
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 6

To all the readers, if you like this fanfic, please send me power stones and read my other books. I am in need of reviews and directions for all three books. Prince of Heaven and Hell, Precious Lust System and One Above All.

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They finally reached their destination. They were in a dark alley, Izuku found the place somewhat familiar but couldn't remember anything.

Aizawa meets a masked man. He tells Izuku that whenever he has a fight with a villain, he first collects information about him so he visits this man who is an information broker. They aren't very popular among the Pros as they were considered to be neutral and broke the information to all even to vigilantes and villains.

Izuku knew that the place was familiar, it was the seventh secondary base of The Recorders Of Quirks. The masked man didn't recognize the green-haired boy as he never really revealed his identity to anyone in the organization, only the other four heads knew about his true identity.

Aizawa says to Izuku, handing him a bunch of files, "Remember information is your biggest advantage. Whenever you think you may have a possibility of getting caught into a fight, research and prepare yourself for every situation."

Each file had information on different quirks, however, their names were darkened by black ink.

Aizawa asks Izuku to analyze all those files till the next week and submit them. Izuku was excited, he finally got a chance to analyze different quirks. He keeps the files in his backpack and nods his head. They leave the place, a camera turns towards the green-haired boy's face.

Izuku and Aizawa walk through the dark alley, Izuku huffs. Aizawa looks at him and says, "Izuku, it is the duty of heroes to save people but they often leave places like these. These alleys are the place where criminal organizations originate. One must not only look after the city but also these dark alleys, crime rates in these places are much higher than in the main city."

Izuku knew he was right, most of the heroes came only after there had been a huge incident in the city, they never bothered to look into these dark alleys. If Aizawa hadn't found him that day, he might have been caught in deep trouble.

Aizawa ignited the engine once more and left for their next destination, it was a small but a steep cliff. Izuku couldn't find any birds or animals around there, no one was near like they were isolated from the outside world. Aizawa leaves his bike and starts walking, Izuku also does the same and follows him.

"There will always be a distraction in a real fight, you must not lose your focus, a single mistake may be the cause of your death or someone else's.", Izuku knew that Aizawa was serious. He remained silent, waiting for his mentor to finish him talking about how he should meditate and keep his mind calm.

Aizawa asks the green-haired boy to climb the cliff. Izuku looks at the cliff, he gulps and asks if there were any safety measures or equipment. Aizawa replies back that there isn't any, he must climb the cliff without any safety measures, a hero's life is always in danger.

Izuku grabs a rock and starts to climb, he climbs a bit and then loses his grip and falls. He tried once more and he fell again, he kept on trying and falling. This continued for about two hours by this time he had bruises all over his arms and legs.

Aizawa bandaged his injuries and asked him to continue saying, "You won't be leaving until you have reached the top."

The cliff was too high for Izuku to climb but he could dare to retaliate. He tries once more but fails, he asks himself how can anyone without experience climb such a cliff.

He continued to repeat climbing and then falling, finally, he reached the top but his body was exhausted from his earlier attempts. He faints, his body suddenly feels light, he realizes that he had just fallen from the cliff, he closes his eyes, everything is dark.

An Empty Room With A Voice Recorder

Izuku hears a familiar voice.

'Open your eyes, Izuku you are not dead yet. You haven't realized your destiny. What do you want to believe?'

I want to believe that my mentor will save me, he may be harsh but will never seriously hurt me.

'If that's what you want to believe then okay now open your eyes.'

The darkroom disappears, Izuku opens his eyes.

Izuku sees another man standing near his mentor. The man says, "Good job you did there but falling after just reaching the top, what a waste. If this man hadn't brought me you could have gotten seriously injured or even be dead."

Aizawa explains how he asked the man to come with him and prevent him from getting injured. He was asked to remain hidden because if he didn't know that one wrong step might be fatal for him, he may have never pushed himself.

Izuku thinks his mentor is right but also prepares a mental note to never completely believe the Pro-Hero, not until his training is over. He is drenched in sweat and his clothes were covered with dirt. He takes off his shirt, his body has come into a bit shape. He was still lean but now his muscles showed some definition.

Aizawa asks him to follow and he reaches near a pond. Aizawa asks if Izuku was tired and hungry. Izuku's stomach growls, he nods his head. The Pro-Hero replies back that if he is hungry then he could catch fish by himself and eat it and maybe he could clean himself too in the pond.

Izuku was now frustrated, he had just finished climbing the cliff and now he had to catch fish. It was already midday, the sun was at his head, it shone brightly. Izuku enters the pond, his whole body feels light, he feels relaxed and remains stagnant for some time.

"Hey kid, I am hungry. You better catch some fish. Otherwise, your ride back home will be gone and don't think that I am lying this time.", his mentor shouts, causing the green-haired boy to grit his teeth.

Izuku could see the bed, filled with stones. The water was clean, he spotted a fish, he tried to grab it but failed. He sees another but fails again. "Look for the tail.", his mentor gives him a suggestion poring eye drops in his dry eyes.

Izuku does exactly what his mentor suggested but still, he fails. Once, twice, thrice he failed to catch any fish. Finally, after several attempts, he caught a big one. He hands it over to the Pro-Hero and goes back to the pond, he manages to catch another big one. Aizawa asked him to collect some sticks, while he lit up the fire. Izuku picked some dry sticks lying around and gave them to the Pro-Hero who had just started the fire. They cooked the fish using sticks making it sure that the sticks do not burn. Izuku pulls out the fish from the stick and blows it and cools it. It wasn't very mouth-watering but he was still happy as he was finally able to eat, he hadn't eaten since morning. Izuku reduces the fish to bones and then extinguishes the fire.

The Pro-Hero checks his phone and calls someone, he ignites his bike and asks Izuku to sit, "We will be going to a special place."