
Once a normal highschooler

The story is about a certain highschooler who was part of a group that had been chosen to be heroes in another world. The highschooler and the other members of the group had great time and have gained many achievements in their journey however the fate of that single highschooler would change in the journey he goes as he would go down the path of evil.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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Chapter 5

The first one to speak was the girl that I first saw when waking up she stood up and started to speak.

"My name is Clara and former university student"

After saying that she sat back on the chair.

The boy then stood up and told his name: "Please call me just Max I'm 20 years old and was a first-year university student"

The other girl stood up then after Max sat down: "My name is Sara and I'm the same age as Clara I'm also the friend of Clara and Max" she said it in a good mood.

"That explains why the three of you were so close" The prince said.

Sara nod to the prince and sat down.

The man who seemed older than us was the next one to stand up. He cleared his throat and pushed the glasses that he was wearing a bit up and with that he spoke his words: "I greet you all once again. My name is Mark Rikemo and I'm 32 years old I was an employee of a game company".

After introducing himself it was my turn now. I stood up with a face showing no sign of emotions I was calm I didn't want to show any emotions if I did. I would get used to show them which I didn't want.

"My name is Johannes I just turned 17 and I was in my last year of high school"

I sat fast down. I was never good with introducing myself and I never planned to be good to be in such a thing. The king then clapped his hands to get our attention which he succeeded.

"Now please follow me" The king said, and he got out from his throne. He walked down the stairs that were short.

The king walked to an open hall with us following him. The place that the king had brought us to a hall much bigger than the last one no I was not sure if this could be called a hall as it was unimaginable large.

In the middle of this gigantic hall was a small altar with a clear white ball on it.

"I want each and one of you to hold your hand on the ball. The color it reflects is deciding in what all of you are talented"

We nod to what the king had said.

Mark was the first one to walk upon the crystal. The distance was short, so he was fast there and without any hesitation he had touched the clear white ball.

A yellow light.

The ball emitted a yellow light it was especially light yellow seemingly clear.


A knight shouted which grabbed our attention, so we looked at the king direction. The king was held up by knights he seemed to have passed out looking at his face.

"Did something bad happen!?" Mark asked.

He was nervous. He didn't know if he had done something bad to make the king just faint seemingly with no reason behind it. The prince then had come out and spoke for his father.

"What a great miracle there is no need to worry hero mark my father passed out because he is overjoyed to see that you have the talent of a priest".

Mark was looking at them with rather suspicion not knowing why that would be so great. A priest then walked upon Mark and had whispered something with him. After the talk the two had Mark followed the priest somewhere.

`Is he getting brought to a church now? ´ I did wonder it but knew it would be no use thinking about such things.

I walked upon the ball. I looked at it and I thought that I could feel something coming out from it.

`Am I imagining things`

That was the answer that I came up with of why I was thinking that I felt something from just a ball.

I touched the ball. The ball started to turn black the color was intense and made it impossible to see anything else from it. I got a shiver at my back a cold presence was behind me, and that presence was making me hard to even breath.

My legs were trembling and when I turned back, I saw what the thing was that was causing my legs to shake violently. A humanoid skeleton I looked at it closely and I recognized what it was from all the countless manga and manhwa I read.

"A lich" I spoke aloud.

The lich started to laugh. The laugh only put more fear into my body I couldn't take my eyes off from him by body was telling me if I did it, I may die. I didn't understand why a lich even was here.

"Finally, after 800 years I get to have a student"
