
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 45) Unwanted Guests and Declaration of war

{Death peak island}

[7:30 PM]

Newgate sighed as the ship got ever so closer to the newly built Docks, He stood up and got off the ship as he held his newest weapon the Murakumogiri

He started heading towards the middle of the camp as his Golden lock's majestically fluttered in the air as if he was in one of those Romance drama movies

Guzman just eyed him weirdly as he shrugged and Followed not too far behind the giant as they soon entered the camp, 'Good to see you both, Captain is waiting in the meeting room' Said Hokusai as he appeared next to his vice-captain

Guzman nodded as they made their way towards a different part of the camp getting ever so closer to a small mountain that was nearby

They soon stood in front of a massive metal gate that was twice the size of Whitebeard, The blonde scoffed as he effortlessly pushed the door open cracking the walls of the carved part of the mountain

Guzman and Hokusai didn't say anything as they silently followed the larger man as they entered a well-lit room, All the Leaders of the Pirate crew had already arrived that includes the Generals chief Commanders and the Captain

There were in total around 40 other people not including them and the general's and Captain, Meanwhile, their red-haired captain Grinned seeing them enter

Newgates frown deepened as he could sense the other man's Haki had increased significantly since the last he saw him

They soon all settled on the round table next to Shiki and Charlotte Linlin meanwhile their newest member who has been rising through the ranks was drinking on the other side of the table

Xebec cleared his through as the room became dead quiet, The man's grin became even more crazed seeing this as he spoke up

'It seems that our unwanted guests are here already...' Said the man Cripticly as he looked towards the other side of the room as everyone in the room followed his gaze only to be met with a wall

They all scratched their heads before the sounds of explosions sounded around the island, As all the commanders ran outside to see the damage done to the island as only the generals including the drunken Kaido remained in the room

'So what's the plan?' Asked the busty pink-haired woman as she raised an eyebrow looking towards her captain, The man chuckled before those same chuckles became mad laughter

'XAHAHAHAHA! What plan?! There is no plan!!" He soon stood up and made his way outside while releasing a deadly amount of conquerer's haki that knocked out a few of the guards still remaining in the room as it encompassed the entire island and the sea's around it


'Sir the Vice-Captain's ship has docked' Said the vice admiral who held a pair of binoculars, The fleet admiral nodded as he sent a signal to the rest of his fleet to surround the island

'Stand down until all units are in position Said the lanky man into a transponder snail, As the fleet of ships started surrounding the island from all sides

A few minutes later he got a signal from all 15 Warship that they were in position, He signalled for the turret on the front of the ship to aim straight for the camp as it slowly aimed it directly towards the pirates

'Sir the Pirates have spotted us' Said the vice Admiral, The Monkey King smirked as he pressed a button on the snail's shell as he shouted out, 'Good now... FIRE!'

All the ships on every side of the island started bombarding the island using explosive rounds as the island was lit ablaze, The Fleet admiral smiled as his sunglasses reflected the burning scene in front of him

Only for a few moments later to scowl as he felt the deadly release of conquerors coming from the other side of the camp their turrets have struck

'Don't stop firing, I expect this class Omega buster call to work god damned it' Said the Man as the fleet of ships kept bombarding the island with explosive rounds

'Should we engage?' came the voice of the blonde woman as she stood not too far from him, The man just shook his head, 'Not yet, Let's get them weakened before engaging'

They soon felt something starting to distort the air below the ship as Wukong used his fruit abilities to shut the hole in space from engulfing the ship

Sadly for the rest of the ships, they didn't have such a luxury as they all entered into warp gates that appeared under them, 'Shit! All units abandon your ships!' said the Middle-aged Admiral

Some of the stronger people like the vice admirals and rear admiral's on the other ship's we're able to use geppo to abandon ship but the rest of the people were sucked inside the warp gate as a larger one appeared right on top of the island as those same ship's started falling towards the middle of the island setting off a huge explosion

The Fleet admiral's eyes were bloodshot as he could feel a few vain's bursting at the sight of losing so many men and warships "That damned Guzman!' Thought the admiral as the same man appeared on the shore of the island as he leaves a finger taunting him to attack

'Masayoshi stand back' Said the man as he loosened his tie and jumped towards the island, 'I'll handle this one'


Hope you enjoy

I'm tired and unable to sleep so here's another chapter 🗿

Anyways keep those comments and power stones coming appreciate the support and it helps me be more motivated to write more chapters ;)

Anyways have a nice day 👋