
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 3

The admiral who had come to hunt down and kill the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment was also blue in the face, and it was not easy to complete the task of eliminating the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment, and he did not expect to kill such a powerful sword hero halfway out!

"Retreat!" The admiral gave the order to retreat and then took the lead in escaping.

"Your Honor, our warship has been sunk!" A naval soldier shouted.

"Then take that wolf pirate ship in the distance!" The colonel ordered.

"Okay, let's go and take it at once!"

Seeing that the navies began to flee, Ron sneered, if you really let yourself escape like this, how can I still stand up?

Ron stooped and rushed out of the ground suddenly, with his current agility and strength plus the bonus of his physique, his movement speed was very frightening, almost instantaneously appeared next to the fleeing navy, the long sword in his hand waved, one navy died in his hands and finally came to the side of the admiral, the blade of the sword passed, and the head fell.

At this point, all the people of this naval warship are dead!

There was silence in the field, and all the pirates who survived looked at Ron with a blankly look.

"This, this is still Ron?" One of the pirates who were more familiar with Ron couldn't help but mutter.

"No, it's impossible, this should be a big sword man who looks like Ron!" The other pirate shook his head flatly, "Ron's strength is so weak, how can he suddenly become so powerful?" This, too, is too powerful! "

"Yeah, it's too strong!" A group of pirates nodded their heads, such strength, it is impossible to be Ron!

The leader of the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment walked out at this moment, came to Ron, and respectfully bent down and saluted: "Thank you for your help, the evil wolf is grateful, please tell your name, let the evil wolf wait to thank you for your life-saving grace!" "

"Captain Wolf!" Ron smiled lightly, "Didn't you know me so soon?" I'm Ron! "


Hearing Ron personally admit that he was Ron, the pirates were sluggish again, and a few even fell to the ground in fright.

"You, how can you, how can you be Ron???" The evil wolf's eyes were about to pop out, Ron was just an ordinary weak pirate on his ship, how could he have such amazing strength?

"As you can see, I've been hiding my identity and training in your pirate regiment!" Reluctantly, Ron could only say so, he could not say that he opened the plug-in, the strength of the instant soared countless times, can only say that he was hiding his strength before: "Today these navies are going to destroy the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment, I have no choice, I can only expose some strength out, the Navy is killed, it is also grateful to the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment for taking care of this year!" "

Hearing this, a group of pirates suddenly widened their eyes, and their hearts were extremely excited.

Ron was originally a powerful and terrifying sword master, and he had come to the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment for cultivation experience, which made sense.

"That's the way it is!" The evil wolf immediately relaxed his heart, and then said respectfully, "It is the honor of our Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment to win Lord Ron's favor, and it is my sin not being able to entertain Lord Ron well this year!" "

"Nothing, that's because you don't know my identity, it's normal!" Ron smiled lightly, "And no one in the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment has ever bullied me, what I want is the experience of this ordinary pirate life, this disaster is over, and we have come to separate time!" "

"This… Won't Lord Ron let us entertain you well? After all, you saved all of our lives! "The evil wolf has the impulse to hold his thigh, such a powerful sword hao, if he can stay in the evil wolf pirate group, even if he wants to give up the captain's position, it doesn't matter, this guy can definitely make his pirate group become a famous pirate group on the great voyage."

"No, I have other things to do!" Ron had already made up his mind to leave the Evil Wolf Pirates: "This is far from Rogue Town, so send me to the nearest windmill village!" "

The current timeline is twenty years from the age of the sea thief, two years before the official opening of the pirate plot, Ron came to the pirate world three years in advance, and since the plot has not yet opened, then, some benefits must be taken by themselves!

His current strength, although he did not dare to say that it was stronger than the Four Emperors, it would not be much worse, or that the difference was the ability of the Demon Fruit, he was ready to try to find the information of the Demon Fruit that was suitable for him, as for whether to use the Demon Fruit in the end, it would be time to see it again, after all, the Demon Fruit had huge side effects, and he had such a powerful golden finger, there was not much need to eat the Demon Fruit kind of thing.