
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Wandering Trouble Part 1

AN: So I forgot to post last Thursday, because of Thanksgiving. Which means, I will post another chapter this week to make up for it. It will most likely be posted on Saturday. Also, if you're wondering this chapter is short, while the second one is about three times a long. Enjoy the chapter.

On Another Note Check out my other story that I will post once a week. It is called 'Forgotten Bonds'. This is a bleach story is going to be updated once a week, particularly Sunday and be 1,000 words plus. The prologue is out, and posted in auxiliary chapters.


Ethan had just named his recently obtained transformation which he now referrers to as 'Guardian', while he made his way to what he thought was once home of the 'Lizard-Crab'. The walk to the lake took longer than it should have, however Ethan had to wait for the Omnitrix to recharge. The reason for letting the watch recharge was simple, he was about as fit as an above average person who is quite a few steps from superhuman. Meaning any fight without the Omnitrix unless particularly weak would be a death sentence. That didn't mean he would use it to solve all his problems, but his options at the moment were minimal.

One thing was the scale he made for stages of strength. This of course only showed a semi-accurate presentation of how someone's strength was classified in his opinion. Of course this was not like cultivation where a bitch could skip levels easily, this was where they had to put in a considerable amount of time and effort to improve. The levels are as follows:



Below Average


Above Average


Normal Bodybuilding/ Athleticism

Trained Bodybuilding/ Athleticism

Peak Bodybuilding/ Athleticism (Best of the best by normal Earth standards)


Low-End Superhuman

Mid level Superhuman

High-end Superhuman

Peak Superhuman


Each level gave him a basic understanding of how people could be grouped, mages making up of the Normal levels and Upward. Most of his transformations would easily be able to beat a large majority of people from Peak Bodybuilding to High-end Superhuman, except for a certain few individuals from the show. Not including those with plot armor.

-Lake 'Name Undecided'-

Ethan had reached the lake some point during his thoughts, but was too engrossed to notice. Until his feet hit water, making him jump back from the edge and stopped somewhere in the middle of his next thought. Realizing he was at his location, he quickly shifted his thoughts and started to search around. Nothing really stuck out in the beginning, but every few minutes more shadows would move throughout the nearby forest.

What made this situation worse, was the outlines having a familiar shape to the creatures that he fought with inside the cave. Some of them even stopped in their tracks to look at Ethan through the leaves, before continuing off in multiple directions. Which meant these were smarter, or had a particular goal in mind.

'Damn it. I thought it would take them longer, before they ventured outside the cave. That was wishful thinking considering all the time they spent recovering. I could follow the stragglers from a distance, however my chances of being caught would be high if they were intelligent. Ahh. Time to go on a little excursion.'


AN: Hope you enjoyed the albeit short chapter. Please tell me if it was all over the place, as I am exhausted and will fix it before I post the next chapter. Have a great day!