

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9(The setup)

death can be an easy thing to wish for or pray for but it's very presence makes even the most unfortunate individuals to cherish life at all cost . It has been a week since Sofia officially became De Angelo's girlfriend. It was the talk of the town,a perfect match,best couple, beautiful beings,God made these were the varying adjective used to describe the two couples.

Ethan on the other hand was struggling to survive,he involved himself in menial jobs just like old times but unlike then, it was only him. The only person helping him was Ryan the only son of lady. Ryan never knew his father because he abandoned him and her mother at his very tender age since then he has been under the care of her mother. Her mother was born with a silver spoon,the only child of Sir Robert Bridgteon an oil tycoon.

Ryan took after his mother kindness and humble spirit hence was very different from a lot of many individuals in the University. He has always cared for Ethan since year one.

At the other side of the town,in the capital city of Las gelas state, the NET organization heirachy wanted to appoint someone into a delicate and important position. A lot of individuals were being nominated and one of those was De Angelo. It was not a position that requires election,it is very delicate hence the triangle were the one that appoint someone from the list of the five top nominees.

De Angelo wanted and dreamed for the position,he wanted to be among the NET hierarchy. He knew that he requires the backing of some prominent individual like his mistress madam Rebecca. His relationship with madam Rebecca has grown from strength to strength and now she views him as her equal.

Mr Cantwell was one of the few NET hierarchy that was aggrieved on the punishment levelled against Ethan,to him it wasn't a fair judgement all he wanted was to make Ethan pay with his life for beating up his only son who was still in coma. Mr Cantwell was a clever man,he had the resources and what it takes to eliminate Ethan by himself but he did not want to show distrust among his colleagues,it may affect their relationship with one another.

Mr Cantwell was at the time of Ethan beating up satisfied,he was sure within himself that the boy will die but to his dismay he was healthy and to crown it all he was still attending school while his son still lay in the hospital with no exact date for his recovery.

"Good morning ,the latest headline in our afternoon news is that the head of the Multi billionaire company NET is under investigation for drug trafficking after an anonymous tip was received from an unknown individual"this were the news from the news station.

Ethan was surprised at the news,he was at the school canteen when he saw the news,it was a mixed feelings for him.

The NET organization was under fire,they drug business dealings were being exposed by an unknown individual.After coming through many investigations from government and law enforcement agencies,they were able to at least stall them since the evidence held against them was not substantial to sue them.

"Sir we have traced the sender of the anonymous tip "a nerd looking guy voiced out as he stood in front of a man who sat on his big chair."who is the ratting animal?"he asked in a cold tone. The nerd looking man was a hacker who was brought to find out the person that ratted them out.

He then replied confidently "Ethan Hunt by name sir"the man then laughed out, Ethan Hunt,it is time to send this dimwit to hell. He immediately called for an urgent meeting among the hierarchy,after much deliberation they decided that they will kill him. The question was who will bell the cat? that was when De Angelo name came into place.

Madam Rebecca was made to reach out for De Angelo who reported immediately. "De Angelo,by boy how will you like the position of the Regional supplier, to be part of the company hierarchy? "the man,Mr Ibrahim Kofi softly asked him."It will be an honor sir"he replied."Just as I thought but you have to earn our trust"he then continued "just like I always say,life is all about the hardest choices but in all, the end justifies the means"."If you really need the position you will have to kill someone for me"he added as he gives De Angelo a piece of paper."sir please, he is my brother"De Angelo cried out "Is your choice,each one definitely have its own consequences,chose wisely"he finally admonished him as they end the meeting.

It was a long and difficult night for De Angelo,he was told to kill his brother who was from another mother, Ethan Hunt. As he brood through it,her mistress, madam Rebecca convinced him to obey the hierarchy while reciting the benefits he will stand to get.

De Angelo at that moment sent a text to Ethan telling him to meet him at penox street at there favorite water fall. Ethan on the other hand had a very bad dream that woke him up. He could recall seeing himself being shot at a river fall but the face of the perpetrator was very vague in his dream.

Just then he saw the message of De Angelo. "Hmmm, finally he wants to apologise "he thought to himself.

After school,at around 7:00 pm Ethan was already waiting at the school water fall,all he ever wished was for them to be brothers again hence since the whole day all he was thinking was about how De Angelo will apologise and he will happily forgive him. After thirty minutes of waiting,he called De Angelo to know his where about,it was already getting late but to no avail his mobile phone was switched off.

At exactly 8.30pm,De Angelo appeared with a look that suggest against everything thing relating to him apologizing." Fuck you guy, much with keeping with time,look at when you are fucking coming"Ethan lamented sarcastically."Sorry,I almost forgot that we had an arrangement "De Angelo replied as he approaches him.

When he was close enough he brought out a pistol and pointed it at him."shit,shit,bro what's this?get the gun out of my face" Ethan shouted infuriatingly. "Shut the fuck up,you are the cause of all this,why did you send an anonymous tip against the NET"he responded,"what are you saying?,an anonymous tip?"Ethan asked. He continued "Bro that was not me,is it what all this is all about"."Don't give me that look,is already late,I was sent to kill you".

"Bro are you really pointing a gun at my face, please do not harm me,I wouldn't even try to harm you even if i was in your shoe"Ethan replied with tears,he was now afraid,death by a brother, he couldn't believe it, just then he remembered his dream he was exactly in the same position and same situation with the only difference being that the possible shooter was his brother,De Angelo as against the vague image that he saw.

"Micheal please, just let me go"he continued trying to come closer,"stay there man, just know that it was never personal" De Angelo voiced as he released the trigger and whoosh,the bullet pierced the poor Ethan and he felled off into the River fall. De Angelo cried out but he has already taken a brother's life,he was no longer the same.