
NTR SYSTEM: Newlyweds To Loyal Maid (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Flirting Cooking




"Huuumm~" While making rabbit meat soup for lunch, Yuuki hummed a little and her body moved to the rhythm of the song.

Her mood was filled with happiness. The wedding ring that tied the promise of allegiance to her husband had slipped from her ring finger. Yuuki is reborn as a young girl who is not bound by the sacred promise of marriage.

From behind her body, Arthur looked at the beauty of the body of a wife who took her oath of allegiance to her husband. In Arthur's eyes, Yuuki was a perfect beauty who needed a special touch to be enjoyed. His rotten thoughts of enjoying Yuuki's body started running through his head. With just one small touch, Arthur will get Yuuki's virginity.

If Arthur's plan went according to plan, he would break Yuuki's virginity three times. That careful calculation he had made after seeing the shocking fact of Yuuki's status. Arthur's NTR System can detect the number of sexual experienced his target. Yuuki sexual relations with Niko is 71 times. However, because of the size of Niko's penis, he was unable to penetrate Yuuki's virginity. It looks so sad.

Yuuki slowly walked into sexual intercourse dissatisfaction.

Before Arthur put his plan into action, he wanted to demonstrate the dominance of his large penis to be compared by Niko size.

Arthur stood up from the dining chair and walked hugging Yuuki's body from behind.

The soft touch of his right hand was fixed on Yuuki's large chest. Arthur deliberately touched Yuuki's chest and hugged her body.

"Hiieek! M-Maaasterr?" Yuuki was slightly surprised by Arthur's actions. Different from the rejections she had always thrown before, Yuuki had become more used to Arthur's touch after taking off her wedding ring.

"Moooo~ don't scare me, Maaassteerr♥" Yuuki's attitude changed to that of a maid who received gentle treatment from her master. In her mind, she no longer cares about her status as Niko's wife. Loyalty as a wife is covered by the Maid's character who longs for her Master's teasing.

[NTR System update! Yuuki Shina's affection reaches 50%! ]

"Hmm .. everything went according to plan" Arthur muttered under his breath.

During Arthur's career as a thief of a woman's heart, Yuuki Shina is a very fast target to reach 50% affection. For a normal woman, Arthur needed two days to seduce her body and taste her body on the third day. Currently, Yuuki Shina holds the record for being the fastest woman seduced by Arthur's gentle touch.

Yuuki's eyes radiated an aura and a look like, "Please touch me, Master, ♥."

Those eyes filled with pent-up desire forced Arthur to grant her Maid's small wish. Arthur turned Yuuki's body and kissed her seductively on the lips.

"Yuuki .." Arthur's soft call was received by Yuuki. Yuuki closed her eyes and received a gentle kiss from Arthur. Different from the previous kiss, now Arthur's tongue was able to move along Yuuki's mouth and was welcomed by Yuuki's tongue.

"Mmmpphh .. Maawwtteeehhh .. ♥."

"Chuu .. sluuurpp♥."

Slowly, Yuuki's saliva dripped out and wet the apron she was wearing. Arthur took off his small kiss and touched Yuuki's chest.

"Nnggghhh♥ Master?" Yuuki looked confused after Arthur released his soft kiss. Deep inside her mind, she enjoyed the gentle kiss Arthur more than her husband's. Those two different techniques were imprinted in Yuuki's memory.

"If I keep kissing you, our lunch will be delayed," said Arthur.

"Eeeehhh .. Maaasssteeerrr .." Yuuki made a small protest and stared at Arthur's lips.

"Gosh, my maid is getting perverted now." Arthur smiled after seeing Yuuki's change attitude.

Arthur then untied his pants and showed a large penis that had stood upright.

"Gluup..!" seeing Arthur's penis standing upright from under his pants, Yuuki swallowed her saliva which started dripping. The special scent from Arthur's penis made Yuuki's body aroused.

Like a dog receiving food rations, Yuuki knelt in front of Arthur and opened her mouth which was filled with drool. The eyes that wanted lick Arthur's penis were visible. As a young wife, Yuuki had fallen into the abyss of pleasure dick from another men than her husband dick.

Arthur teased Yuuki's mouth with his cock, he moved his penis right and left. like a cat being played with a ball, Yuuki's gaze followed the movement of Arthur's penis. The dense scent emitted from Arthur's penis made Yuuki lose control and devoured it.

"Nyaaaa~ Chuuu♥." with that simple movement, Yuuki devoured Arthur's penis and stuffed most of Arthur's penis into her mouth.

"Uhhuuukk!" the slow devouring motion stopped when Yuuki choked. Arthur's penis size is too big and make Yuuki mouth overwhelmed.

"Yuuki, do it slowly" Arthur said while stroking Yuuki's hair.

"Mmmmphh♥ Maaassteerr .." Yuuki's gaze was fixed on Arthur's penis and turned to Arthur's eyes. Her pupils are now turning into a symbol of love bright red.

[NTR System update! Yuuki Shina enters the Love Domination stage! ]

"Yuuki .." Arthur stroked Yuuki's hair and pointed his penis at Yuuki's gaze.

"Maybe this is too big for you, you have to learn slowly. My penis size is different from Niko's."

"Ung! Master Arthur's penis size is better than Niko's .. Uhh .. how could I marry a man with such a pitiful penis size?" Yuuki's mind slowly changed. Now, she begins to question her biggest mistake after marrying Niko.

"Yuuki, please don't say that. Even though Niko's penis is pathetic, he is still my best friend. A naughty maid like this must be punished!" Arthur exclaimed.

"I-I'm sorry, Master Arthur. This one maid has made a big mistake♥" Yuuki replied in a happy tone.

There was a wide grin on Yuuki's face after hearing the word "Punishment" that came out of Arthur's mouth. As if she knew that the punishment would satisfy her sexual sense which had been hidden for a long time and was not satisfied by Niko's penis.

"Yuuki, continue your work" ordered Arthur.

"Eh?" Yuuki tilted her head after hearing Arthur's order.

"I will punish the maid who takes too long to cook lunch and starves the master!" he snapped.

Like a dog scolded by its master, Yuuki then stood up and continued her pending work. Yuuki felt pressured by her negligence made by her and didn't get the pleasure she wanted.

With an expression filled with panic, Yuuki continued the cooking process in a hurry. Meanwhile, Arthur hugged her body from behind and locked Yuuki's movement.

"Yuuki, maids who neglect their duties have a heavy penalty, you know. As a Master who still cares about his maid, I will give you a small punishment that is not too severe" Arthur touched Yuuki's breasts from inside her maid's clothes and played her nipples.

"Hnnnggg♥!! Maasteerr♥!" the sensitive part touched by Arthur made Yuuki's body vibrate violently.

[NTR System update! Yuuki Shina's sensitive G-Spot was discovered! ]

"Eeeh .. so this is your weak spot" as a man who has subdued many types of women, Arthur was not surprised by Yuuki's sensitive spot on her nipples. A sensitive part like a woman's nipples was an all-too-familiar discovery for Arthur, he was used to assaulting women by teasing their nipples.

"Maaawwwttteerrr♥" Yuuki's condition was getting out of control. The pleasure that invaded her body from the soft play of Arthur's fingers touching her nipples gave a strange sensation.

"Yuuki, continue your work" Arthur softly whispered in Yuuki's ear.

"Kuuuuhhh♥ Maassteeerr♥" Yuuki's body stopped moving and enjoyed the soft touch that teased her nipples.

"Yuuki, if you don't do your job properly. Tonight, you will get punishment for seeing me having sex with prostitutes," said Arthur.




Like a woman who had had her heart broken, Yuuki's chest felt an ache that lowered her pride. As an Exclusive Maid serving Arthur's needs, seeing her Master having sex with prostitutes was her biggest defeat. Yuuki wants to monopolize Arthur's big penis just for herself.

"Yuuki .."

"If you don't want that to happen, make lunch immediately or .." Arthur rubbed his big cock against Yuuki's vaginal which were covered with her panties.

Yuuki's thoughts that had fallen too deep made her body move again and prepare the lunch that had been delayed.

"Good girl, I will give you a reward" Arthur praised while pressing Yuuki's nipples.

"Haaauukkk♥!!" Yuuki's body moved following Arthur's soft touch that teased her nipples.

On the other hand, Arthur's large penis began to grope Yuuki's panties which were wet with fluids coming out of her vagina. The punishment and pleasure that Arthur gave made Yuuki's body move out of control. Yuuki's body had two different consciousnesses where she didn't want to get the punishment for seeing her Master's cock enter the whore's vagina and her body's desire that Arthur's big cock to enter her vagina.

"Ung♥! M-Maaassteeeerrr!!" With that small sigh, Yuuki's body shook violently and the lunch cooking process was completed.

The vaginal fluid that seeped into Yuuki's panties came out more and more profusely. Arthur's penis which was teasing Yuuki's panties was filled with soft liquid filled with love.

"Nice job, Yuuki."

"Tonight, I will become your husband and replace Niko's position."

"I'll be waiting for you, Yuuki."

Arthur's small whisper in Yuuki's ear sounded sweet. Yuuki's small orgasm got her into Arthur's game. Currently, Yuuki didn't care about her status being the wife of Arthur's childhood friend. Inside her mind, Yuuki only wanted her Master's penis to enter her vagina.


"Can I ask one thing?" she asked.

"Please don't take a bath tonight, this maid misses her Master's manly scent," said Yuuki.

Arthur just smiled and stroked Yuuki's hair.

"Okay, for the sake of this one maid. I'll be especially jogging after dinner" Arthur replied.

"Thank you, Master, ♥" to get a short answer from her Master. Yuuki's heart skipped a beat as her request was fulfilled. Such a small request had affected her body which was continuously seeking pleasure from her Master.

Slowly, Yuuki's body began to change looking for other pleasures and affection given by Arthur as her Master.