
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Investigation in Dressrosa

Chapter Twelve: The Investigation in Dressrosa

The marine ship docked quietly in the bustling port of Dressrosa. The island, renowned for its vibrancy and unique charm, lay before Raoul, Coby, and Smoker as they prepared to disembark. Despite their serious mission, it was hard not to be struck by the beauty of the island. Colorful buildings lined the streets, their facades decorated with intricate designs. The streets bustled with life, filled with vendors, musicians, and the distinctive walking toys that made Dressrosa famous.

Raoul adjusted his marine cap and stepped onto the cobblestone street, feeling the sun's warmth on his face. "Remember," Smoker said, his tone stern, "we're here to gather information discreetly. No need to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

Coby nodded, glancing around at the lively surroundings. "Understood, Smoker. We'll blend in."

They made their way through the streets, the vibrant atmosphere a stark contrast to the gravity of their mission. The locals went about their day, seemingly unaware of the dark undercurrents beneath their idyllic island. Shops and cafes lined the roads, the air filled with the scent of freshly baked bread and blooming flowers. Children laughed as they chased each other, and animated toys moved alongside them, adding to the island's whimsical charm.

Their first stop was the bustling marketplace. The marines split up, each taking a different route to cover more ground. Raoul walked past stalls selling exotic fruits, finely crafted jewelry, and colorful fabrics. He listened carefully, his ears attuned to any mention of the Red Bull or Doflamingo.

At one stall, an elderly vendor eyed Raoul curiously. "Hello to the protectors of justice. Looking for something special?"

Raoul smiled politely. "Just passing through, admiring your beautiful island. I heard there's a lot of trade going on here. Anything interesting happening?"

The vendor chuckled. "Dressrosa is always busy. But if you're looking for excitement, you should check out the colosseum. There are always interesting matches there."

"Thanks for the tip," Raoul said, noting the information. He moved on, his eyes scanning the crowd for anything unusual.

Meanwhile, Coby wandered through the residential district. The houses here were charming, with balconies adorned with flowers and colorful murals on the walls. He stopped to talk to a group of children playing with a toy soldier.

"Hey there," Coby said, crouching down to their level. "That's a cool toy you have. Did you get it recently?"

One of the boys nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! We got it from a store nearby. They have lots of neat toys."

Coby smiled. "That's awesome. Do you guys know if there's a big shipment of toys coming in soon? My friend wants to buy some."

The children shrugged, uninterested in the topic. Coby ruffled one boy's hair and stood up, continuing his walk. He knew the children wouldn't have much useful information, but it was worth a shot. As he was thinking while walking away from them; 'These lively toys are completely unnatural. How will I be able to know where it is manufactured?'

Meanwhile, Raoul made his way to the Dressrosa Colosseum, drawn by the buzz of excitement that permeated the air. The grand structure loomed ahead, its ancient stone walls a testament to countless battles fought within. Colorful banners flapped in the breeze, and the sounds of cheering crowds echoed down the streets, guiding him to his destination.

Upon arriving, Raoul purchased a ticket and slipped through the entrance, finding himself in a vast arena filled with spectators. The seats were packed with people from all walks of life, their faces alight with anticipation. He found an empty spot midway up the stands, where he could observe the action without drawing too much attention to himself.

As he settled into his seat, he couldn't help but be captivated by the atmosphere. The scent of roasted meats and fresh bread wafted through the air, mingling with the salty tang of the nearby sea. Vendors roamed the aisles, hawking their wares—colorful drinks, sizzling skewers, and souvenirs emblazoned with the colosseum's emblem.

The third match was about to begin. Two fighters emerged from opposite ends of the arena, greeted by a roar from the crowd. One was a burly man with a heavily scarred face, wielding a massive axe. His opponent, a lithe woman, brandished a pair of razor-sharp daggers. The announcer's voice boomed through the colosseum, introducing them with dramatic flair.

Raoul leaned forward, his interest piqued. The fight commenced with a flurry of movement, the combatants exchanging blows with impressive speed and agility. The crowd's energy was infectious, and Raoul found himself caught up in the thrill of the contest.

During a brief pause in the action, Raoul struck up a conversation with the person next to him—a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a hearty laugh. "First time at the colosseum?" the man asked, glancing at Raoul's marine uniform peeking out from beneath his cloak.

"Yeah," Raoul admitted, smiling. "Just passing through and thought I'd see what all the fuss was about."

"You won't be disappointed," the man said. "They say some of the best fighters in the world come here to prove themselves. You never know who you might see."

The match resumed, and Raoul returned his attention to the arena. The fighters moved with remarkable skill, their every move calculated and precise. The woman, despite her smaller stature, held her own against her larger opponent, her daggers flashing in the sunlight.

As the fight reached its climax, the crowd erupted in cheers and boos, each spectator rooting passionately for their favorite. In the end, the woman emerged victorious, her opponent lying unconscious on the sandy floor. The announcer declared her the winner, and the crowd's applause was deafening.

At that time, a look of annoyance appeared on Raoul's face, thinking; 'Just useless fights, I don't think I'll find what I'm looking for here...'



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