
Odins First Born son (mcu-naruto crossover)

mc finds out he is the reincarnation of both an alternate naruto and the elder brother of thor follow him as the God of fire lava and chakra as he takes the world of naruto. and mcu with asgard right behind him naruto universe the west is a barren wasteland time difference between world's Minato kushina alive younger siblings self insert mc (I am going to try and fix the grammer and rewrite the chapters Im not making another story just trying to make this one better)

Kingofeverything · Others
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chapter 3

Hela soon stoped crying and charged at me

"HELA WAIT "thor shouted but she ignored him.

Once she got to me she picked me up to my feet and slapped me in the face hard.

The force of the slap sent shockwaves throughout the area

Loki and Thor both winced

Ok ow.. I deserve that " I muttered

She then grabbed my face and dragged me into a kiss making me me wide eyed and a huge blush appear on my cheeks

We had a make out session for 5 minutes before we were interrupted by. Thor

"Um sorry for the interruption"

Hella glared at him as I chuckled my blush went away. and said

"No problem baby brother" every ones eyes widen in shock.

"H-how did-"

" How did i find out you were my brother" I interrupted him with a smartass tone the reminded Thor of Tony stark

"I'm just smart" I replied with a smug grin.

Loki smirked at Thor s annoyed expression hela rolled her eyes

"I'm kidding. any way uh yeah my latest rebirth earth in an alternate reality, I was reborn twice as humans"

"My current life people had visions of alternate world's basically making them into movies, anime, and tv shows"

My siblings had confused expressions on their faces I groaned

" Books and plays showed this world's events that's how I know your name " I said a little frustrated

Every ones eyes widen before Loki decided to speak bringing us back to the main subject

"What Thor was trying to say was Hela was going to try and kill is if we don't kneel. and try to take over asgard"

Hela suddenly began to feel nervous as she felt my intense gaze on her

"Yes we will be having a long talk about that later" I said glaring at her before I turned to Loki

"anyway Loki do you still have the tesseract."?

"yes it's on asgard.. why? "

".two words Ragnarok and..Thanos"

Loki s eyes widen and a frightened expression came on his face

Thor looked on worriedly while hella had a confused look on his face

".brother are you alright?

"so... you know"

I. nodded my head in sympathy and put a hand on his shoulder yes I do. but you can be saved .

"honey what's going on whose Thanos"? Hela asked

I blushed a bit at the honey Part

"Tt's like I'm already claimed as hers" I thought flustered before I calmed down and

"Thanos is a titan, and thought to be insane. He Is also very powerful he searches the cosmos for the infinity stones"

"if he has all the infinity stones he can simply snap his fingers. half of the universes population will be gone, thats his goal as he calls that... mercy"

everyone eyes widen in fear

" I plan on using the Teseract to take us to my second life a reality so far away Thanos won't reach us is three can take him on but I don't want civilians to be killed during our fight"

"What are you going to do now Tak"? Thor asked seriously

"Well now.. I'm going to pay A certain wizard a visit.. he is the keeper of the timestone"

Thor and loki s eyes widen

"Wait if that's true why haven't I seen it"? Thor asked as he narrowed his eyes

"you did.. it was disguised as a neck less" I deadpanned

Thor smacked his hand on his forehead while Loki smirked at him

Hela looked at them with amusement

"Why do you need the time stone?" Loki asked me curiously

"To revive all the people Hela killed" I replied

I grabbed hela by the waist making her eyes widen in surprise before she smirked as she pressed her boobs in my arm I started to blush

"Uh.. Loki, Thor.. I will follow you ok... still new to this planet."

Thor nodded before he grabbed Loki spun his hammer and took off towards Dr strange location with me and Hela flying closely behind