
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Data panel!" Ron looked at the terrible gully in front of him indifferently, looked down and exhaled the data panel, and then began to add crazy points, he directly added all the skills he had learned to the full level, and then his data panel became like this:

Host: Ron

Age: Nineteen years old

Physique: 62

Strength: 55

Agility: 54

Spirit: 42

Skill Point Balance: Ninety-Nine Trillion, Ninety-Nine Nine-Nine…

Have skills:

Evil Wolf Punch: 2+98 (full level).

Basic Sword Technique: 3+97 (Full Level).

Marksmanship: 2+98 (full level


Cooking: 1+99 (full level


Skills: 1+99 (full level


The five major skills were fully filled, and the improvement of his own physical fitness was also terrifying, his physique reached sixty-two points, his strength was also increased to fifty-five points, and the others also had agility and spirit, all of which increased the terror.

Ron felt warm, his body was extremely strong, and with a squeeze of his fist, he knew that now, even without using any skills, he could hang a pirate of the same level as the captain of the previous Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment, which was a sea thief with a reward of fifteen million Baileys!

"I'm so strong now!" Ron chuckled a little madly, "Hahaha, damned Navy, it's now my turn to fight back!" "

Ron walked to the edge of the island where the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment was docking and casually picked up a navy-style longsword from the ground, the longsword was in his hand, Ron's understanding of swordplay in his mind made him know the material and hard strength of this sword very well, he was now a full level of basic swordplay, and in terms of swordplay ability, he was almost catching up with the world's first sword master, and the difference was just a famous sword!

"Oh, if I had a famous knife of the level of a black knife, then even if Hawkeye Mihawk was present, I was sure to defeat him now!" Ron thought excitedly.

At this moment, on the seashore, because of Ron's sudden blow, the navy and pirates who were fighting calmed down slightly, and they all looked in the direction where the loud noise was made, only to see a strong teenager walking out with a long sword.

"It's Ron!" One of the pirates shouted in surprise.

"This guy has a big life!" The other pirate frowned and said, "I saw him run away at the beginning of the fight, is this coward still alive?" "

"Captain Wolf!" At the center of the battle, a pirate said to the wolf, "That boy came out of the place where the explosion occurred, maybe what happened in the battle, do you want to ask him to come and inquire?" "

"Hey, deal with this admiral in front of you first!" The wolf glanced at Ron, and he recognized him, this little guy was just an ordinary pirate on the ship, there was no need to pay attention, and the admiral who was constantly attacking him was the trickiest being.

"Colonel!" Opposite, a naval adjutant standing next to the admiral whispered, "That boy suddenly came out of that place, I don't know if he made the explosion just now!" "

"Hmm! It seems that he is also a member of the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment, and you go and kill him!" I'll deal with the wolves!" The admiral said coldly.

"Understood!" The adjutant nodded yes, and then rushed toward Ron with a few sneering faces.

"Now, the gap between you and me is too big!" Ron said calmly, slowly swinging the sword in his hand: "This farcical battle should also be over!" "

Laugh at… Rumble!!!

Ron swung out his sword, and under the sword light, several rushing navies were torn to pieces by sword light, and the sword light did not stop, rushing towards the sea, instantly tearing apart the naval warships docked on the surface of the sea.


"Oh well."

"This… How can it be!!! "

The navies and pirates who had survived under this sword suddenly looked at Ron with horror, looked at Ron's erect and proud body, looked sluggish, looked frightened, and for a moment everyone stopped and looked at Ron with trembling.

"This, how is this possible!!!" The evil wolf also looked at this little pirate who could not have looked at him with a look of horror, he, how could he have such a powerful power?

Ron calmly collected his sword, he was just a very ordinary sword swing, but even so, the basic swordplay of the full level was not something that the navy and pirates of this level could resist, and under the sword just now, dozens of navy died, and several pirates were also affected by the aftermath of the sword light.

"Too powerful, this power! This is the real power! Ron smiled a little and stepped toward the sluggish navy and pirates.


The navies reacted immediately, and one by one, they began to flee frantically with frightened looks.

"Run, run!!"

"It's a demon! Come on! "

"Too powerful, this is a great sword master, his swordplay is too strong!" We are definitely not opponents! "