
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 5

It's me again, with the new chapter that I just edited. Please vote if you like this, and also check my other original books. Prince of Heaven and Hell and Precious Lust System.

You can also join my discord server. I have started it recently and would love it if you all join it.

Thank you,


It was already 3:45 am, and the warehouse was ten minutes away from his home. The green-haired boy grabbed his backpack and ran.

He didn't forget to tell Inko that he was going to meet his mentor. He ran as fast as he could, trying not to be late on the first day. He finally reached his destination in about 12 minutes, he was already exhausted and covered in sweat.

He heard a grumpy voice.

"It took you 5 minutes to come out of your house and 12 minutes 17 seconds to reach here. Remember each second you lose may mean that someone's life is in danger."

"Do you get it? Are you exhausted? Do you want to quit? You are free to go back home but never come back."

Izuku knew it was his mentor's voice but he couldn't find him, finally, the Pro-Hero revealed himself.

The Pro-Hero said, "Remember the element of surprise is your most fatal weapon, let your enemies underestimate you. Let them down their guard, strike them with your strongest when they are at their weakest"

Izuku nodded his head, took off his backpack. He saw the warehouse was filled with useless junk; discarded pieces of machinery and objects lying all around.

Aizawa asked Izuku, "What do you see around?"

Izuku says that he can see useless and discarded things all around.

Aizawa replies, "You are right they are discarded by the people as they think they are useless but one with enough experience and effort can make them useful. You are like them, everybody considers you to be useless, the society will always discard you. It is only you who can change that, make yourself useful."

Aizawa pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it over to Izuku, "You don't have a quirk that puts you at a disadvantage. You must learn how to adapt to your surroundings and utilize your surroundings. You shouldn't rely completely on support items."

Izuku looks at the paper, it was his daily routine, it covered his whole day from sleeping to training as well as his studies.

4:00 am – wake up, get out of the house in 15 minutes.

4:15 am – get to the warehouse in less than 10 mins

4:25 am – 100 push-ups in 10 mins, then take rest.

4:40 am – 100 sit-ups in 12 mins, then take rest.

4:55 am – arrange all the equipment in not more than 15 minutes.

5:10 am – body training.

5:40 am – endurance training.

6:30 am – fighting practice.

7:00 am – session on improving your quirk analyzing skills and your reflexes.

7:30 am – leave the warehouse and run to your house.

7:45 am – clean yourself and go to school, don't miss your breakfast.

2:35 pm – return back to your house in less than 15 mins, freshen yourself in 10 mins and get ready.

3:05 pm – reach the warehouse in less than 15 minutes.

3:20 pm – 100 pull-ups followed by crunches.

3:40 pm – muscle training.

4:20 pm – sessions on improving your reaction time and strategic skills.

5:20 pm – fighting practice.

6:30 pm – put back all the equipment in their proper place in 10 mins and submit your quirk analysis.

6:40 pm – quirk analysis improving session.

7:00 pm – return back home by 7:30.

7:30 pm – freshen up and complete your schoolwork.

9:15 pm – have your dinner and then in not more than 5 minutes make a rough note on the quirk, which will be given to you before leaving and then note it in your notebook.

9:15 pm – go back to sleep, no late nighters.

Izuku was about to faint seeing the routine. He knew it would be tough but this was more like torture, but he also knew that the Pro-Hero had made this routine to compensate for the fact of him being a quirkless.

"Okay, let's begin. Since it's your first day we won't be doing any training, come with me kid", The Pro-Hero face was different than usual, it was calming the green-haired boy.

Izuku followed him, they were now on the rooftops of the warehouse. Aizawa sits down and asks him to sit near him.

"So will you tell me how you got information on me?", Izuku flinched, he cursed himself for not cleaning his room, he had no choice but to reply.

"I ran into a villain fight and saw you fighting, it took me a whole seven days to find your name. One day after several failures I was able to find some videos of you fighting. I watched them over and over, I even thought you to be a quirkless.", Aizawa knew that the green-haired boy was telling the truth but he didn't know that it wasn't the complete truth.

"From now onwards no more sneaking into fights. Try to avoid any danger. If you want to analyze quirks I will provide you with them but till your training is over no more running into danger. Izuku was being told not to sneak into fights. He has been told that several times but he never actually followed it but now since the Pro-Hero had done so much for him and also agreed to train him, he had to follow it.

He accepted the condition with any retaliation. Aizawa hands him another sheet, asking him to hand it over to Inko, it was his diet. He asks Izuku to leave, but his mother will be worried. The green-haired boy ran towards his home, it took him about 11 mins. He opens the door and hands the sheet to his mother, Inko says, "Shouta-san has already told me. From now on, no more junk food and you must eat your food properly according to the diet without any complaints."

There were only two people whom Izuku couldn't refuse, one was his mother and the other was his mentor, so he had no choice but to accept it. He goes to his room and closes the door.

He lays on his bed recalling the start of his new life, he quickly feels asleep.



Oh shit, it's already time. I have to get ready quickly.

Izuku leaves his bed and comes out of the house. He looks at his watch

4:12, alright I am early, let's be good.

He starts running, the streets are empty. He reaches the warehouse just before 4:25. Aizawa was standing at the door. He said to Izuku, "So you barely managed to come here in time, next time come early."

Izuku could hardly keep up with his training, his arms were sore after just doing 10 push-ups but Aizawa asked him to complete the rest 90 and then take a break. He barely completed them, he couldn't feel his hands. He was so exhausted that he was about to fall, but he managed to hold himself. The rest of the training was the same, Aizawa pushed the boy past his limits, the boy could barely stand up but the Pro-Hero showed him no mercy, he continued to train him finally it was the time for the session to improve his analysis, he was overjoyed not because he will be researching quirks but he will finally get a long enough break from the training.

The session was more interesting than expected, sure Izuku knew a lot about quirks but the guidance from his mentor was different, his exhaustion vanished. At last, it was time for him to leave. He bade his mentor and ran to his house, it took him longer than expected 16 minutes.

He opens the door, he takes a bath while Inko prepares his breakfast. He quickly finishes his bowl of rice and asks for another. He then finally leaves for school.

The school was the only place he could relax. He felt tired and wanted to sleep but he somehow managed to remain attentive during the classes. At the break, he quickly finishes his lunch and takes a small nap.

Izuku returns home and after freshening up he goes back to the warehouse. He did everything as his mentor said. He was tired again, still,l he managed to get through all of them. After finishing his quirk analysis session he heads back home, he is so tired that he forgets to say goodbye to Aizawa goodbye. Aizawa smiles and closes the warehouse.

Izuku's condition improved in the next few days, he was exhausted but now could somehow manage to reach his home. Finally,y it was Sunday, he was laying on his bed, he had woken up before 4:00, he checked his phone, he found his mentor's message.

He opened it, sadness took over his face, he finally got a day off from his hellish training and now his mentor asks him to get out of the house before 4:20.

He grins saying, "Why do these things happen to me?". He snuggles back to his blanket but Inko, who also received the message, forcefully wakes him up and asks him to get ready.

Izuku brushes his messed up green hairs and leaves. He saw the Pro-Hero standing next to his house with a black bike, it was very plain like it was made to not attract any attention.

The Pro-Hero asks him to sit back, he ignites the engine. Izuku expected some powerful engine to be installed on the bike but it had none. The Pro-Hero didn't at all stand out.