
Introducing our counselor

Monday, continued ...

At the same time as the supervisors were being escorted out. Amanda Mei stuck her head in the door "Madam Hou, is it OK to come in."

Anna was much more calmer now that she had seen a friendly face with her said "Yes. And Amanda when I am here working it is still Anna, not Madam Hou. I need someone here, who was willing to talk and treat me normally before, do the same and I trust you to do that."

"Yes you are, you are the Lady Boss of the company, and I have to respect that."

"Amanda, I am giving you a direct order, and you are the only one getting this privilege, here at work, it is Anna, or if you cannot manage that Miss Anna. You made the effort not only to apologise for your error, but become involved with me, before you knew who my husband was. That gives you the right."