

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 8(Seen it all)

As Ethan life was plummeting, De Angelo's life was going otherwise. De Angelo was now having a good life,he was now seen as the better half among the NET organization.

"You must understand Mr Angelo that you must cut off anything you have for him"the almighty Mr Ibrahim Kofi warned."sir, please he is the only thing I have as a family" De Angelo replied pleadingly. Mr Kofi continued,"In life,times like this are time for choices,we too are your family,so you have to chose between us and him and remember they is no going back when the decision is made,so pal, choose wisely"he admonished him."after all your talent is too valuable to waste"He commented as he left to his destination.

Any issue affecting the triangle affects the whole NET organization hence all stained soul or thing must never go free,they must be cleansed.

De Angelo was now one of the happening boys in town,he was suddenly rich,he also broke up with his girlfriend Elena in search of bigger and better fish. Ryan lied to Ethan when he told him at the hospital that he have not set his eyes on De Angelo. It was the other way round,just three days after the admission of Ethan to the hospital he saw De Angelo with Sofia in Lisa hotel making out. It was a horrible view for Ryan and he promised himself not to tell Ethan as this may delay or affect his recovery.

De Angelo now have car,he sold his brother loyalty to the NET hence he was rewarded and also promise for more promotion. He was now in the system and to crown it all he was also having an affair with his forty six years boss, Madam Rebecca. Rebecca was attracted to the two boys but optioned for De Angelo due to his weak perseverance when it comes to ladies.

Rebecca promised to take good care of him as far as both of them will always be together,he also promised to help him get promotions.

When Ethan finally resumed, everything seemed weird and awful. everybody in the University now knows him but not in the best way. For weeks he has been a subject of ridicule and gossips and now here he is,the infamous church rat that wanted to bite more than he can chew. He still went to his class and even still his lecturer miss Laurel and Mr Crewell insulted and embarrassed him. He wanted the earth to open and swallow him but he still took all with a pinch of salt.

Las gelas University was a place were individual class and wealth do the talking, anyone that is not in this circle was deemed less of a human. Immediately after the day class he headed for De Angelo's class,he wanted to be sure that he was alright and if he was at least know the reason behind him not visiting,it was really unlike him hence he feared that he may have been harmed by the NET because of him.

As he brood this in his mind,his curiosity was at its apex so he rushed to De Angelo's class to ascertain for himself. On entering his class he could not see him anywhere so he made enquiry but despite the hostile attitude of the students he was able to find out that he was alright and left just few minutes ago. He was very relieved.

Three days after his infamous resumption,he saw De Angelo in Royale restaurant where he was having a good time. The restaurant was one of the most expensive one s around the town,it was meant for five star individuals and now,De Angelo is living the five star life.

The once poor fella now one of the biggest boy in town. Ethan was in the company of Ryan,who promised to buy for him food. As they entered he went directly to De Angelo's table who was busy devouring his chicken.

As he looked up seeing a particular figure that he has spent his last seven years with he became unhappy."Hey bro, you look good"trying to hide his guilt.he continued"What happened bro?"he asked faking his facial expression. Ethan replied with tears"so you were alright this whole time and you never cared to how i was doing". Ethan left without waiting for a reply." bro,bro! is not like that!, whatever man"De Angelo replied as he sat down comfortably enjoying his meal. Ethan went to his hostel and headed straight to his bed where he cried all night.

He still hoped that De Angelo will come back to apologise, from days to weeks and then to months De Angelo never bothered to apologise. The last straw to him by De Angelo was when he publicly declared Sofia his girlfriend. At that critical moment he was sure that he has seen it all.

It was on a Friday evening as he was coming back from class very famished,he noticed the unusual calmness in the hostel as against the usual noise but still it was the least of his worries. He could barely drag his foot as he mistakenly tapped on his apartment door which startled his roommates, Friday and Clark but yet none of them shouted on him,they were very keen on their phone.

He dropped his body on his bed,he was very tired, just then Friday told him to come and see something. At first he thought it was one of their pranks hence was reluctant at first but on further persuasion from him he decided to know what could be the issue. He leaned down as he looked close at the images that he saw on the live video,he couldn't believe his eyes,De Angelo was proposing to Sofia in Scarlett garden. It was like a sword piercing one's heart.

His roommates laughed and mocked him that he is a loser that even his so called brother was proposing to his girlfriend Sofia."Bro, nothing for you, you will die alone and painfully"Friday added with a very wicked look on his face.He went to his bed with a very simple prayer to God,to die in his sleep.