
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

A Damsel In Distress

The girls made it to the Grand line and they were now deciding which route they should take among the seven.

Excitement pulsed through the girls as they stood before the crossroads of the Grand Line, unsure which of the seven routes to take. As they weighed their options they considered the potential danger and reward for each one.

While the girls were deciding on which route to take they were interrupted by Olivia who seemed to already make a decision.

" There are three ships ahead of us," Olivia said pointing toward the horizon. The girls turned their heads and tried to spot the ships however the distance was too great and they couldn't see the ships.

" Two are heading to one route while the other is heading in a different direction," Olivia continued.

Lami was curious to know whose ship was in front of them and asked, " Do you know who do they belong to?"

" The one heading in a different route is that kid with the highest bounty from the East Blue, that logia user, Ace I think," Olivia answered.

' So he made it into the Grandline,' thought Lami to herself with a smile on her face, " And what about the other two?" asked Lami.

Olivia took a moment to observe the ships on her scope and replied, " One of them belongs to Mad Treasure and the other one is occupied by a young girl with purple hair, it looks like they're chasing her."

The girls were taken aback by Olivia's words as they realized that it meant that the young girl was in trouble and possibly needed help.

Without hesitation, Lami spoke up, " I see let's go and save the girl and take down Mad Treasure while we're at it I heard that guy has amazing treasures,"

The girls nodded in agreement and they steered the ship toward the direction of Mad Treasure's ship, eager to confront him and help the young damsel in distress.

As they sped up toward the ships, adrenaline rushed through their veins as they prepared for battle. The ships ahead weren't standing still, they were also moving at a fast pace as the girl was trying to outrun Mad Treasure and his crew.

The gap got closer as they approached the ships. Mad Treasure noticed that his pursuers were getting close and quickly ordered his sniper to take aim at the approaching ship.

The sniper was a female who used explosive arrows an uncommon weapon to use indicating that she was a very skilled marksman.

Olivia anticipated the attack as she fired bullets of her own that managed to deflect the oncoming arrows. The young girl was surprised to see the approaching ship and that it looked like it was coming to help her.

With a new glimmer of hope, she fought back against Mad Treasure's crew as she started firing a cannon from her own ship.

Lami and her crew continued to navigate closer to Mad Treasure's ship, dodging any incoming attacks with ease as they prepared to board the enemy ship and take down Mad Treasure.

The young girl was surprised to see Lami and her crew handle the attacks from Mad Treasure's sniper with little to no effort while she was struggling to keep herself alive.

But she was grateful when she saw someone else risk their lives trying to save her even though they were strangers.

Mad Treasure was surprised when he saw that the engaging crew has a better marksman than him, but he was excited as he enjoyed a good hunt. However, he didn't realize that he was the prey this time around.

As Lami's ship was approaching, she looked directly at Mad Treasure and shouted, " Pick on someone your size, Mad Treasure!"

Mad Treasure laughed thinking he is invincible but little did he know that Lami and her crew were not to be underestimated.

Lami and her crew boarded Mad Treasure's ship swiftly, using their skills and abilities to overpower his crew.

< Mad Anchor>

Mad Treasure used his devil fruit abilities to create anchors made of chains that he threw at his opponents. But Lami and her crew were quick and agile, dodging with expertise.

Lami grabbed one of the chains and pulled Mad Treasure her direction, surprising him with her strength. She delivered a powerful fist into the stomach that left him gasping for air.

Mad Treasure realized that he had underestimated Lami and her crew so he decided to go all out. He wrapped his upper body in chains, creating a defensive barrier.

Olivia was engaging in a little battle of her own and taking down the sniper of the enemy crew with ease.

" Who're you? Why are you protecting that brat?" Mad Treasure growled at Lami.

" We're just passing by and couldn't look away at the damsel in distress," Lami replied with a smirk.

The two exchanged blows with each other, neither giving an inch. however with every blow Mad Treasure's chains started to weaken and fall apart forcing him to keep on producing more and more chains until he was left exhausted.

Finally, after the brief but intense exchange, Lami landed a blow that sent Mad Treasure crashing into the edge of the ship defeated.

Lami and her crew emerged victorious yet again but they didn't let it go into their heads as they knew that the Grand Line was full of challenges and they needed to stay sharp.

The young girl watched in awe as Lami and her crew defeated Mad Treasure. ' Wow amazing, to think that even woman could be that powerful, but why did they save me?' she questioned to herself in thought.

Lami jumped from Mad Treasure's ship and landed on the young girl's vessel. " Are you alright? They didn't hurt you?" asked Lami as she extended her hand to help the girl.

The young girl took Lami's hand and smiled, " Thanks to you they didn't hurt me, thank you for saving me," she replied grateful.

Lami smiled and nodded, " No problem, I'm glad you're safe," spoke Lami, " Oh yeah the name's Lami and that's my crew, what are you doing alone at sea especially the Grand Line?" asked Lami in a curious tone.

" I'm Carina, I was on the run from Mad Treasure, I kinda stole his treasure and he's been chasing me ever since so I chose to flee into the Grand Line," replied Carina with a chuckle.

Lami nodded her head in understanding, " I see so you're a thief and you were almost caught, but lucky for you we were passing around," said Lami with a smirk, " If you have nowhere else to go how about you join my crew," offered Lami.

Carina's eyes widen in surprise, " Really? You just met me a few moments ago what if I'm lying about everything I said?" she asked skeptically.

Lami chuckled, " I'm really good at telling what people are thinking and feeling so I know that you are telling the truth," declared Lami confidently causing Carina to feel a sense of trust in the woman she met just moments ago.

And just like that Carina joined Lami's crew, ready to face whatever challenges the Grand Line holds for her and her new crewmates.

As they sailed away from the defeated Mad Treasure, Carina couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to start a new chapter in her life and for the companions she will have on her new journey.

The crew sailed for a few days before they reached their first island on their journey on the Grand Line. The island looked like a nice spot for pirates to make a stop and refill their supplies.

As they were docking, Lami turned to Carina, " You're free to do whatever you want but make sure you are back when the log pose resets, we need to hurry if we want to get into the next island in time," she said in a serious tone.

Alexia moved toward Lami, " Are you rushing to get there in time?" Lami nodded, " Obviously, it's the biggest auction place we have here in Paradise," she explained, excitement evident in her voice.

Reiju raised her eyebrow, " An auction? Is that where we are heading next?" she asked in a curious tone. " Of course, who would miss it" replied Lami with a smile.

Carina had zero knowledge of which auction they were talking about but she nodded along the way ready to experience whatever adventure awaits her.

All the girls except Lami left to explore the island. She took this time to call her brother Law and confirm the information regarding the mysterious fruit they were chasing.

*Pereperepere* Lami's Den Den Mushi rang as she dialled up Law. " Hey Law it's been a while, I'm in the Grand Line, I hope you have that info I requested," she said eagerly, a spark of joy in her eyes.

Law responded on the other side of the line, " Lami, good timing have you chosen a route yet?" he asked.

" I'm on route 7, I'm already on the first island, any updates on the fruit?" Lami asked.

" Your luck scares me sometimes," said Law, " Luck? What do you mean by that?" Lami asked confused.

Law just chuckled, " It seems that someone is auctioning the fruit you have been looking for," replied Law. " I see that make things easier, I was almost thinking of buying a different one so who should I expect at the auction?" asked Lami on the other side of the line.

" From my sources, I would say pretty much everyone is going to show up," replied Law. Lami smiled before saying, " I see that's gonna bring chaos, so which item is attracting the Yonkos?"

Law went quiet for a moment before replying, "There are rumors that they will be auctioning a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit and an Ancient one," replied Law.

" I'm guessing you should look out for the Beast Pirates as they love Zoan fruits," added Law.

Lami's eyes widen in excitement, " A Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit? I see, no wonder that attracted the big figures," she said excitedly. " Are you interested in it too?" she added.

Law replied, " No I have other priorities," Lami became silent before she asked, " Which is?" Law chuckled, " To establish another base here in Paradise." " Also I heard the World Government is interested in your fruit," added Law.

Lami wondered why the World Government wanted the fruit as they already had a better version of it. " Did you find out who are they sending to the auction to get it?" she asked curiously.

" Some newly promoted Vice-Admiral Fujimura, I heard he's from the North Blue and used to be a bounty hunter until he joined the Marines and trained under Momousagi, So he should be decent," replied Law.

Lami decided to make a mental note of Fujimura as she vaguely remember him from her past encounters. " Thanks for the info, until we speak again," said Lami as she ended the call with Law.


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