
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 44) Wanted posters and Conquerer's

{New World}

[7:40 AM]

Guzban yawned as he rubbed his eyes, The crew was partying hard last night and he couldn't be in a worse mood at the moment

'Hangovers are the worst...' He murmured as he stood up and noticed that white beard was awake and still sipping on a massive cup of booze as he grinned looking at his dishevelled state

Guzman sighed as he went inside to pour himself a cup of Joe, 'Ma always used to say if your hungover coffee is always the awnser' As he brewed himself some coffee he soon noticed a few wanted posters and newspapers he hasn't seen before

He leaves his coffee to heat up as he picks up the wanted posters issued over a month ago, He picks them from the pile as he starts reading, 'Heh those Roger Pirates sure got some powerhouses, That Vice-captain Xephyr got his ass beat' As he tossed the old newspaper aside he picked a few of the wanted poster's

{Gold Roger} Dead or Alive


{Silvers Rayleigh} Dead Or Alive


{Scopper Gaban} Dead Or Alive


{Drakus Taro} Dead or Alive


{Seagull Guns Nozdon} Dead or Alive


{Eye of the Sea Sunbell} Dead or Alive


{Jackson Banner} Dead or Alive


{Purple Chef Erio} Dead or Alive


{Spencer Morgans} Dead or Alive


{The Plague Doctor Crocus} Dead or Alive


He kept reading as his brows furrowed his eyebrows, These people seemed to be very powerful, but the fact that the man leading them all was still a rookie fresh from Paradise was astonishing

But what caught his attention the most was the last Poster of the pile, It showed a blurry Image of a person surrounded by flames holding a sword

{The Red Flow} Alive


This made the man confused as he tried to remember if his lover ever talked about a person from their clan leaving Shima as he soon sighed before going back to pouring himself the now steaming hot coffee

He held the mug as he made his way outside the kitchen and to the ship's deck as he sipped on his coffee

'Eh, what took ya so long? There's no way a single cup of coffee took over 20 minutes to brew' Said the large man as he sipped on his booze

'Nothing much, But I do have some suspensions about the new Rookies that are shaking the grand line' Said the dark-haired man as he sat down on a barrel

The larger blonde just chuckled as he listened to the only member of this crew he respected speak, 'Yes I do wonder what there doing now'

As their ship got ever closer to Death Peak island, They didn't notice the large fleet of ships following a few hundred Kilometers behind them as the lanky man in front of the large metal ship smirked


{North Blue: Uncharted Island}

Both Bullet and Ryu sent Haki-coated punches at one another while being observed by Rayleigh and Nozdon, They were currently practising hand-to-hand combat if Ryu ever got himself in a situation where he couldn't use his sword

Meanwhile, this was just Practice for Bullet who was pretty Used to using his fists to fight people older and stronger than him, But this time it helped him fight people around the same height as him as he dodged a blow from the oncoming red-head

He grinned and sent a right hook to the boy's gut sending him a few meters back as he stood up dusting himself off, "He's fast, Need to keep a distance"

As he cracked his neck and ran back to the Red-head who was surrounded by a dust cloud, as soon as he entered he regretted it as blows came from all sides while not being able to see where they came from

He grits his teeth and punched the ground dispersing the dust cloud and finding the boy 2 meters on top of him who had a Haki-covered punch that emanated a slight red

He grinned once more as he Started using that strange aura he felt not too long ago to coat his own punch with that exact energy as his arm started emanating a blue-coloured aura

Their fists clashed as the blonde man sighed as his glasses got covered in dust, Meanwhile, other members of the crew started walking towards the fight to find out what that attack was coming from

Roger grinned and looked at the two and noticed that their punches have not connected yet signalling that they were using advanced levels of Haki, 'REHAHAHAHA! This generation is truly filled with monsters' As the rest of the crew cheered as they circled around the clearing the two were fighting on

Ryu jumped up as the not smirked and tried to grab on the boy's leg only for him to be kicked in the face by a haki-infused leg that sent him flying towards the crowd

Spencer grunted as he caught the boy, The rest of the crowd chuckled and sighed in relief not wanting to get hit by an overgrown nine year old, as Spencer looked down at the boy he noticed that he was knocked out.

'The fight is over the kid is unconscious' He called out at Ryu sighed while Rayleigh walked over to see the kid

'I'll take him to Crocus' Said the blonde as he took the boy into his arms and walked off towards the doctor's cottage

Their Shipwright hasn't had anything to do so for the past weeks they have been staying on this island he has started building these small buildings instead of staying in those tents for the rest of their stay here

The crowd started dispersing as Ryu sat down and caught his breath, Roger walked up to the boy and stood a few meters away 'I don't remember myself or Rayleigh ever teaching you how to coat using your conquerer's Haki'

The boy stood up as he scratched the back of his head, 'Well after seeing your fight with that admiral I kinda figured it out myself, I mean it wasn't too hard I just directed the energy towards my arm's instead of letting it burst out but I still can't coat my blade in it' Said the boy as he raised his arms as a red aura covered his arm

Roger whistled in amazement seeing the haki-covered hand, 'It's not half bad but it's not mastered, The Haki isn't staying in place and instead is seeping out and eventually it will run out faster

A small smile crept its way across the boys face as he burned the information into his brain, As the man ruffled the boy's hair

Ryu had been growing his hair back as he now tied it in a long ponytail, He soon went over to a tree as he picked up his haori and wore his Hanafuda earing's his mother gifted him not before she passed away

He fasted his sword to his side and turned back to Roger his eyes ablaze ready for a fight, The straw hat-wearing man grinned as he drew Ace and ran forwards and clashed with the boy's blazing blade

He noticed how the flames have gotten more controlled and hotter as of late, He Covered his blade in haki as they clashed a few times before the man ducked his head only for the blade to go right past him leaving him unguarded

Roger grinned as he struck the boy with the blunt part of his Haki-coated blade, Only for the kid to catch his blade mid-swing using an arm coated with Haki and noticed that the conquerer's Haki was more controlled than it was when he was fighting the blonde brat

'RHAHAHAHA! You are learning faster then I expected but don't expect to be able to block any attack!' Said the man as he put more power behind the attack sending the kid flying backwards

The boy flew back a few meters only for him to stop and spin midair as he used his Second form to spin in place and scorch the ground below as him to look back to the man and widening his eyes



Hope you enjoy :)

Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I had family over so I was out of it when they left and had no energy left, Anyways appreciate all the power stone's let's try to get to at least 60 by the end of the week and if we get to 100 ill be uploading 10 extra chapter's next week ;)

Anyways have a nice day 👋