
Once a normal highschooler

The story is about a certain highschooler who was part of a group that had been chosen to be heroes in another world. The highschooler and the other members of the group had great time and have gained many achievements in their journey however the fate of that single highschooler would change in the journey he goes as he would go down the path of evil.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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Ch 4 A talk with the King and finding my talent

I didn't have a good relationship with my parents preferring work more than being at home. While walking I tried to remember all the things I did in my own world and if there was anything worth to return. When we reached the door which would bring me to the king, I did confirm that there was nothing worthy back in my old world.

The knight opened the door, and I entered the throne hall. 5 chairs were put beside each other all facing the throne. The one at the left end was empty so I walked upon it and sat on it. Beside me was the man that looked older than the others and me sitting beside him made me feel uncomfortable which I couldn't tell why.

I looked at the king. He was old maybe in his 50ties I did then took a glance at the others, and they all also wore clothes like mine not luxurious more intended to be comfortable.

"I greet you warriors. Our god told me how the fashion sense of your world is different for ours, so we prepared clothes that are more comfortable than expensive please excuse it for looking so poor we bought it from commoners but still tried to make it look good"

I looked at the king eyes and hands I could tell that he meant it either that or he is just a great liar. I did hope it was the first part.

The king continued to talk: "I make it for you all clear you all have died in the world you came from, and our God took your soul to our world, so you help us"

"Why should we help you?"

I looked at the one who said it and it was the boy that I had seen beside the two girls. `is he an idiot or fearless? ´ A genuine thought questioning him just popped out when he said that.

"Hmm why should you help us"

The king seemed to act as if he was seriously thinking about it. Then he smiled suddenly.

"First prince would you do the honor to tell the reason"

"Yes, your majesty"

Leonardo, who was beside the King, stepped out and coughed a bit to clear his throat.

He then started to speak,

"Helping us will give you many benefits the first one will be that all of you can return to your own world"

"And if we don't want to?" the boy asked cutting Leonardo in the middle of his talking.

"The second benefit all the powers you gained from you can also be used at the other words"

I opened my eyes wide open and the others all too. I opened my mouth out of shock I had to hold my mouth shut with my hand. The boy was silent for a moment but surprisingly apologized afterward.

"I apologize for just cutting your sentence while you weren't finish it was rude from me"

"It's fine it is better than what the other heroes all did in the past"

The king laughed but none of us were smiling. I was wondering how bad the past heroes were for the king to react like that and brush it off in such a way.

"But like my son told you those are the benefits that you will gain if you defeat the demon king"

The thing we would gain was beneficial to us. Looking at the others I could see excitement but also greed in their eyes the greed to have the powers in our own world too.

"However, I have one question my king" I said it aloud

The king looked at me.


"What happened to the past heroes for that there is a need to summon another group of heroes"

There was a heavy silence filling the hall. I started to regret asking this question while trying to keep a calm poker face. The king was staring at the me stare was making me shake I felt like he would kill me any moment now.

"The heroes had to give up as their talent was not enough to defeat the demon king"

When the king said those words, I could take a guess why the atmosphere was so heavy now. They may be heroes, but they were unable to defeat the demon king which would mean that many if not everyone hates them for that.

"Anyway" The king smiled nicely again.

"How about that we get the names of you all"