
How do we deal with a problem like this?

Monday, continued ...

Within 2 rings his call was answered "Hi Phillipa, it is Yi here."

"What in the world are you calling for?" came a sharp reply.

"Well..." said Hou Yi playfully.

"Yi do not mess with me, you know I hate it." The voice on the other end of the line was serious.

"Pip. Stop playing games." Laughed Hou Yi

"You know I do not play games, particularly the ones you like to play. I saw your press conference and it was a dangerous game you started to play. You and I both know that Lu Jinhu will not take what you did lying down. You made him look like a abuser without saying it" Came the response, trying to get Hou Yi to respond.

"No Pip, we are that many moves into the game you would not believe."

"Tell me what in the world you are calling for. Come on be serious for once in your life."

"Pip you know I cannot be serious ..." laughed Hou Yi, still trying to bait a response.

"Yi" was the strong response