
Once a normal highschooler

The story is about a certain highschooler who was part of a group that had been chosen to be heroes in another world. The highschooler and the other members of the group had great time and have gained many achievements in their journey however the fate of that single highschooler would change in the journey he goes as he would go down the path of evil.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

`What a leech he can sweet talk well 'The girl said in her mind and glared at the man.

The prince grabbed the hand of the man, and they shacked each other hands.

"Let's do it then. First you all shall be brought to a room and be cleaned up after that you all will be brought to my father"

The prince then snapped his fingers and the knights all grabbed one of the people. Two knights came to me and the two each grabbed one of my arms and then pulled me up that way. I was surprised on how strong they were. That they could pull me up seemingly effortlessly like that is not what I had expected.

I was soon brought to a room it was quite luxurious. I saw a wallpaper just in a side of the room they I walked to there and looked how much they were taking. As I walked to measure how long the paper walls where I came with 100 feet seeing that only then I realized how big the room was.

I took this time a good look around however I had no idea where to look at as it was just sparkling. There were so many things many looking especially expensive and even seemingly to sparkle. I did like at how they were sparkling. I saw then where I can open that paper wall and I pushed it to the side opening it.

What I got introduced with was a bathtub a bathtub I would see back in my world. It was filled with water, so I touched it to know if it was warm and indeed it was warm.

`Did they prepared it beforehand?

I was silently thinking about it but then just pushed that thought aside.

`Nothing will come out thinking about such stuff. I better just take my bath and dry up´

I stepped in and felt comfortable.

´Am I in heaven`

The feeling was great.

The feeling I got felt too good that I would not feel bad waking up in a hospital now. I suddenly felt a touch and wanted to jump up out of surprise but was held down. Out of the tub something came out it was transparent blue and had two points seemingly to be meant to be eyes and a simple line that was its mouth, and it was smiling right now.

"Please don't go up I will clean you"

That 'Thing' that had come out said it enthusiastically. I was terrified and just ashamed to be inside something else butt naked. That 'Thing' seemed to be picking something out from my body it was soft and gentle however I felt it clearly. It did tickle me a bit on how that 'Thing' was doing that.

After some minutes the 'Thing' was finished.

It had released me, and I stood up from the tub and got out from it. I looked back at the tub I slowly opened my mouth and asked it a question: "What are you?" I was filled with curiosity to the being.

"I'm a slime!" The slime said happily.

"A slime?" I said shocked"

"Yes, a slime I don't think I exist in your world, right?"

A slime. I knew about slimes a lot from videogames and many fantasy comics. They are often described to be weak in videogames while in many fantasy comics depending on people, they can be a dangerous foe able to melt anything that it touches like acid and consume the victims when it puts them in its body.

I shuddered.

The slime did look at me confused. I smiled at it and tried to hide my fear that I was feeling against it. Something tapped my shoulder I froze out of fear something touched me suddenly out of nowhere and I didn't see the thing before.

I turned around but got greeted with...another slime surprisingly. The slime was holding clothes the clothes being not luxurious instead it looked comfortable. I took the clothes, and the clothes were extremely soft I walked out from the bathroom if it can be called one.

I changed my clothes as the slime was the water itself, I didn't have to dry myself and could wear the clothes immediately.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The clothes that I was given were not something a noble would wear that was obviously visible. A brown jacket with a white shirt underneath, brown pants and black shoes even if those were clothes of someone poor, I was not annoyed by it.

`At least the clothes are comfortable´

I exited the door, and a knight was waiting for me.

"Will you bring me to the king of this world?"

I asked carefully the question. The knight nod and started to walk and I followed behind him.

`I wonder how my parents will react when they realize I'm gone´