
Odin the Boundless

To the newest incarnation of Odin Borison, the All-Father and ruler of Asgard, a unique change occurs. Not only does this reincarnation merge Odin with the knowledge of his past incarnations, but it also introduces a fascinating twist: the infusion of meta-knowledge from another existence. In this new life, Odin becomes a fusion of his former selves and the accumulated wisdom and abilities of a separate existence (another reincarnator). This unexpected fusion bestows upon Odin everything that was which the other life wished for ... Essence of the King and Essence of the Blank ... what is that?

Vincent_0580 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

War among the realms

(3rd Person POV)

Odin left Vanaheim and returned to Asgard. Since Odin knew what Freyr would decide, why did he offer to unite both the Aesir and the Vanir? Because he would give them the choice, even if he knew the outcome. If he never gave them a choice, then he would be a tyrant. But now, he gave Freyr a chance and what follows now, is on him. 

Odin knew what was coming now. So he immediately called a council meeting with the generals and other important people, such as his wife. Once everyone was present Odin addressed them and explained the situation. 

"War is upon us.", Odin started. When he said this he got some surprised gazes and expressions out of most present. It hadn't been a few hours and Odin already had an answer? That seemed a bit much ... right?

"You already have their answer, All-Father?", someone asked.

"I know what will happen. We are to prepare for war in the ten realms and it won't just be with Vanaheim."

"What? With whom as well, your Majesty?"

"Who would dare to raise their arms against Asgard?"

"Not yet, but the situation will change. As soon as Vanaheim is ready, they will attack. And that will be the window that Jotunheim will need. But not just Jotunheim ... Heven as well."

"What?! Heven? Who do those idiotic mercenaries think they are?!"

"Fools all of them."

"Aye, fools. But that doesn't diminish their forces. I want an immediate call to arms from the entire army. Prepare the defensive mechanisms designed for times of war. Notify the populace about this and have the workers of our arms begin preparations. I want security upped by three folds. Lastly, deploy the drones into Heven and Jotunheim.", Odin said.

He had ensured that Asgard was technologically advanced and that they would continue to research in this sector, as much as in the magical sector. Odin wanted to give them advantages in a war and reduce casualties, as much as possible. But he was very aware that nothing could prepare them for a war. You had to experience it firsthand. 

They were in luck though, since Odin had prepared for this for millions of years already and knew that it would happen. What Odin did, was manoeuvre the political situation in a way that all the realms who wanted war with Asgard would do so at the same time, but spaced out. Odin was well aware that the Queen of the Angels and their entire race was a group of mercenaries. He knew that the Jotuns had approached them, in the hopes of having them aid in a war against Asgard. 

Someone had to deal with the good 'tenth' realm and teach them some humility after all these years. So he deliberately created a situation where the Queen of Heven would approach him and try to 'blackmail' him. He knew that she would do that as soon as the war with Vanaheim was underway and Asgard was 'vulnerable'. 


Why did Odin make sure that they would be attacked at once? He did this for two reasons. The first is that Asgard needs the experience again. As the protectors of the ten realms, they had a big responsibility and the peace had made them rather relaxed. Odin didn't allow this though and used the schools and Universities to keep everyone prepared and ready for battle. 

The second reason was that Odin had to show everyone why he was the All-Father. He had not shown his power since he defeated Set and Ouranos. Now even the Vanir King Freyr thought he could take advantage of Asgard. If the sheep forget that the shepherd has a slingshot, they will walk away and he has to remind them. 

It is important to know that Odin didn't actively cause this. He wasn't manipulating things to have everyone want war. He was already aware that war would come and only steered it in the direction he wanted. 


Now while Asgard was already preparing for war, Freyr had dressed in armour and grabbed his weapons. He walked out of the house where his wife and children were and got ready to journey to a place where he knew ... no he hoped he would get the power necessary to fight Odin. He was well aware of the stories that were told and even if a fraction of those are true, then he can't win against Asgard. So he needed power and that's where he is going. 

"Father.", a voice called out to Freyr as he had just walked out of the house. 

"Freyja girl. Get back in the house and go back to bed now or-"

"I heard you and Odin speaking ... I heard that there might be war and ..."

"And what? And nothing. You are a child, my darling. A clever and brave one but a child all the same and what you do not know ... could fill the heavens with then thousand more stars. Go inside. Be warm. Be asleep.", Freyr said to his eldest daughter. 

"But the war-"

"There will be no war.", Freyr said and then left the young Freyja to go back into the house. He walked to a very specific place in Vanaheim. It was somewhere that would lead him to where he wanted. 

Freyr made his way there and finally made it. 

"Freyr of the Vanir.", a deep and dangerous voice said with a hint of mirth, "Welcome to Muspelheim."

"Lord Surtur. Did you mean what you said? Can you really inspire my brethren to stand up to the Aesir? To take what is ours before the Odinhind take it from us?", Freyr asked as he looked up to the firey giant. 

"Hmm ... oh yes ... for a price.", Surtur said and smiled knowingly. 

"Of course. And what would that price be?", Freyr asked uncertainly. He thought this would be a good idea, but he wasn't so sure anymore. And he was right to be unsure. This was the worst decision he could have made. Quick powerups are never good and take more than they give. 

"The price is your body. I will claim it and you will become my gate to Vanaheim and eventually to Asgard, so that I may lay waste to it and bring Ragnarök to it."

"I see .."

This was a hard decision for Freyr to make. Why would Surtur tell Freyr what the price was? Why not just take over his body later? Because he knew that Freyr wouldn't refuse something like this. He had no choice. It was either this or losing the war against Asgard terribly. So Freyr's answer was clear.

"I agree, but you aren't allowed to harm my family, children or any of the Vanir. Swear taht and we have a deal.", Freyr said. 

"I accept your conditions, Freyr of the Vanir.", Surtur said and then brought his hand to Freyr. In his palm, there was a flame burning above it. The flame flew towards Freyr and he held it above his palms as well. When he came in contact with it, he was suddenly inspired and filled with fire and power. 

"Spread this flame among your soldiers and you shall spread fire and death on the battlefield. This will cause Odin a lot of problems and he will lose many soldiers in the process. I know that Svartalfheim and Jotunheim are also interested in joining this little crusade against Asgard. So you can be assured of your victory."

"Aye, I shall do that.", Freyr said. His eyes had turned red and his mind was now fully open for Surtur. He had become a herald of sorts, but he wasn't aware of it. 


The days passed and the day of war had arrived. On the battlefield, both the Aesir from Asgard and the Vanir from Vanaheim were standing opposite each other. From the side of the Vanir, there were flames seen that were burning and giving them strength. All of their eyes were red, due to the power of Surture that had been infused into them. 

On the other side ... the Asgardians stood prepared and ready for battle. But unlike Asgard hundreds of thousands of years ago, this army looked much much much more advanced than they did before. 

They had similarities to what Wakanda would have in the future. They kept their Asgardian heritage visible but integrated technology into their weapons. Firstly, they arrived through a giant portal that was not created by Odin's runes, but a portal device which had been created to travel to the ten realms and transport anything.

From said portal came spaceships loaded with troops and other goods they might need, like medical devices and doctors. If you get injured during battle, there would be 'apporters' who went around and grabbed you and then brought to you the doctors for healing. It wasn't the best healing like in a hospital back in Asgard, but it was very advanced nonetheless. 


Every Asgardian soldier, no matter what rank had bracelets that had communications to share important information and most importantly to receive information and change battle formations. But what's more, these little bracelets had a very interesting ability. That will be revealed later. They were equipped with various weapons all made from the best metals and materials available. 



In the front of both armies were the respective leaders, Odin and Freyr. Odin could feel the flames of Surtur permeating the entire army of the Vanir and knew that ... it wouldn't matter. Nothing mattered on this battlefield, for he was present after all.

Odin was riding the mighty Sleipnir. A magical eight-legged steed, and the greatest of all horses. 


"Freyr, have you decided? Is this indeed what you want?", Odin asked. It's not that he was afraid or didn't want to fight ... he was just not interested in fighting weaklings like these. He awaited the day that Galactus or the Celestials arrived, for he was itching for a fight. He never stopped training, and all of that training had to be used somewhere no?

"Odin ... we say burn. We say ... WAR!!", Freyr screamed and the Vanir attacked. 



The Vanir charged with Freyr at the forefront of it all. They were infused with the power of Surtur's flames and the fire they wielded would surely cause a lot of death since they were stronger than normal. At least by two to three times stronger. 

The Aesir didn't move though. They waited for the right moment to strike. Everyone listened to their King and All-Father. They had trust in him but there were some who were getting angsty. Odin could feel it, the lack of experience was getting to them. 

"Now.", Odin said in his normal voice. 

All across the front line of the Asgardian forces there were soldiers who held special spears in hand. They walked forward and then stabbed their spears into the ground. After a second, they started to move the spears that were stabbed into the ground. All of them did the same movements and this surprisingly caused the ground to rumble. 

And then ... the ground rose in multiple places creating ramps for the Asgardian forces, but tall walls for the Vanir. It looked like a cogwheel from above. The Asgardians left space between these ramps for the Vanir to come through. This would narrow the Vanir forces tremendously and also give the Asgardians platforms from which they could fire their weapons and have the high ground. 

it was an ingenious piece of technology. Odin knew that he controlled the battlefield, controlled the war and had the highest chance of winning. It was a combination of technology and magic and Odin was very proud of it. 


The war had started and the Vanir were forced to make their way through the narrow paths that Asgardian forces had left them. It was a necessity though, since Asgard were firing arrows infused with electricity and small bombs to thin out the Vanir forces. 

Odin was also getting his hands dirty. He could have wiped everyone out and be done with it. But that wasn't what being a king was all about. He wanted to guide and not just dictate. 

As the war went on, the Asgardian forces hadn't lost a single soldier, while the Vanir had trouble pushing through the narrow spaces to get to the Aesir. And as the hours passed, Odin gave the last order that would seal the last nail in the Vanir's coffin.