
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Wandering Trouble Part 2 Discouraged Fight

An: I hope you enjoy this long chapter.

P.S.: Ethan has only really trained a form or two. So him getting beat up is to be expected. That and I haven't given him the training time skip, which will happen a long way down the road.


Last Time on 'Omnitrix In Fairy Tail'


Ethan had just finished designating levels of strength and what groups those people belong in, when he noticed strange movement inside the forest. It was the Greivefang that left their cave seemingly searching for something important. Unfoutanetly a timorous feeling took root in Ethan's stomach, leading him to follow the Greivefang.


-Lake Forbridge Depths-

"Alright, time to follow these ugly looker shmucks!", Ethan says as he quickly checks to make sure the Omnitrix is charged. Luckily his vision was met with a bright green color meaning, he was ready to transform if need be.

Rushing towards the forest, he made sure to constantly check if the slower Greivefang noticed him. Surprisingly they didn't notice him at all along the trip only stopping whenever they did. The trip lasted about thirty minutes before him and the group he was following came to about a mile outside small village. About fifty to one hundred Greivefang were situated at this location, with one standing atop a rushed and tilted platform. This one compared to the rest, had one half the size of a normal Greivefang's teeth and slightly shorter wings. His feet still keeping the claw like appearance, just like his hands.

Not even three minutes later the one on top of the stage started to speak aloud. "Brother's and sisters of the Greivefang, we have been hidden for far too long. Our influence on the world has diminished, our leaders severally crippled, and we barely survived extinction. Today in comparison to all the time we spent healing, is our resurgence into the world once again, this village being a starting point. Now it is about time we strike, prepare and get ready to destroy this place within seven to eight minutes. That is all!" - Evolved Greivefang

'Well this might prove to be amazingly difficult. For one the number of Greivefang in general is troublesome, and the evolved one makes defeating them even harder. Another problem is my inability to use transformations like Frankenstrike who has skin, since their fangs could be poisonous. Diamondhead, Swampfire, and Ghostfreak are a few of my options as I have yet to use the rest. Which reminds me!'

Quickly pressing the green button popping up the dial, Ethan twisted it to the left five times stopping on a bug like creature with wings and antenna. Knowing that this one was Big Chill from 'Alien Force', he pressed down the dial. His body changed to an what he thought was the exact image of the creature. Instead the transformation was purple with a few changes, followed by a different wing type compared to the original.

'Wow! This form looks cool to me, not exactly a fan of purple but it's ok. Now focusing on important matters, time to freeze these bitches!', Big chill thinks to himself as he goes intangible and fly's above the crowd. Just before he uses what he will now call 'Prism Fracture', which engulfed about twenty or so in ice, only killing ten of them. What Ethan didn't expect, was for the evolved Greivefang to narrow its eyes directly at him and shout "The creature is above you my brethren.", and jump at his current location.

Not moving and staying intangible the creatures claws went right thorough him doing nothing. It made him feel protected, however the feeling of being particularly safe from the creatures had been shattered, as an attack of electricity made it's way from the crowd striking his chest. Forcing him to fall towards the ground, barely becoming intangible just before falling into the large group of creatures hands.

Now that his weakness had been exposed Big Chill decided to weave in and out of the creatures bodies freezing them solid, before he broke them into a thousand pieces. Dodging whatever lightning bolt came his way, every now and then. This strategy proved more effective than what he did earlier, and killed around forty or so. Making the ones that were still alive, that number being fifty, flee in multiple directions leaving behind the evolved.

"Ok. Change of plans. I just have to deal with a pest!", the evolved creatures says with venom behind each word. As is seems to enter a stance and pushing off its right foot, appearing directly behind Big Chill. "DIE!", only to have it miss and countered by a strong right hook from Big Chill. Stumbling back the evolved quickly tries to regain its balance, while keeping an eye on its opponent even with a slightly blurred vision.

"Damn it you vermin! Attacking the Greivefang will result in you eventual death!", the evolved one says while backing away. "Okay, you fucking wuxia novel, clan sounding mother fucker. I'm gonna kill you, just for that line alone!", Big Chill says as he plunges his fist into the creatures chest, before turning it intangible freezing the inside of the wound. "Now die a slow and painfully cold death!"

Turning around Big Chill quickly flew off the ground, and headed closer to the village. Landing just a minute or two out he pressed the watch face returning to normal, and walked right in with no trouble. Slowly Ethan walked through the village eyeing the shops lined about here and there. Some of the shops he saw were: Blacksmith, Clothing Shop, and a Bounty building. Each of the buildings had around five to ten people inside at the moment, with around one or two people near the small shops scattered about.

Ethan than realized one major problem, that he forgot to consider as he lived far out from most places. He had no money, meaning he was one broke ass bum. Taking the time to let that sink in, he walked into the bounty station to register and check what jobs were available.

Having arrived at the main desk Ethan said "Can I register for a bounty hunters license?", and the man responded with "Just like all the rest, go to the waiting area to the right.". To which Ethan went directly to the left with a little slip of white paper that said 'Number Thirty-eight, Wait time: two hours'.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: It took me about two hours to type and correct this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this one, and the third part that will be posted on Saturday!