
Revealing her abuser

Monday, continued ...

Hou Yi paused, as he noticed Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin had walking into the building, so rather than giving a name he stared directly at Lu Jinhu. Anna did too, but at the same time Hou Yi noticed she was trembling slightly, Hou Yi signaled to the bodyguards to immediately remove Anna, and before he left "I am sorry we have to cut this short, but there is a threat to my wife." With this he was still directly looking at Lu Jinhu.

Yang Lin heard the comment about a threat to Anna, and forgetting the press and the image she wanted to project screamed "Stop running you b**th. You deserved what you got," before Lu Jinhu could even put his hand over her mouth to stop her. While he agreed with the sentiment that Yang Lin expressed he knew that you should never make statements like that when the press are nearby because all they will do is pounce on you and demand answers.