
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Bounty Hunter Test Part 1

AN: Hi! Before this chapter starts let me say a few things. Thank you to those who actually like to read the book, and give ideas. It really makes my day. Now on to something extremely important! I am being signed to attend a college to run, alongside that I have a lot of assignments and college work to turn in. So updates will take a little longer, and I might miss an update. Just wanted to let you all know, Now enjoy the chapter!


Ethan and Vavrera had just reached one of the tables to get their badge. The badge in question was round at the top forming one point at the bottom, having gold and blue inscriptions etched throughout. Vavrera quickly picked up the badge, attaching it to one of her strands of hair and hiding it.

"Alright Ethan. I am suitable for both hand-to-hand and ranged combat, meaning we should have a pretty varied form of attack positions." - Vavrera Icegrove

"Well, I have a variety of transformations some stronger than others. But I think I might have something just for this specifically." - Ethan says turning around to activate the Omnitrix, as it would be weird if he spent a minutes or two looking at his wrist.

Pressing the green button popping up the dial, Ethan turns the dial to the left six times revealing the outline of a frog like, bipedal alien who was particularly small. Sadly this was not the situation in which this alien would be useful, making Ethan sigh slightly. Ethan then turned the dial again, which gave him something he always found cool from the classic series. The Alien was a semi-armored velociraptor with black orbs attached to the feet, however it seemed to be more human like than the original from the classic series. Before he pressed down the dial he turned around to Vavrera and said, "Do you want me to do it now or wait considering the test hasn't started yet?".

"Wait. We will able to suprise the other groups, momentarily catching them off guard. This will one give us an edge on the competition, while allowing us to snatch a badge from the unexpecting ones." - Vavrera Icegrove

"Alrighty Vavrera, I will wait for the competition to start."

Like the past few times a man holding a megaphone walked towards the entrance doors and said "Those who have collected their badges follow me! As I will need you to fill out a few forms, about cause of death and all that nonsense!"

After hearing the announcement around four hundred or so people seemed to walk out the doors following like lost puppies. Some even got yelled at by the announcer to shut the hell up or they would be disqualified. Funny enough the man had the power as he owned the building, and did the announcements so no newbie could fuck it up.

This short walk which would should have taken around thirty minutes, took an hour. Crossing the flat lands and entering a mountainous area not to far north. Some looked tired, perfectly fine, and stoic throughout the trip. Finally they arrived at their destination, which seemed to be a platform suspended in the air with square shapes littered about it that had words written on them.

"Ok! We made it. Took a little longer with this group seeing as their are so many of you. Now! Onto what you all are here for, but first some helpful information. Those who step on this pads will be transported to a different location somewhere throughout the mountain range. Sucky part about them is the chance they drop you from the air, which has killed quite a few. So those who wish to turn back, now is your chance!" - Announcer

Finishing that sentence a semi large group of people numbering around forty left the exam site. This site made the announcer chuckle, and say, "Well damn! This is way more than any test we have conducted before. Most of the time, when we mention the chance of death half of the contestants leave looking like they pissed themselves. So on my behalf I commend you for having the balls to stay and take the test! Now, without further ado step on a platform one group at a time!"

Ethan turned to Vavrera looking for confirmation to step on, to which he received a nod. Stepping on the platform Ethan felt a tug on his body making him slightly nauseous, and then it suddenly went away. When he looked around him he found himself on a tree branch beside Vavrera, and she was just kicking her feet back and forth like a child.

"So, I we going to find a group or no?"

"No. Stay in the trees and observe those below. When any of their guards are down strike quick and with the intent to destroy." - Vavrera Icegrove

Ethan hearing this just nodded his head before he jumped towards another tree branch, almost falling of due to his balance. Barely he stopped himself from falling, and then proceeded to the next branch getting better with each jump. Occasionally he would look down or ahead to see if there was a group of people, but to his dismay they saw no one.

"Hey. I don't see anyone."

"They are probably hiding, and biding their time for another group to pass by. Just so they can catch them off guard. Anyway I guess I should help you out forest boy, try to feel their magical energy. If you can't it isn't a problem as most people take multiple days to learn it." - Vavrera Icegrove

Ethan taking those words to heart quickly closed off most of his sense. Shutting his eyes focusing on try to feel magical energy and from their locate people giving off large amounts. It had started with being able to feel anything, but after a minute or two he could feel a tug and change in the environment. Slowly but surely he could feel animals and vaguely get an idea of their outline, but just like Vavrera said he found people hiding amongst the foliage and rugged terrain. Finally he opened his eyes and nodded to Vavrera just before jumping to trees above the people on the ground.

Sadly the people below didn't expect to be attacked above and weren't able to prepare for the attack that was about to take place.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: I hope you enjoyed that one thousand word chapter. It took a little while to write, but I had fun. Sadly most chapters wont be as long as this one considering these two weeks will be the busiest weeks of my life. College preparation is stressful, anyways have a Great Day!