
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Wandering Trouble Part 3

AN: Here is the chapter to make up for not posting on Thanksgiving. Hope you all enjoy it even though it's small!


Last time on 'Omnitrix In Fairy Tail'


Ethan had went to apply for a bounty hunter's license. Not even a few moments later he was handed a slip that said 'Number Thirty-eight, Wait time: two hours'.


-Town: Dire Valley, Bounty Hunters Association-

"Damn, if I knew I was going to have to wait two hours I would have just left it for another day. Too late now.", Ethan mumbled to himself.

Apparently Ethan had spoke to soon, as man dressed in a loose business suit walked into the middle of the crowd holding a megaphone.

"Uhum. Ladies and Gentlemen, the bounty hunters association test had been changed. The test will group two people into a team, whos goal is to eliminate two other teams. Each team will receive one badge which will be given to the team leader. If your badge is taken you will lose the right to attain a bounty hunter's license for two months, however you can put you badge inside of an bag as there is no rule against it. That is all, please find a teamate!" - Announcer

Ethan just finished listening to the announcer and quickly went towards the closet person to him. The person in question was a female who looked to be 5'6-5'7 with black hair that had a teal color near the tips, complementing her teal eyes. She is wearing tight leggings, with what looked like a very small workout shirt, and followed by that were two crosses for earrings. (Image)

The moment Ethan approached her, she turned towards his direction, and waited a for him to introduce himself. As he was the only one to notice her out of everyone there, alongside the weird aura he constantly gave off. It was as if his magical energy was constantly being released instead of constrained, not really building up, but never running out at the same time. Which in her opinion made him a interesting person in general compared to the shitty normal wizard.

"Hello my name is Ethan North. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss?"

"It's Vavrera Icegrove, Mr. North" - Vavrera Icegrove

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Icegrove."

"Well with pleasantries out of the way Mr. North, since you decided to team up with me. Who will be the team leader?" - Vavrera Icegrove

"I particularly don't have an interest in carrying it Miss Icegrove."

"Then I will make sure to hold on to it to the best of my abilities. Now besides that, we need to give a brief explanation of our own magic to one another."

"Well for starters, mine is a form of takeover magic numbering around ten or so unseen creatures, which increases from time to time."

"That is interesting Mr. North. My magic on the other hand is 'Soul Slayer' Magic, which allows me to take a person's soul if I come in contact with them and, their life is particularly downright evil." - Vavrera Icegrove (AN: This is something similar to the ability of Frankenstein from Noblesse.)

Having just finished their introductions Ethan and Vavrera waited for the crowds to settle down. This took about ten minutes with people rushing back and fourth to find a partner. Those unfortunate enough to not find a partner were eliminated, but allowed to try again later.

"Alright! Those who have their teams come to the separate counters, spread throughout the area to obtain your badge. Now those who received their badge should follow the guides, outside the entrance of the establishment. Good Luck!" - Announcer


AN: Hope you enjoyed the small wrap up to the previously long chapter. I had a very small window to type this chapter, as I had to complete College preparatory things. I will try to release another chapter Sunday for this as this one was really short, but no promises! Have a Great Day!