
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 12: Mission complete

The battle between Law and the two Vinsmokes was intense and filled with explosions and clashes of different abilities. As the battle kept on going it was clear who had the advantage. Law seemed to have the upper hand in the battle due to his strategic thinking and the ability to manipulate the battlefield with his devil fruit powers.

However, Law was starting to run out of stamina as the battle dragged on and he knew he had to end it soon. The Vinsmokes who were known for their strong bodies and advanced technology continued to put up a fight but Law's skills and quick thinking proved to be too much for them as they slowly started to lose ground.

Law's attacks were precise and calculated while the Vinsmokes relied more on brute force which proved to be fruitless against Law's abilities.

Bepo who was fighting against one of the Vinsmokes in a different section of the castle was at a disadvantage due to his opponent's Raid suit but he continued to fight with all his might. The battle between the two was heated and intense with each landing blows on the other.

*bang* the sound echoed throughout the battlefield as Bepo was sent crashing to a wall by a heavy strike from Niji. "What's wrong polar bear can't handle the heat," taunted Niji as his electric attacks crackled around him.

Despite the powerful blow Bepo refused to back down as he got back on his feet and wiped blood from his mouth. With a determined look in his eyes, Bepo launched another attack on Niji.

The battle between Bepo and Niji continued as the two kept on dealing blow after blow in a fight that seemed like it had no end. Bepo wrapped his claws in lightning and charged towards Niji who responded by increasing the voltage of his attacks.

Tension continued to rise as the two clashed once more creating sparks of electricity that illuminated the battlefield. It was a battle of endurance and Bepo needed to end the fight quickly if he wanted to come out on top.

Bepo's eyes narrowed as he saw an opening in Niji's defense and launched his strongest attack. The attack was a success and Niji was sent across the room, defeated. ' That guy underestimated my power,' thought Bepo as he caught his breath and turned toward where the explosions were coming from.

In a different section of the castle Law was close to securing his victory as he continued to dodge and counter the attacks from Ichiji and Yonji with ease. Their Raid suits may be advanced but Law's strategic mind was even more so, allowing him to anticipate their moves and outsmart them at every turn.

Despite their combined efforts, Law proved to be too much for the Vinsmoke brothers as he launched his final attack knocking them both down, defeated. The door to the room where Germa hold their weapons started to open slowly and Law knew that Caribou who he assigned to retrieve them was finished and it was time to leave.

The battles in the castle were intense and displayed several various fighting abilities and tactical skills. However, there is a battle that ended with the opponents locking lips.

Lami and Reiji were currently laying on Reiju's bed engaging in an activity that had nothing to do with combat. " Oh yeah I forgot to ask why did you sneak inside my father's castle?" asked Reiju as she pulled away from the kiss. Lami grinned mischievously and replied," Let's just say I'm here for a different treasure," signaling that her motives were to capture the heart of the Vinsmoke princess.

Reiju smiled back unable to handle the boldness of Lami any longer. Despite the intense battles happening in the castle, Lami and Reiju found a moment of intimacy amidst the chaos. Even amidst the heat of the battle love finds a way to blossom.

" I may have come here for a different reason however my brother came here to steal the Iron ore from your family," added Lami reminding Reiju of the ongoing chaos in the castle.

" I don't know if I should be angry or impressed by your honesty," chuckled Reiju as she leaned forward for another kiss. " You're gotten more bold princess," replied Lami as she cupped Reiju's face in her hands.

" I'm only just sucking up all the poison from your body," joked Reiju as they share another kiss completely lost in the moment.

Lami and Reiju were interrupted by the sound of the Den Den Mushi ringing loudly." Lami quickly answered the call and Law informed her that their mission is complete and they should meet up at the designated location to make their escape.

" It seems our time is up unless you want to leave everything for love," teased Lami and Reiju chuckled before saying," Maybe next time," with a smile on her face.

Lami kissed Reiju for the last time and quickly dressed up as left the room ready to meet up with Law and the rest of the team. She came across Niji who was defeated and injured in his battle against Bepo.

" Who the hell are you? What were you doing inside Reiju's room?" asked Niji in a low voice struggling to stand up. Lami smirked and replied," You should ask your sister about that," as she dodged a weak strike from Niji and left him to go and find the others.

As Lami left the injured Niji behind, she couldn't help but wonder if Reiju's family would come after her for her bold move. She knew Reiju was a princess which meant there was a chance for trouble however she felt satisfied knowing that she has left a mark on the Vinsmoke family and a potential love interest in Reiju.

Lami's boldness paid off as she found love in the heat of battle and also completed her mission successfully. Lami ran across the castle grounds until she came across Law and the rest of the team ready to make their escape.

However, as she joined the group she was met with strange looks from everyone who were shocked to see her without any wounds or injuries from battle. " What happened to you guys?" asked Lami confused as she was getting strange looks from everyone.

" How come you are not injured like the rest of us?" asked Law with a raised brow. " I had a different battle than you guys," replied Lami with a smile on her face as she thought of the secret romance she shared with Reiju.

Law proceeded and used his devil fruit power to transport the team outside of the castle. However, outside the castle, they were met with hundreds of enemy soldiers who started to attack them. Without wasting time Lami unleashed her Haoshoku Haki knocking down all the soldiers and giving them a chance to escape.

Inside the castle, one of the Vinsmoke siblings watched in shock and awe at the scene that unfolded as Lami knocked out their soldiers effortlessly. ' What was that power?! I want it! That power is meant for a king,' thought the Vinsmoke as they watched Lami in envy.

Little did the Vinsmoke know that Haoshoku Haki was a rare and powerful ability that only the chosen ones are born with as it is said that one in a million people may possess this power. Lami's display of Haoshoku Haki not only gave her and co a chance to escape it also left an impression on the Vinsmoke.

The group reached the ship after all the running and fighting, panting and gasping for air. As they were about to sail their path got blocked by ships of the Germa kingdom. " We have trouble ahead captain!" shouted Bepo who was navigating the ship.

Law did not panic as he was prepared for any type of obstacle that could come their way."Leave it to me," Law confidently replied as he activated his devil fruit power again, creating a massive room that wrapped one of the Germa kingdom ships.

< Room... Takt>

Law used his ability to lift the ship and sliced it into pieces with his sword. He sent all the pieces crashing into the other ships causing them to tremble and sink. With that, the crew sailed away toward Iron Island having completed their mission and leaving the enemies behind.

As they sailed away the crew breathed in a sigh of relief as they knew that they were no longer in any danger.

" Everyone guess what? Tonight we drink and celebrate our heist going as planned," stated Lami excitedly already opening a bottle of wine and drinking from it.

However, amidst the celebration, Lami couldn't help but think about her next adventure as she will be leaving Law and Bepo to sail on her own crew as she feels that they are strong enough to handle themselves. But for the time being she was enjoying the moment and the thrill of being a pirate.

As the sun set and the stars came out, the crew continued their celebration.
