
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 4.2

It's me again. Please vote this book and if possible read my other works too, especially Prince of Heaven and Hell.

You can also join our discord, we have just started. The link is in the synopsis.

Here we go.


Izuku replied, "I am a quirkless but I want to be a hero. I thought that if I analyze different quirks I may be able to become one but then I saw two men fighting, both were not using any quirks. So I decided to train myself if I want to become a hero."

"Looks you got it all wrong kiddo, you know I analyze quirks too and I can be sure that no quirkless fights took place in this area. By any chance did one of the men wore scarfs and golden goggles?", The man laughed.

Izuku looked up at his eyes with curiosity, "How do you know that? Do you know him? If yes then please introduce him to me."

The man explained to Izuku that the man wearing goggles and scarfs was none other than EraserHead, a Pro-Hero who had a quirk that allowed him to erase any effects of quirk.

Izuku was disappointed, he had just found a source of motivation, a quirkless hero but now he knew that they weren't fighting without quirks, they just couldn't use their quirks. He asked the man that he knows very much about quirks and if he could become a hero without a quirk.

The man was going to laugh, having heard the idea of being a quirkless hero from the kid but he couldn't when he looked at his green eyes.

"Boy, it's my duty to analyze quirks. I won't say that you can be a hero even without a quirk but as far as I know, there hasn't been any hero who is quirkless. If you were with a quirk, you could easily be a hero with your quirk analysis but if you don't have any then it's going to be really hard. Did you make all those analyses by yourself?", The man asked the boy, to which the boy replied that he made them all by himself, his once lost passion in his eyes returned.

"Boy, I know you want to be a hero but you already have a talent for analyzing quirks. Why are you wasting it? You are a valuable asset and therefore I would like you to contact me as I told you earlier I analyze quirks and it would be great for me to have a talented boy like you. Take this.", The man gives out a card and pats his curly green hair and leaves.

The man turns back and says, "By the way my name is Hatiro Sakura, when you contact me call me The Analyser."

Izuku was still in shock about what had just happened, it was already dark so he decided to go back home. He took a bath, went to his room. He booted up his computer, he had already learned the basics about computers as it was the only source of motivation for him, The All Might's rescue footage from a few years ago.

He searched Eraserhead on the internet, but he didn't find anything. He then searched for the name Analyser but couldn't find any. It took him seven days to find any information on the Pro-Hero.

"The Recorders Of Quirk, I bet I have seen that earlier.", He takes out the card, on it the same name is printed.

Izuku scrolls the page, it has just one page, with a weird list of names. He takes the card in his hand and sees there is a website with an email address. He decides to visit the website but the website address is weird, a random string of characters.

He searched Pro-Hero's name in the search bar and he was shocked. He saw the man from the fight. He looked more and found that he is Eraser Head, The Erasure Hero, an underground hero who hates the media. He was shocked, he searched for seven days and he just found the Pro-Hero on the website printed on the card given by the man.

He decided to contact the man, he opened the browser and sent a mail to the printed address on the card. Inko called Izuku for lunch, after having his lunch, he found that he got a reply.

The reply said, "Oh! it's you, boy. I thought you would never reach me, I have been waiting for you."

Izuku replied, "I want to know more about quirks, not only of the heroes but also of villains and underground heroes."

A reply came, "So you have decided to utilize your talent. How about joining us?"

Izuku hurriedly replied, "What does that mean?"

A reply came back with a video attached to it. Izuku opened it, it explained what the organization is and what it does. Izuku was surprised to find that such an organization even existed.

He replied, "Will I be able to get data on different quirks if I join?"

A reply came, "Yes, as long as you give us your analysis too. Your analysis is good, are you sure you don't have a quirk that helps you with your analysis. You should check it."

Izuku was already thinking about the possibility of having an analytical quirk. He accepted the offer of joining the organization and logged off. He was in high spirits, now he could find and get to know even more about quirks.

The days passed Izuku got data on different quirks and as promised he sent back his analysis. Soon the heads were impressed by his works and he became an important member of the organization.

Years passed, his analyses were more precise and accurate. He could now analyze a quirk in under 3 minutes and can find its weakness.

His work was praised by every member, even by the head. One day he received a letter from Hatiro, it was about making him his successor, one of the heads of the organization. Izuku opened the website and found that Hatiro's name was not listed. He contacted the organization and found that he had gone missing and made Izuku his successor, one of the five heads of the Recorders. He also left all his shares and properties to Izuku and in a day the green-haired boy became a multi-millionaire. He also finds that Hatiro was a quirkless too and was the founder of the organization.

Izuku had grown attached to Hatiro in the past few years but he wasn't willing to take such a huge responsibility but he respected his mentor's request. He became one of the heads and inherited all his properties.

The other knew that Izuku was too young to handle such a huge responsibility but they respected their founder's decision so they exempted Izuku from taking the decisions but asked him to attend all the meetings and conferences.

Soon Izuku was adjusted to his new position and was able to continue his hobby. He found his source of motivation once again, it was Hatiro, he wanted to be a hero but couldn't so he decided to create the organization and record the quirks. Izuku now not only wanted to be a hero just to save people but to also fulfill his mentor's dream. Izuku's phone rings, he picks it and finds that it is from Aizawa, he opens it.

"Meet me near the old warehouse at 4 and don't forget to tell your mother about it."


I love to post the next chapter ASAP. Thank you for reading.