
omni mythical inhuman god

he die and get wishes I won't spoil this story also there will be many animes and movies and TV show verses in this story

omnioutergod · Anime & Comics
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not a actual chapter his forms he haven't taken yet humanoid and mythical and supernatural and anime forms

dragon forms

divine dragon god form

bahamut form

holy divine dragon form

dark dragon god form

darkness demonic dragon god emperor king

lighting dragon god emperor king

phoinex forms

fire phoinex form

ice and frost phoinex form

poison phoinex form

phoinex god of death and destruction form

phoinex god creation and life

demonic forms and devil forms

gremory god of destruction form

Leviathan demonic god of serpents

lucifer god of demonics form

lucifer god of demonicbq forms

lucifer god of demonic forms

lucifer god of demonic forms

lucifer god of demonic forms

lucifer god of demonic forms

demonic devil god emperor form

demonic god emperor king form

( these2 are one of his outer god form he 66 outer god forms only have 2 beacuse he not strong enough to be in his true outer god form or his hybrid form)

aphaversial demon god destruction and madness and havoc and insanity

aphaversial demon god destruction and madness and havoc and insanity and humanoid form

outer god pregentior prince of madnes and insanity and choas and havoc and lust and wrath and gluttony and sloth and pride ( author: this one is lock to I won't be showing this form until I find a good picture for it and yes one day he will surpass his parents and all the boundless gods and beings his 2 main races forms will be lock or seal until he can handle it witch will be 2 stages will be unlock in each form once he become boundless he unlock each of his main race form last stages and will have to be able to have that have same power in his base form then he unlock his hybrid form and be able to makes both race forms for power when he become true boundless he become omnipotent omnipresent omniscient and all the other omnis and dad is on 960 sextrillion stage of all them I plan to have jason become a transcendel god all power and unrivaled is every race and no race and have alls the powers that beyound boundless and yes he created new races and ect and his bloodline will be eating by his outer god prince bloodline when he unlock so he have all skins and power without being those races both bloodline will balance eachother out author out)

azazel god emperor king of the fallen angels form

angel god of War and battle

achangel god of creation of life

omni god prince of creation and life and love (not unlock or eadn yet)