
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A Rowdy Night 2

They regrouped with Raoul, their presence still undetected. Smoker signaled for them to spread out, surrounding the warehouse from all sides. As they closed in, the tension was palpable, each Marine ready for whatever awaited them.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a burst of gunfire. The smugglers had spotted them. "It's an ambush!" one of them yelled, scrambling for cover.

Raoul dashed forward, his fists glowing with Haki as he deflected bullets and engaged the nearest enemy. Coby moved with swift precision, using his agility to disarm and incapacitate the smugglers. Smoker, in his element, transformed into smoke, confusing and overwhelming the enemy with his swift attacks.

Amid the chaos, a deep voice boomed from the shadows. "Enough!"

Out of the darkness stepped several members of the Donquixote Family. Leading them was Vergo, his imposing presence causing a momentary pause in the battle. Beside him were Baby 5, her hands transforming into weapons, and Buffalo, his propeller-like hair spinning rapidly.

Smoker's eyes narrowed, and a mixture of anger and disbelief flashed across his face. "Vergo," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Vergo smirked, adjusting his sunglasses. "Smoker. I should have known you'd stick your nose where it doesn't belong."

"This must be a joke..." Smoker retorted, his voice cold and unyielding. "What does this mean, Vergo?! This is a clear betrayal to the Marine!"

Vergo laughed, a sinister sound that echoed through the night. "You're in over your head, Marine. You always have been. It's amusing you think you can still order me around."

Raoul and Coby exchanged confused glances. Raoul stepped forward, his fists clenched. "What do you mean, Vergo? You're a Marine Vice Admiral. Why are you working with pirates?"

Vergo's smirk widened. "Ah, the new recruits. So naive. Has the position of Vice Admiral really become so trivial as to involve these two kids in this? You really don't know, do you? I was never truly loyal to the Marines. My allegiance has always been with the Donquixote Family."

Coby's eyes widened in shock. "You're a traitor!"

"Traitor?" Vergo shrugged nonchalantly. "I prefer to think of it as realigning my interests."

Smoker's grip tightened on his jitte, fury blazing in his eyes. "You used us. Betrayed everything we stand for. I feel ashamed because I respected a man like you. But this is a good chance to bring you to justice..."

Vergo's expression turned cold. "What chance, Smoker? You're all going to pay for your interference. Get them!"

The battle erupted once more. Smoker rushed flying towards Vergo as the lower half of his body turned into smoke, and he covered his iron-stick with Armament Haki. As for Vergo, he covered his entire body with Armament Haki, saying; "You rush at me knowing you're a goner. What confidence, Smoker."

Meanwhile, Coby found himself in a dire situation, facing off against Baby 5 and Dellinger. Baby 5's relentless attacks, combined with Dellinger's agility and ferocity, put Coby on the defensive. He dodged and weaved, barely keeping up with their coordinated assaults. They made drops of sweat appear on his face only thirty seconds after the start of the confrontation.

At the same time, with blazing eyes, Raoul was punching and kicking the army of Dressrosa's soldiers, taking them down one by one without Haki and without the ability of his fruit. He was like a rampaging tiger in the middle of the army, and neither rifles nor swords were effective against him, so much so that the soldiers were terrified by his great skill in close combat.

Senior Pink stepped onto the battlefield with a slow, deliberate stride. The reflection in his dark sunglasses captured the chaos and carnage left in Raoul's wake. Raoul moved like a hurricane through the soldiers, his physical prowess alone enough to decimate the ranks without the need for Haki or his Devil Fruit abilities.

"You've got some fire in you, kid," Senior Pink remarked, putting a baby pacifier in his mouth and looking utterly unfazed. "Youth is often full of recklessness. I was reckless once too. It cost me the woman I loved."

Raoul had just finished dispatching the last of the soldiers. He wiped the sweat from his brow, a single drop sliding down his cheek. His eyes locked onto Senior Pink, a formidable presence who now stood in his path. Raoul's voice was calm but carried a weight of authority. "Senor Pink, a member of the Donquixote family. You looked handsome and attractive in your wanted posters, but now you look really ridiculous. Did you just said a woman you loved? Is this really the time for your life story? No matter. I'll listen to every word you have to say... once you're behind bars."

Senior Pink's expression didn't change, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "You talk big, but let's see if you can back it up."

"Before I knock you to the ground," Raoul said, his eyes narrowing, "why fight for someone like Doflamingo? A man who treats his subordinates as pawns?"

Senior Pink's face grew somber. "You wouldn't understand, marine. Loyalty isn't about the man, it's about the family. Doflamingo may be ruthless, but he's given us all a place to belong."

Raoul's expression hardened. "I've seen the kind of 'family' Doflamingo cultivates. It's built on fear and manipulation. One of my hobbies is reading the history of pirates and the world in general. By reading what was reported about your journey in the world news, I can say that he is only exploiting you for his personal interests."

Senor Pink's feet began to sink into the ground as if it had turned into quicksand, as he replied;

"A child like you, spoiled by the Marine, has no right to talk about such topics."


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