
NTR SYSTEM: Newlyweds To Loyal Maid (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Yuuki First Time, Again?

It was almost night, and Yuuki was currently in charge of cleaning Arthur's room. Arthur's little house looks quite cramped from the outside, but when enter the house inside. The small appearance feels very spacious for one person living.

Inside Arthur's room, Yuuki looked at Arthur's extraordinarily wide bed. It was a very luxurious bed for Yuuki. Judging from its shape, the bed can accommodate ten people on it. The extraordinarily soft mattress and silky bed sheets invited Yuuki to lie down on it.

Yuuki remembered Arthur's words that he would replace her husband's position. Yuuki suddenly remembered Niko and glanced at her ring finger. A wedding ring that disappeared from her ring finger gave Yuuki a feeling of relief. Yuuki looked at the mirror mounted on the wall of Arthur's room. The reflection of her body wrapped in Maid clothes looked very tempting, Yuuki realized that the Maid clothes that Arthur gave made part of her skin exposed and that was caused Arthur's hug warm embracing her whole body.

The reflection of the mirror showed Yuuki as a perverted maid. The feeling of relief that the wedding ring had disappeared from her ring finger brought a guilt-free smile to her face. Deep down in her heart, Yuuki loves Niko but Arthur's position as her Master hinders that feeling of love.

Yuuki felt her chest and pulled the thin cloth covering her breasts. A large breast that was gushing out was seen in the reflection of the mirror. Yuuki's face was filled with a blush after seeing the reflection of her lecherous body. Before her body got a gentle touch from Arthur, Yuuki tried to remember the gentle touch from her husband. Yuuki's marriage age is relatively young, even though Yuuki and Niko's relationship is quite close, and had sex several times before getting married. However, Yuuki felt something was missing. Recently, before Niko went to serve his sentence. They have sex without reaching climax.

In Yuuki's heart, she wants to have a baby from Niko's sperm. However, a feeling of dissatisfaction with their sexual relationship makes Yuuki discourage that intention and wait for Niko to finish his detention period. Currently, Yuuki had to focus on her work as Arthur's Exclusive Maid. Satisfying Arthur's needs took priority over feeling love for her husband.

" Eng?" Yuuki stared at the mirror in front of her. A maid showing her nipples looks very perverted. That expression filled with embarrassment made Yuuki feel uncomfortable and avoid the reflection of the mirror. Yuuki then put on the thin cloth of her maid uniform to cover her nipples and buried her face in Arthur's bed.

" Kuuhu~ that's embarrassing.." Yuuki muttered.

" Why I make such an embarrassing pose?"

" What will happen if Master Arthur sees it?"

" Master?"

" Ah~ Master Arthur..."

At the mention of Arthur's name, Yuuki's heart suddenly trembled and her body felt the sensation of falling in love. A feeling similar to meeting Niko for the first time. Memories of the past with Niko swirled in Yuuki's head.

" Kuuuh.." Yuuki was confronted by a feeling of guilt and tried to remember her love for Niko.

Slowly, Yuuki felt her panties and stimulated her small clitoris while imagining the touch of Niko's fingers playing on her sensitive points.

" Niikoooo.." Yuuki muttered while feeling her clit. Her panties slowly became wet with the vaginal fluids flowing out.

Yuuki's breathing became heavy and unintentionally inhaled the scent of the bed sheets that had the scent of Arthur's sweat on them. When she inhaled the scent of Arthur's sweat, her heart suddenly raced and Yuuki's vaginal fluid flowed profusely. The small caresses of her fingers that touched her clitoris slowly flooded Arthur's bed sheets.

" Masssteeerrrr..." the memory of Niko slowly faded away. Yuuki's mind was now filled with the scent of Arthur's sweat and the memories of Arthur's naked body. Arthur's body shape which was so perfect compared to Niko made Yuuki's saliva flow out of her lips. The sudden changing sensation woke Yuuki from his sweat dream.

" N-No... This is wrong... Why does my body want Master Arthur's gentle caresses?" Yuuki got up from Arthur's bed and slapped her cheek.

" Kuuuh... What happened to me? Why I become like this?" Yuuki's facial expression became gloomy and her gaze fixed on the mirror which showed Yuuki's lecherous face with drool dripping from her lips. The panties Yuuki was wearing got wet and a puddle of Yuuki's vaginal fluid created a large stain on Arthur's bed sheets.

" Ah!" Yuuki, who realized her small mistake, panicked.

" What did I just do? Kuh! Moooo... Stupid... Stupid... Stupid!!" Yuuki said while slapping her cheeks again.

As the sun was about to set down, a small light from the magic lantern began to illuminate Arthur's room. A shining white light made it clearer the pool of vaginal fluid engraved on Arthur's bed.

A small step walking towards Arthur's room rang Yuuki's ear. When the door Arthur's room opened, Yuuki was silent like a child who was caught destroying furniture. Yuuki bowed her head when she saw Arthur walking towards her.

" Yuuki…" when Arthur called out to her, Yuuki's body trembled with fear.

" Nice job" the words that came out of Arthur's mouth made Yuuki confused.

Yuuki felt a small softness brushing her head hair.

" Master?" Yuuki who was filled with confusion looked at Arthur. She was shocked after seeing Arthur's naked body covered in sweat. Arthur's big penis which was already standing straight touched her maid's clothes.

The smell of sweat and manly fluid emitted by Arthur's body made Yuuki's mind wander. That scent she liked made Yuuki forget the anxiety that was in her heart. The gentle caress that brushed her hair slowly descended to her chest. In front of her, Arthur slowly began to undress Maid Yuuki with a gentle look like a husband who wants to satisfy his wife's sexual needs.

" Yuuki... Didn't I say this before? Tonight, I will replace Niko as your husband. You don't need to call me Master" those gentle words made Yuuki's tears flow from her eyelids.

A word that shook her heart made Yuuki fall in love with Arthur. After all of Maid Yuuki's clothes were off her body, Arthur carried Yuuki's body like a princess and laid her down on the bed.

" Yuki..."

" A-Arthur..."

That gentle call changed Yuuki's gaze, she regarded Arthur as her husband. Arthur's lips gently kissed Yuuki's lips and began to caress her. The soft sensation of the two lovesick lips created a pool of saliva that flowed out from Yuuki's lips. Arthur's hand that was stroking Yuuki's hair moved along her chest. Arthur slowly touched Yuuki's chest and held her nipples. Arthur played with Yuuki's nipples gently with a kiss on the lips. The kiss filled with a tenderness made Yuuki remember her first kiss with Niko. In contrast to Arthur who gently touched Yuuki's tongue, Niko was very hasty and always bit Yuuki's tongue.

Arthur's right hand which was busy playing with Yuuki's nipples slowly moved to her clit. The light touch of Arthur's finger on her clit made Yuuki's body vibrate and broke off Arthur's kiss.

" Yuuki..." Arthur kissed Yuuki's lips again and played with Yuuki's sensitive clit.

Feeling that unusual sensation, Yuuki's body experienced a small orgasm that followed Arthur's finger caressing her clit. Yuuki's thick vaginal fluid soaked Arthur's finger.

Arthur then took off his small kiss and looked at Yuuki who was panting because she was out of breath. In front of Yuuki, Arthur showed her sticky vaginal fluid in Arthur's finger.

" I didn't expect Niko to have a perverted wife like this," said Arthur.

Hearing Arthur's words, Yuuki covered Arthur's mouth with a kiss. Yuuki's small emotion was felt on Arthur's lips because Yuuki bit his lip a little. Responding to Yuuki's uncontrollable emotions, Arthur stuck his finger at the entrance of Yuuki's vagina.

The kiss filled with emotion slowly turned into a kiss filled with lust. Yuuki understands that her actions violated the marriage vows, but her body needs satisfaction that is impossible to get from her husband. Arthur's finger moved deeper and touched the protective layer that sealed Yuuki's virginity.

After receive Yuuki's kiss, Arthur whispered something, "Yuuki... You're still a virgin?"

Hearing that small whisper, Yuuki shook her head. As far as Yuuki knows, the sex she had with Niko had been going on for a long time. Yuuki lost her virginity before marrying Niko. Yuuki clearly remembers, the day Niko took her virginity and promised to marry her.

" Ah, so it seems."

" Yuuki, maybe this will hurt a little."

" I will penetrate your virgin flesh."

" Eh?" Yuuki, who had not yet processed Arthur's words, was very surprised by Arthur's penis moving into her vaginal opening.

The entrance of Yuuki's small vagina slowly widened to match the size of Arthur's penis. An intense pain started to go through Yuuki's body.

" Arrgkk!!" Yuuki groaned in pain. She felt Arthur's penis trying to forcefully enter her vaginal opening.

" A-Arthur... " whispered Yuuki in Arthur's ear.

" Yuki... Hold on a moment longer" with that short sentence, Arthur drew his penis to tear Yuuki's virginity.

Yuuki subconsciously gripped Arthur's body and clamped her vaginal opening which was getting narrower. Arthur slowly carried Yuuki's body in front of the wall mirror.

" Yuuki... Congratulations!"

" With this, you have become a complete woman."

" I feel very happy to be the first person to get your virginity."

Arthur's small whisper made Yuuki see her reflection in the wall mirror. On top of Arthur's arms, Yuuki saw drops of her virginal blood dripping out of her vaginal opening.

A feeling between joy and sadness churned in her heart.

With a gentle movement, Arthur changed the direction of Yuuki's sling so that Yuuki's whole naked body in front of the mirror with Arthur's penis penetrating her vaginal opening.

Yuuki's facial expression filled with tears slowly smiled and her pupils slowly turned into symbols of love.

" Yuuki... I want to ask one thing. So far, Niko's penis hasn't penetrated your virginity?" whispered Arthur in Yuuki's ear.

" Ung!" Yuuki nodded slightly.

" Yuuki... I feel sorry for you. If your marriage continues, you will have a hard time getting a child from Niko."

" Well, that doesn't mean I underestimate Niko's ability. However, if your virginity has not been penetrated. You will have a hard time getting a child from Niko."

Arthur's small whisper made Yuuki understand the situation she had been in.

" Yuuki... If possible..."

" I will help you make a baby."

" Eh?!" Arthur's last words surprised Yuuki. Without waiting for an answer from Yuuki, Arthur started moving his big penis inside Yuuki's vaginal opening. Yuuki who felt the sensation of pain was speechless and tried to endure the pain that attacked her vaginal opening.

Arthur's dinner party was opened by eating Yuuki's virginity.