
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A Rowdy Night (1)

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the island, the marines regrouped at a small café near the port. They sat at an outdoor table, blending in with the other patrons who enjoyed their evening drinks.

Smoker lit a cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Anything?"

"Nothing concrete," Raoul said, sipping his coffee. "Just mentions of the colosseum and the usual trade."

Coby nodded. "Same here. The locals are friendly, but they don't seem to know much about any illicit activities."

Smoker frowned, tapping his fingers on the table. "Dressrosa is too quiet. It's like they're hiding something in plain sight."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a small group of marines, led by Lieutenant Tashigi. A sword girl who works as Smoker's deputy, with dark blue hair and red-rimmed glasses. She saluted Smoker. "Captain, we found something interesting. There's a warehouse near the docks that seems to have unusual activity. Lots of goods being moved in and out, but it's heavily guarded."

Smoker stood up, his expression serious. "Good work, Tashigi. Lead the way."

They followed Tashigi through the winding streets until they reached the warehouse district. The building in question was large, its windows covered with grime, and several burly men stood guard at the entrance.

"What's the plan?" Raoul asked, eyeing the guards.

"We can't just storm in," Smoker said. "We need to be subtle. Raoul, Coby, you two will create a distraction. Tashigi and I will sneak in and see what we can find."

Raoul nodded. "Got it."

They approached the guards casually, pretending to be lost tourists. "Excuse me," Coby said, feigning confusion. "Can you help us find the way to the colosseum?"

The guards exchanged glances, clearly annoyed. "This is a restricted area. Move along."

Raoul stepped forward, gesturing animatedly. "We heard there's a shortcut through here. Is that true?"

As the guards began to argue with them, Smoker and Tashigi slipped around the side of the building, disappearing into the shadows. Inside, the warehouse was dimly lit, filled with crates and barrels. Smoker gestured for Tashigi to stay quiet as they crept deeper into the building.

They found a small office at the back. Inside, a man sat at a desk, poring over documents. Smoker recognized him as one of Doflamingo's lieutenants. He motioned for Tashigi to cover him as he approached.

Smoker grabbed the man by the collar, pulling him out of his chair. "What's in the crates?"

The man stammered, his eyes wide with fear. "Just supplies, I swear! Food, toys, nothing illegal!"

"You're lying," Smoker growled, tightening his grip. "What's really going on here?"

The man hesitated, then broke down. "Alright, alright! It's shipments for the black market. Doflamingo's been moving goods through here for months. But I don't know where they're going, I swear!"

Smoker released him, shoving him back into the chair. "If you're lying, we'll be back."

They quickly left the office, making their way out of the warehouse. As they rejoined Raoul and Coby, Smoker's expression was grim. "We need to investigate the port tonight. There's more going on here than meets the eye."

Night had fallen over Dressrosa, casting long shadows across the vibrant streets. The once bustling marketplace was now quiet, only the distant hum of nightlife breaking the silence. Smoker gathered Raoul and Coby in a secluded alley, laying out the plan with the meticulous precision of a seasoned tactician.

"We'll split up," Smoker began, his voice low and steady. "Raoul, you take the east side of the port. Coby, you're with me. We'll cover the west. Stay alert and report anything suspicious. We can't afford to miss any detail."

Raoul nodded, his eyes sharp with focus. "This is much better than continuing to pretend to be tourists."

Coby adjusted his cap, determination etched on his face. "Let's do this." Although he seemed confident, he asked; "Wouldn't it be better to take some elves with us?" Then Smoker replied; "Each of us is equal to an army of marines. This is what it means to be a Vice Admiral. For this mission, we need as few men as possible, and we are the best suited."

Smoker remained quiet for a while, then he added in a serious tone; "I will just remind you of one last thing, if things develop unexpectedly, we will be forced to confront Doflamingo. Do not be afraid or hesitate. If we find the Red Bull pirates, we will stop there. Because this is basically our profession. We've gotten caught up in the events a little bit until we got here, but it doesn't matter..."

The trio moved silently through the deserted streets, their footsteps barely a whisper against the cobblestones. The port, usually a hive of activity, was eerily quiet, the ships moored in the harbor swaying gently with the tide. The moonlight reflected off the water, casting a silver glow that added an air of mystique to the scene.

Raoul approached a cluster of warehouses, his senses heightened. He could hear the distant murmur of voices, the clink of metal on metal. As he rounded a corner, he spotted a group of men unloading crates from a ship, their movements furtive and quick.

He activated his Den Den Mushi. "I've got movement near the warehouse. Looks like they're unloading something."

"Keep your distance and observe," Smoker's voice crackled through the receiver. "We'll converge on your position."

Meanwhile, Smoker and Coby had their own encounters. They moved cautiously through the western side, their eyes scanning the dark alleys and shadowy corners. They heard the occasional clatter of footsteps, the muted conversations of workers still lingering in the port.

"Over here," Coby whispered, pointing to a small group huddled around a bonfire, discussing their illicit cargo. Smoker motioned for him to stay low, creeping closer to catch snippets of their conversation.

"...Captain Red bull won't be happy if this shipment's late," one of them muttered, poking at the fire with a stick.

"Yeah, I heard the last crew that messed up didn't make it back," another replied, his voice tinged with fear.

Smoker's eyes narrowed. "We've got them. Let's move!"


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