
omni mythical inhuman god

he die and get wishes I won't spoil this story also there will be many animes and movies and TV show verses in this story

omnioutergod · Anime & Comics
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omni god king of the boundless

hahaha the god who reincarnated jason laugh why watch him im knew my son would level up fastly he got hit form behind husband he still need to reach the top he far form him this was the wife azazthoth blind idiot goddess they was sit there in there true form watch jason these years he say oy leave be a father is always proud of his children I wounder when Nyarlathotep will meet him you know she got a brother complex she just smiles looking that screen(author here yes the mc was a being stronger then boundless but he choose to experience human life his mother is progenitor of the outer gods and his father his the creator of everything that why he got that many wishes and that why the big guy himself gave them to him and his mother couldn't be there beacuse he to weak her chaotic energy would had driven him mad I wrote this chapter to what make him so special)