
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 4

At Ron's request, the Evil Wolf Pirates could only helplessly send Ron to the Windmill Village, and a boat of people, including the Evil Wolf, all watched with pity as Ron stepped off the ship with his sword.

Helpless, this feeling of not being able to hold the thighs is uncomfortable!

"Alas, Captain, if we had known Lord Ron's identity, we would have made him captain!" One pirate sighed.

"If he had known his identity, he might have left a long time ago!" Captain Evil Wolf shook his head and said, "He is a powerful swordsman who travels through the sea, and he is seeking that seemingly ordinary life, from which he understands the true meaning of swordplay!" He and we are not a level of existence! "

"Hmmm!" One by one, after the pirates felt Ron's hidden strength, the noble temperament that stood above everyone was awe-inspiring, and one by one nodded in agreement.

"However, it is also a great blessing that our Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment can become a place where Lord Ron can settle down and train!" A pirate who knew Ron somewhat well said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's right!" When the wolf heard this, he suddenly burst out laughing: "Go, little ones, to celebrate this escape, let's have a banquet to celebrate!" "

"Wow, long live the captain!"


Ron did not care what the situation of the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment was now, he casually carried the long sword in his hand and walked into the Windmill Village, which was where Luffy lived, at this point, 'Fire Fist' Ace should have gone to sea, went to the Great Passage, and swept all the strong enemies all the way, until he was finally defeated by the hands of Whitebeard, taken in by him, and became one of Whitebeard's sons, until a few years later, he died in the war on the top!

'Ace… Whitebeard, it's a pity to die, even if the plot is killed, it is also the original plot anime, now that I have come to this world, some regrettable things do not need to happen, after all, here is now for me, it is a real world! '

Ron had a proud smile on his lips, and he was qualified to say such a thing now.

'I have learned too few skills now, the only offensive skills are swordplay and boxing, and guns, and then medicine and cooking, and I need to learn other skills to do it, as long as I get started, I can instantly complete the level, really, to BUG!! Don't give anyone else a way to live! '

Ron casually found a small hotel in the windmill village, he planned to learn some skills in the windmill village before leaving, although he now had a strength comparable to the Four Emperors, almost crushing most of the terror strength of the Seven Martial Seas, this was not his limit!

"You have to learn some physical skills to enhance your survivability!"

Early the next morning, Ron called the hotel's staff and asked about the places in the windmill village where he could learn skills.

A month later, Ron found a few down-and-out pirates in the windmill village, paid some Bailey, and learned from these pirates some abilities that seemed ordinary to others.

Host: Ron

Age: Nineteen years old

Physique: 152

Strength: 146

Agility: 149

Spirit: 137

Skill Point Balance: Ninety-Nine Trillion, Ninety-Nine Nine-Nine…

Have skills:

Evil Wolf Punch: 2+98 (full level).

Basic Sword Technique: 3+97 (Full Level).

Iron Tree Gong: 1+99 (full level).

Broken Palm: 1+99 (full level).

Blazing Sword Technique: 1+99 (full level


Blaster Step: 1+99 (full level


Marksmanship: 2+98 (full level


Cooking: 1+99 (full level


Skills: 1+99 (full level


Four skills, just started he added to the full level, these four skills, Tie Shu Gong is a physical exercise to exercise physical strength, and his four-dimensional attributes can be increased to more than a hundred at once, main thanks to the special ordinary forging exercises.

The other three skills, the Breaking Void Palm Technique has a huge increase in the attack ability of his palm, the Flame Sword Technique is a fairly decent knife skill, and the Rapid Wind Step is a technique to increase the speed of movement, for the time being, it is one of the most useful skills among these skills!

"The current skills and four-dimensional attributes should have fully reached the fourth emperor level, Seven Martial Seas, hehe…"

Ron chuckled, how powerful he was now, he didn't know very well, perhaps, it was time to go to the Great Passage, the Pirate World, still waiting for himself to go to King's Landing!

"However, there are a few more things that need to be done before heading to the Great Passage!"

Ron was planning to leave Windmill Village, and for a month, because he was busy learning skills, he hadn't seen Luffy.

On this day, he walked to Makina's banquet bar, and looked at the woman with green hair and a gentle and elegant face behind the bar, Ron smiled slightly, and said: "Lady boss, bring me a beer!" "


Makina glanced at Ron, she remembered that this was a teenager who had just come to Windmill Village for a month, looking like an ordinary swordsman, and these days she had heard that she was looking for people everywhere to learn various abilities, and it did not attract much attention from others, after all, it was only the ordinary ability of some elderly pirates, and for some powerful people, it was inconspicuous.

"Makina, Sister Makina!"

Just then, a young man in a straw hat walked in with a stack of newspapers in his hand, and happily came to Marciano and said, "You see, there is news of Ace on the news, and there is also news of Shanks, and there is also news of Shanks!" "

Ron turned his head to look, and he first looked carefully at the teenager in front of him, needless to say, this was Luffy, the straw hat on his head was the best proof and the innocent smile on that face.

"This guy is about to go to sea, and there's still more than a year to go!" Ron thought to himself.

"Really?" Marciano smiled slightly, picked up the newspaper, and read it for a while, and sure enough, he saw the news that Ace had crossed the great route, and then he smiled a little, and his eyes fell on a stack of wanted warrants: "Is there still a wanted warrant?" "

Makina picked up the wanted warrant and looked at it, and after flipping through it, she suddenly looked at Ron and turned her head to look at Ron, because she had seen Ron's wanted warrant.

"Mr. Ron, there's your wanted warrant here, too!" Makina handed Ron a wanted notice in his hand and said.

"Oh?" Ron took a look at it, and sure enough, it was his wanted warrant, and the picture showed the appearance of a cold-faced teenager wielding a sword, which was exactly his appearance, and the reward amount was ten million Bailey!

"Huh!" Ron smiled slightly, put down the wanted notice in his hand, and did not know when the photo was taken, it should be the time of the battle, there was a news bird that paid attention to the Navy's encirclement and suppression of the Evil Wolf Pirates, and then the World Government and the Navy issued a wanted notice for themselves, but now it has only been passed here, this speed is slow enough!

"Wow!" Luffy suddenly noticed Ron on the side, and at a glance, he suddenly understood that the person in front of him was a powerful swordsman, and at this age, he had a bounty of ten million baileys, which already belonged to the existence of the sea thief level in the East Sea!

"Turns out you're such a powerful pirate!" It's awesome! Luffy looked at Ron with two eyes and shouted, his dream is to become a pirate, to become a great One Piece, and it is a pang of envy to see such a powerful pirate as Ron.

"Go for it, little one!" Ron looked at Luffy and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll work hard, my dream is to be a great pirate, to be a great one-piece like Roger!" Luffy clenched his fists and shouted.


Most of the people in the bar knew Luffy, and they all let out a kind laugh.

Makina also covered her mouth with a subtle smile.

"Damn, why do you always laugh at me?" Luffy's simple personality made him feel ridiculed, and he immediately shouted angrily, "I will become One Piece!" "

"Mm-hmm!" Makina nodded and said, "We believe you will be able to become One Piece!" "

"Yes, Luffy, you have to refuel!" One by one, the guests raised their glasses and smiled.