concluded that Alex is connected to them as Lami could sense a group of people watching them from the shadows.

Lami felt that the Qi energy of the man is similar to the one she met earlier. However, she decided to simply mind her own business and pretend like she is unaware of their presence.

Alex was enjoying time with Lami as she has never interacted with people in her age group but instead was always surrounded by guards. However, she was worried for Lami's safety as she knew that her guards are currently tailing them from afar.

Lami noticed Alex's sudden change of demeanor and asked," Is something bothering you?" Alex looked at Lami before replying," It's just that my guards have been following us around the whole day, I don't want them to hurt you in any way."

Lami smiled at Alex," I see so these guys are your guards? I thought they were some stalkers I almost gave them a small beating for stalking me while I'm on a date," she said making Alex widen her eyes in shock.

" Wait a sec I can sense you are way stronger than me but do you think you can beat all my guards including the head of security?" Alex asked Lami her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of a challenge.

" Yep pretty much I mean do they even know how to utilize Haki?" Lami replied with a grin. Alex was confused at this new term " Haki" and couldn't help but ask," Haki? What's that now?".

Lami then proceeded to explain to Alex about all the different types of Haki and how they enhance one's senses and physical ability. Alex listened with great interest and couldn't help but imagine how powerful she could be if she could use Haki.

" Wow that power is just like the one I read about in stories," exclaimed Alex in awe. " So which Haki can you use since you said there are 3 types?" asked Alex as she was curious about Lami's abilities.

" I can use all 3 types of Haki," Lami answered with a smirk as she faced Alex who was getting more impressed by her every passing second.

" Wait all three types is that even allowed?" asked Alex in surprise. Lami nodded," Yes you can utilize all 3 types however it's super rare and most people can only use one or two types in most cases, but I just had a talent for all 3," and she shrugged like it was not a big deal.

Alex was both impressed and intimidated by Lami's ability as she realized how little she knew about the world and she wanted to go and explore it herself however her guards were always there to block her way.

Alex realized that maybe if she sticks with Lami she could finally escape them and head to sea. She looked at Lami with determination in her eyes and said," Lami I have to tell you something," Lami looked at Alex with interest, " Go ahead what is it?"

" My dream has always been to explore the world and travel the sea with a group of real friends but my guards have always been there to stop me," stated Alex with a hint of sadness.

" In other words, you want me to t-" Lami was interrupted by Alex who finished her sentence," Yes please take me with you to sea! I want to experience life outside of these walls and maybe one day find the One Piece!"

Lami was not surprised by Alex's sudden request but as soon as she tried to reply they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching their direction.

" Young Miss Alex, it's time we return to the ship and sail before it gets dark," said one of Alex's guards as he approached them.

Lami carried Alex as they made their way toward Lami's ship. The two kept running away from the guards and reached the ship. However, when they were about to sail away the guards jumped onto Lami's boat.

Lami quickly turned around and faced the guards with a serious expression as she said, "What is your business here? You have no right to be on my ship get off before I throw you overboard".

The guards looked at each other until one of them spoke," Hand over the Princess and we will let you go unh-," Before the guard could finish his sentence Lami landed a kick on his face knocking him out cold.

Alex watched in awe as Lami effortlessly dealt with the same guards that she struggles against every time she tries to escape. Lami then turned to Alex with a smirk and said," It seems you still need more training Princess".

" You still haven't defeated the Head Captain of my guards Captain Tigru," alerted Alex as she explained the situation to Lami.

" Captain " Tigru," you say? Don't tell me he can turn into a tiger or something," Lami asked intrigued. " Sadly yes he seems to have the ability to turn into a tiger," replied Alex with a worried expression.

" I see so he ate a Zoan devil fruit, this should be fun," Lami said with a grin that implied she was looking forward to the upcoming battle.

Alex was confused by the new term devil fruit and she just figured whatever Lami was saying is true.

" Princess stop playing games it's time to leave," a voice came from a man who looked like he was in charge of the guards.

Lami turned toward the man and said," The princess will be sailing with me from now on if you have a problem with that you are free to try and take her by force," Lami took out her spear and took a fighting stance ready to defend against captain Tigru

" Why I'm always stuck with troublesome brats?" sighed Tigru as he transformed into a humanoid tiger and launched an attack on Lami.

Lami parried the attack however she was sent flying backward by the force behind it. 'What's up with that punch? It's tough as a dragon's claw,' thought Lami as she regained her footing.

Tigru watched in shock as Lami was able to block his attack and get back on her feet. ' This brat is stronger than I thought,' thought Tigru as he charged at Lami again.

Lami grinned as she welcomed the challenge from Captain Tigru. With a swift movement she dodged Tigru's attack and countered with her haki coated spear inflicting a wound on his shoulder.

' That was close if I moved any slower I would have been done for,' Tigru thought to himself as he backed away from Lami.

" Why are you running away? I thought you wanted to teach us brats a lesson," taunted Lami as she advanced toward Tigru.

Alex watched in awe as Lami over powered Captain Tigru and wondered if she could ever become that strong. ' She injured Captain Tigru with one attack, Lami is truly amazing' Alex thought to herself as continued to watch the battle unfold.

As the battle continued Lami kept her dominance over her opponent as the captain was now bleeding from her attacks.

" I like that martial arts of yours do you mind if I steal it?" Lami asked with a mischievous smile as she prepared to strike Tigru one more.

Alex watched as Lami landed the final blow on Tigru and knocked him out cold. " That attack just now," said Alex as Lami used the same attack that Tigru used on her earlier.

" You can use the dragon's claw technique too? But how it's known only to my family," exclaimed Alex in shock.

Lami smiled and replied," I stole it from that guy while fighting," leaving Alex in even more awe of Lami's skills and abilities.

" Well then my troublesome princess let's set sail!" declared Lami as she dusted off her clothes and walked toward the ship.