
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 10: Meeting a Princess

[ After a few days]

Lami and Co were standing on a medium-sized ship ( Going Merry size) gazing upon the open sea as they were toward their next destination which is the Germa 66 Kingdom. " Lami Oneesan I still don't understand why we brought along Caribou with us," said Bepo.

Lami turned to Bepo and replied," Caribou's devil fruit has an infinite storage capacity,". " We can use that kind of storage since we are going to steal tons of weapons and also the Iron ore that they looted from this place," she added.

Bepo nodded in understanding the situation. " Since when are we going to steal weapons Lami!?" Law interrupted their conversation as he approached them and asked. Lami turned to Law and said," Since we're against Germa you should know that they specialize in advanced technology and weapons".

" Even if we steal them there is no one who can operate them," Law pointed out. " Well, that's where I come in," Joe said with a smirk on his face. " If I can get my research back from Germa and steal some of their research I will be one step closer to being the world's greatest scientist in the world surpassing Dr. Vegapunk," Joe made his proclamation.

Everyone looked at Joe with admiration and respect. " This is going to be a nice hunt," Law added with a smile on his face.

The crew spent the next following days planning and preparing. " How are your gadgets coming along Joe?" Lami asked Joe as he walked out of the room. Joe grinned," They're coming along nicely thank you for asking," he replied.

As the ship sailed across the sea they spotted land on the horizon. " We're almost there captain I can already see the island," Bepo informed his captain as they approached the Germa Kingdom.

" You all know the roles you will be playing in this mission," everyone nodded showing that they understood their roles. they all knew that the mission depended on them completing their roles successfully. Their next destination Germa kingdom posed a lot of threat to them. But Lami and the crew were determined to succeed in their mission and steal all the material they needed.

As the crew got on the island started moving toward the castle where they believed that the weapons and Iron or are kept. The crew moved stealthily and moved in the shadow avoiding any Germa 66 soldiers. Their mission was risky they didn't need any mistakes or slip-ups.

< Room, Shambles>

The crew reached the castle using one of Law's devil fruit abilities to avoid getting caught. Joe activated a device that sent high pitch vibrations to knock out the guards silently and they continued moving until they came across a young boy who had blue hair and swirly brows and was strolling the hallway.

Joe recognized him as one of the Vinsmoke siblings the second prince Vinsmoke Niji also known as Dengeki Blue. He activated yet another device to temporarily blind the Vinsmoke and Bepo launched an attack to knock him out. However, the Vinsmoke sibling seemed to have a strong and durable body as he simply brushed off the attack and sent Bepo flying across the room.

" Oh yeah be careful of these Vinsmokes there may be kids but their DNA has been modified and enhanced to make them superhuman this one in front of us can electrify his body parts and deal heavy damage," Joe warned the rest of the crew. The crew was surprised at the strength of the Vinsmoke sibling.

" Not only do they have advanced technology they also have genetically enhanced soldiers, someone should stay and distract him," Law suggested.

The Vinsmoke sibling charged toward the crew but Bepo was already back on his feet as he prepared to face him again.

" I'll take care of him since he can electrify people," Bepo said confidently as he charged toward his assigned opponent and took out his claws wrapping them in lightning. The others continued moving forward toward their goal.

However, as they ran they decided to split up to cover more ground. Lami partnered with Joe while Law was with Caribou and continued their mission as some of them had to play bait. The mission was risky, but they were determined to succeed and get their hands on the Germa 66 weapons and technology.

As they continued to walk inside the castle Joe's gadgets started to malfunction and some of the soldiers woke up. Lami and Joe continued walking and entered a room only to find the oldest of the Vinsmoke siblings who had pink hair and was the only princess of the family, Vinsmoke Reiju also known as Poison Pink.

The Lami was stunned by her beauty and presence but she quickly regained her composure and remembered their current objective. ' I mean I heard she was pretty but damn she a fuck*ng beauty, she also looks kinda mature,' Lami thought to herself as she gaze upon the beauty in front of her.

" To think that I would meet a princess who is enslaved I guess I'm your charming princess," Lami stated as she walked into a room that was occupied by the oldest of the Vinsmoke siblings, Poison Pink. Vinsmoke Reiju took a glance at Lami before replying," Charming indeed, who are you and how did you sneak past our guards?"

With a smirk, Lami answered," The name's Lami nice to meet you as for how we got inside let's just say we have our ways," she said vaguely not wanting to reveal too much information.

" So Lami what brings you to our castle? Don't tell me you're just here to hit on me" replied Poison Pink, as she eyed Lami and Joe with suspicion. " Well I could hit on you all day if you want as I said, I'm your princess charming here to save the enslaved damsel in distress," Lami responded with a flirtatious smile. " Since I'm already inside the castle it would be a waste not to ask for a kiss from the princess," added Lami in a teasing voice.

Poison Pink was taken aback by such boldness and slightly laughed," Really now are you not afraid of getting burnt by my poison," she said as she moved her index finger around her lips and emitted a pink gas from her mouth shooting it straight to Lami.

Lami was quick to react as she coated her arms in Haki and punched the gas away. " When it comes to a beautiful maiden I have nothing to fear, so how about that kiss," Lami said teasingly once more.

Poison Pink smiled back admiring Lami's courage and skill. She launched a kick toward Lami's face who easily blocked it with her arm impressing Poison Pink more. ' This girl is not just all talk she is also skilled in combat,' thought Poison Pink to herself.

" Now now there's no need to flash me with your panties princess I'm already taken by your beauty," Lami said with a smirk while she was blocking a kick from Poison Pink who had her panties revealed accidentally.

Poison Pink blushed at the accidental exposure but she quickly composed herself," You don't get tired of flirting do you?" Lami chuckled and responded," Not when there's a beauty like yourself in front of me," she said as she locked eyes with Poison Pink who couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Joe sighed at Lami's antics as he watched her flirting in front of him. He decided to use the distraction to leave the room and continue to search for his research that was stolen by Germa. As Lami continued to interact with Poison Pink, Joe snuck out of the room and began to search for his research and he came across some soldiers guarding a door that looked important.

Law and Caribou were also moving around the castle trying to find the room where the Vinsmoke siblings use to store their combat suits, the Raid suits. They had to ensure that the siblings wouldn't be able to do their power-ups and gain an upper hand in the battle.

They moved stealthily and cautiously checking every room they came across avoiding most of the guards patrolling the castle. Finally, they came across a door which had the symbol 66 engraved on it and they knew that is the room they were looking for.

With a glance at each other Law and Caribou nodded in agreement as they entered the room using one of Law's abilities to teleport them inside. Their eyes widened in shock as they gaze upon the sight realizing that the room was not the one they were expecting as it was filled with books, papers and documents scattered all over the place.

They realized that this room is where Germa keeps all their treasure and riches. Law knew that they had hit the jackpot as he motioned Caribou to swallow the treasure and Berries ( money in One Piece) and in no time they looted most of the Germa's riches and they quickly left the room in search of the Raid suit and the room where Germa kept their weapons.

" Why didn't we take everything?" asked Caribou as he was getting consumed by his greed. " We're currently running out of time, we have to hurry and get the Iron ore and weapons," replied Law as they continued running.

As they ran they came across a small number of soldiers which they quickly took down with their combined strengths. The two continued their search as they were battling against time as they knew that the longer they take to occupy the Raid suits, the more time the Vinsmokes had to prepare for battle.

After some time, Law and Caribou found the room that contained the Raid suits as well as all the advanced technology weapons of Germa. Unfortunately, they were a little too late as someone has already taken the suits.

" They took the suits this is going to be troublesome, how long will it take you to swallow all the material we need?" Law asked Caribou wanting to know how much time they had to wait.

" Since that bra-, ahem I mean since Lami wants tons of weapons, it could take up to an hour or so," responded Caribou knowing the severity of their situation.

Law nodded in understanding," I guess we need to hold off the Vinsmokes until then try working faster," he said as he used his fruit ability to teleport outside the room and prepared for battle.

In the hallway two figures where walking to the room where the Raid suits were while one of them was held holding a Den Den Mushi. " Looks like someone broke into the weapon storage room, Ichiji-sama, Yonji-sama," the voice on the den den mushi spoke.

" It seems like we have unwanted guests in our castle," stated Ichiji as he walked toward the room. "Let's give them a warm welcome brother," replied Yonji as he cracked his knuckles and followed Ichiji.

At that same time, Law appeared in front of the and he unsheathed his sword ready to fight the Vinsmoke brothers. " You two will be my opponents," he said as he took a fighting stance ready to engage in battle.

The brothers took out can-sized objects and placed them on their belt area as they began to power up.


If yall are wondering how old the characters are currently:

- Law 17

- Lami 15

- Bepo 15

- Reiju 15

- Ichiji, Niji, Yonji 12

So yeah Law is about to abuse these Power Rangers.