
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

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22 Chs

Bounty Hunter Test Part 2

AN: Hi! Here is part 2 of the previous chapter, I hope you enjoy it! Sadly there might not be another chapter for this week, as I have to take yet another ACT, followed by a research paper for my college class.


Ethan had finished jumping across the tree tops stopping slightly above an unsuspecting group, who thought they were clever. A few moments later Vavrera motioned for him to get ready to jump them, which prompted him to pop up the Omnitrix dial twisting it until he reached Xlr8, and pressed it down.

Ethan's body seemed to stay the same size, while it started to take on a human-velociraptor like appearance. The colors of his body changing to black, white, green, and blue with two black balls attached to the middle of the feet. (Image)

This change also brought a change in balance, making him slightly wobble. Not enough to make him fall, but enough to flail like a lost child having a tantrum. He eventually stopped flailing and regained his composure, just before jumping down to engage the targets.

When 'XLR8' landed he quickly zoomed behind a large man around 6'2, who was decked out in armor. Unluckily for 'XLR8' the man turned around as if he expected someone to sneak up on him, and thrust a 'Zweihänder' sword directly towards the chest. The sword being as large as it was had reached 'XLR8' far faster than it should have, barely leaving him room to dodge. Moving about 1/3 of his max speed 'XLR8' Shifted to the left, and attempted to pierce the man's throat. It missed by a small margin, which to 'XLR8' was an astounding feat considering he was probably going around three hundred miles per hour.

'XLR8' replaced the astonishing feat with a logical idea of how the man did it. It was probably due to the man's magic, it either had to be something related to speed, which would mean the armor was meant to be a distraction. One hell of a clever idea to say the least, sadly it was extremely ineffective against 'XLR8's' speed.

What happened next however shook both teams to their very core. A screech that deafened most reached their ear's followed by the ground shaking as if it would rip apart beneath their very feet. This was too quick for anyone to gain their wits, and some ran around like headless chickens as a creature the size of a mountain emerged near the middle of the testing area. It was a giant as tiger that seemed to have bone like spikes in various places around its body which were similar to its teeth, while the snow-white fur it had was stained with blood in multiple spots.

Those who had collected their thoughts stared at the creature as a large announcement was made. "Contestants a large creature that was unaccounted for and is extremely dangerous has awoken from a long slumber. I advise those who don't want to die leave immediately, while those who are brave enough stall for an S class wizard to arrive. To those who stay, I say Good Luck!".

'XLR8' had stopped fighting the other group immediately, as he stared at the gigantic tiger which seemed to hold some form of fear. It was a fear that stemmed from his heart, which kept growing the longer he stared as if he would fall into an abyss of despair. Eventually his breathing picked up and slowly by surely he started to hyperventilate, his transformation doing little to calm him. The creature in question invoked memories from his childhood with which he wanted to forget.

-Repressed Memory: Bloody Zoo-

Little Ethan had woken up on a Saturday morning, not tired but excited since his parents were home and usually had little time to spend with him. Funny enough his mother 'Evangeline' promised to take him to a newly opened zoo, and spend time with him. This only made his smile brighter as today was the day he could see his favorite animal the Tiger, in person.

-Sometime After They Arrived At The Zoo-

"Ok, Ethan dear we have a lot of time to look at the animals, so don't rush to see certain things right away." - Evangeline

"Ok, mama. I will wait." - Little Ethan said with a slightly sad tone. Which didn't stay for long, as he spotted the bird exhibit, to which he quickly rushed over. This made Evangeline laugh a little, as she watched him try poking a bird with little success.

An hour or so later they finally arrived at the exhibit Ethan wanted to see the most, the Tiger exhibit. It didn't have as many people viewing it as some other exhibits, but Ethan found it amazing either way. He even went towards the Tigers cage, looking at it with starry eyes. Ethan's mother unlike her son noticed the look the Tiger had on its face, and she rushed to Ethan's side picking him up moving him further ways a way from the area. The Tiger on the other hand clawed right through what was containing him and rushed towards Ethan's mother, while those who saw it escaped stood petrified with fear.

It had seemed to be after a specific target which was Ethan, but it seemed to be focused on the one who took away its original prey, his mother. Evangeline who noticed the Tiger destroy its cage and make its way towards her, told her son to start running away while she stayed to stall it. Little Ethan who looked at the Tiger running towards him froze like an ice cube, while the Tiger jumped at his mother. It bit her arm snapping it apart like a twig, blood gushing as she screamed bloody murder. Her son watching the blood fly dropped to his small knees and started sobbing for his now deceased mother, while the Tiger slowly made its way towards him.

Fortunately a tall white man with black hair slicked back, holding a cigar and shotgun came out from nearby equipment shed. He rushed towards the tiger blasting it, as he dropped the cigar he was holding and pulling a pistol from a pouch around his waist. Unloading the clip like he did the shotgun rounds into the tiger's skull, as it had no time to dodge the barrage of bullets.

After unloading all the bullets into the tiger he rushed over towards the mother who was bleeding out. He ripped apart his shirt while taking out some medical supplies, and started to cover the wound closing it tightly to cut off blood flow to that area. All in a span of a few moments he picked up the woman while he told one of the other guides nearby to watch the kid, and rushed towards the closest hospital.

-Memory End-


AN: I hope you liked this chapter. It gave some backstory, while it helped set up the next chapter.