
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 46) Start of the war

Wukong rushed down towards the Vice-captain of the rocks pirates as he pulled a long staff that was red and golden in colour, He soln struck the man's blade sending sparks flying as their haki fought for supremacy, The two clashed for a few moments as neither seemed to be overpowering the other

The black-haired man smirked as a black diagonal sword slash was heading straight towards them as the smirking man started distorting as the fleet admiral could feel himself being sucked into the portal human

'Hmph what kind of cheap trick is this now?' said the Fleet admiral as his body started transforming, He was now more ape like and more taller and his muscles were more defined as he grew a tail from behind him

He jumped away from the attack as his two students appeared behind him, The Vice-captain warped a few meters from where the slash struck as it cut the entire section of the island they were standing on

'Hawk eye...' Said the female admiral as she looked up to see the brown-haired man that didn't take too long to land next to his superior, The man wore a stoic expression as he eyed the 3 people in front of him

It didn't take too long for Hokori to unsheath her Wakazashi as she clashed with the General, 'Hmph a swordswoman? Show me what you got!' Said the man as he put more strength into Yoru as the other vice admirals used geppo to land behind their leader waiting for his commands, The Monkey King didn't hesitate and started to bark orders towards his men 'Everyone attack and kill all the remaining pirates on the island, I don't want a single one breathing after this mission is over with' Said the Taller fleet admiral, His voice was smoother and calmer then it was before as he used his fruit abilities to strengthen the Moral of his soldiers

The men cheered as they rushed towards the island as the Commanders appeared and clashed with the people, Most of them using Zoan transformations as each one turned into an animal

An ancient zoan user who had the Ryu Ryu no my model Quetzal Flew right towards the middle-aged Admiral as he scoffed as he sent a wave of pure Plasma towards the pirate incinerating him as the Generals who stood not too far away watching the battle scoffed looking at the display of weakness

Kaido Grinned as he rushed towards a vice admiral wearing a hat who had his fist covered in haki as he punched a hole through one of the commanders who had a Bear fruit as he slumped down dead, He raised his Kanabo and struck down towards the man who wasn't paying attention

The man quickly raised his arms in a guard position as he grunted feeling some of his bones shatter on impact as the spikes on the weapon also penetrated his arm, The man grunted before kicking the young man with a haki-infused leg as he clenched his stomach and grinned as he coughed out a bit of blood

'This is what I'm talking about!' Said the Dark haired man as he grinned transforming using his Devil Fruit ability that he couldn't remember getting as he rushed back towards The Vice admiral as he had Sedistic grin

The man scowled as he dashed forwards meeting his opponent in the middle as they clashed in the middle sending bolts of haki everywhere, While Shiki smirked not too far away deciding to watch it play out

The golden lion wasn't worried about the kid, as he would step in if anything went wrong but he kept a close eye on the battle going on at the beach, "Captain is eager to fight why is he not attacking yet?" He thought as he looked back to his captain as the man smiled back evilly

He shuttered not wanting to think about it any further as he looked back to the fight, The Other commanders weren't doing so well as the vice admirals all seemed to possess advanced levels of haki including the Rokushiki as he spotted a man using his finger-pistol to penetrate a Sabertooth human's heart killing him on the spot

Wang Zhi and Silver Axe rushed towards the Overwhelming number of vice admirals while Linlin decided to use her newest creation a flying cloud to fly towards the Female admiral as she fought using her living sword

He soon looked back only to see the fleet admiral rushing towards them as Xebec grinned madly,

Rushing forwards 'Come at me Wukong! Don't expect me to take it easy on your old bones you monster!' Said the Red-haired man as he Unsheathed his blade as it radiated Energy

The old Monkey King smirked as his staff glowed as an orange aura emanated around it covering himself and the staff as Haki surrounded his arms and staff

'Kaihō no zangeki!'

'Itami no tsue!'

Both weapons met as the ground under them was completely destroyed sending the air flying towards the other people on the island as trees uprooted themselves while everyone including the admirals and generals covered their eyes from the Sheer amount of force and pressure coming from this attack

Xebec's shirt was blown off as well as the fleet admiral's coat leaving them topless as their muscle were shown in all their glory, Xebec grinned as he used his Devil fruit ability while holding his blade with his right arm to touch and nullify his enemies Fruit ability as Wukong could feel this

A rear admiral that had escaped with the Vice admirals sent a Haki slash right towards the Captain of the Pirates as the slash directly went through him

The Madman grinned as his body started Regenerating rapidly as he took his hand off of the Fleet admiral kicking him away in the process and used his ability to drag the poor man towards

The man gasped as he could feel himself being sucked towards the Captain being unable to do anything about it, His thoughts soon ended as he felt something penetrate his chest

He looked down only to see a hand sticking right through him and penetrating his back he took one final breath before everything went dark

Wukong ran forward as the Captain sent the body of the man flying catching it mid-air and laying him gently on the ground, He closed the man's eyes before scowling towards the captain who still had a maniacal grin plastered across his face seeming to taunt him with every second

'Come on Fleet admiral Wuknog why the long face? Why don't you go full out as it just cost a man's life' Said the massive redhead as he released a wave of Haki that Knocked down most of the commanders leaving a few standing including Kaido

'Hmph. There's no playing with a man worth 3 Billion berries is there... No matter Ill be done with you shortly' Said the man as he tore off the remaining pieces of his white Marines uniform, As the Captain's grin widened he seemed to shake in excitement

'Now come at me Monkey King Wukong don't hold back!'


Hope you enjoyed ;)

Didn't post much today since I was too busy with a game called Bounty Rush, Anyways I'm going to be taking my course in bioscience will be starting next week so I'll have less time to work on this story so sorry about that but I will try and keep daily uploads a thing ;v;

Wish me luck and have a nice day 👋