

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7( To the bottom)

Ethan was in the police cell until the morning. He wasn't really sure he made the right decision of taking action immediately. He kept on thinking why life have always been very unfair to him, from his early age he has been a subject of ridicule and pain. Even when he thought he was at the right part to his dream he was still facing the same situation.

"Am i really cursed?"he asked himself rhetorically as he ponder in his thought. His best friend and brother De Angelo was having a better life,has a girlfriend,has rich friends and relatively accepted by the school community. Him on the other hand was a direct opposite.

At the other side of the city, The NET organization was under fire largely due to the havoc caused by Ethan. Shane Willis is the son of one of the NET triangles whose name was Sir Cantwell Willis hence he was one of the most powerful individuals in the country. On hearing that his son was in coma due to one of his employees.

He swore to deal with him,the NET hierarchy has already ordered Madam Rebecca to provide Ethan for them so that he will face judgement. The whole school was still in mixed emotions as on what transpired yesterday at the beach party. Ethan was surely now a popular church rat.

"Hey"a man on uniform called out Ethan as he opened the cell door. He was immediately released,he was very surprised at the speed of the release but he credited to be the hand work of De Angelo or Madam Rebecca.

As he left for the entrance he saw fleet of black painted Rolls Royce in a unison arrangement in the opposite end of the road. He could tell that those were his people but he still doubted it because although Madam Rebecca is very rich it wasn't really her signature move. He could see De Angelo at the very side of one of the cars,as he approached them,some men ushered him a path to one of the car. He was oblivious of his situation.

It was a long journey coupled with the silence, nobody said anything to each other. He was immediately taken to a particular area of the NET headquarter. After some hours in isolation he was brought out and placed in the middle of the triangle,the three owners and some of the NET hierarchy members .

At that juncture he understood that his life was hitting a bottom rock though he wasn't sure of what his deed was. He was later accused of attempted murder on one of the NET hierarchy,not just anyone but one of the triangle Mr Cantwell Willis. He was found guilty without any hearing,who cares,why not just shoot him at the spot,he was a nobody with no one to actually care for his disappearance but instead they spared his life.

He was striped of his NET membership,his scholarship was revoked and everything he ever had that was from the company was collected back. They say"some lives is more miserable and worse than the dead"that was what Ethan found himself in. "Why not kill me then,why?"he asked them"your death means nothing to us, death must be earned and surely you have not earned it". He was beaten up and dropped off in a remote area of God knows where.

It was already night and they was a very heavy rain,he grunted in pains and agony as he lay down on the road helplessly. After a week he saw himself in the hospital,he was very weak."Welcome back Mr"a young looking nurse happily greeted. After some hours he saw a familiar figure but his view was still vague"who else if not De Angelo"he thought to himself but as the image appear closer he was very disappointed,it was Ryan."welcome back bro"Ryan greeted as he parted him on his arm."where is De Angelo"he asked weakily "I have not seen him since"Ryan replied,he knew how much De Angelo meant to him.

After some days he was later discharged and they went back to their hostel. Ryan took care of him until he was better and was getting up his feet.

It was calm Tuesday,the morning sun was bright, Ethan was on his bed thinking while the other two mates were busy making noise. "Man when are you resuming,you are missing a lot of things "Ryan asked while packing his books,he was leaving for class."It is over for me bro,my scholarship was revoked "he replied non chalantly."wow!,wow! that's a good news, that means you will be leaving soon "Friday scornfully responded as he laughed out loud with Clark."Don't give up bro,I will get back to you "Ryan replied to Ethan while making use of the door.

After six hours , Ryan came back and told Ethan to resume tomorrow."man don't you get it,I am fucking done,I will be leaving tomorrow " he replied rudely."Don't worry I have paid for the fees,so you will start tomorrow "Ryan responded trying not to get angry with Ethan transfer of aggression. Ethan was lost for a moment,he couldn't believe his ear,he bowed and thanked him as he cried painfully.

Now he can now go back to school,an iota of hope,he thought but the question now is where is De Angelo?and why has he not visited since almost three weeks?these were questions that he pondered on as he prepare for class, surely the answer shouldn't be far fetched but will he be able to bear it?