
NTR SYSTEM: Newlyweds To Loyal Maid (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Wedding Ring Taken Off

During the day, Yuuki sat silently on the kitchen chairs. The memory of Arthur's huge penis was still etched into her head. A large, hard, and fragrant penis filled her mind. For the first time, Yuuki saw such an awesome penis.

Without Yuuki noticing, she was drooling as she thought about Arthur's penis.



Yuuki didn't even notice Arthur standing beside her. When Arthur called out to her, Yuuki tried to act normal and threw away her memories of Arthur's penis.

"M-Master Arthur.." Yuuki tried to act normal in front of Arthur. After the little incident in the bathroom, Yuuki was still thinking about it to this day. Looking into Arthur's face would be very hard to do.

"Are you hungry? Your saliva is dripping like that."

"Huee??" Yuuki immediately wiped her saliva that was slowly dripping down.

"Sorry to make you wait so long, the seller forced me to buy other materials a bit," said Arthur while showing his cloth shopping bag.

Arthur placed the groceries on the kitchen table. He bought some groceries for the next three days. Normally, he would shop every morning or evening. Due to Yuuki's sudden presence, he had to buy extra groceries for two people.

"Oh, can you cook, Yuuki?" asked Arthur as he took out the contents of the groceries from the cloth bag.

"Rabbit meat? Does Master want to make rabbit stew?" Yuuki saw the groceries that Arthur bought.

"I want to make vegetable soup. However, the seller forced me to buy rabbit meat when she saw your presence."

"Huumm?" Yuuki tilted her head with a questioning expression.

"Well, she saw you standing at the door of my shop and thinking you as my girlfriend."

"G-Girlfriend?" Yuuki's facial expression suddenly filled with a fiery red hue.

"I already explained that you are my childhood friend's wife, but she still forced me to buy rabbit meat that was about to expired."

Hearing Arthur's words that marked his childhood friend, Yuuki realized that she was married to Niko. Her heart skipped a beat when other people mistook Yuuki for Arthur's lover. The mixed feelings confused her. On the other hand, Yuuki is very happy with the misunderstanding but she must try to be a good and loyal wife to Niko.

"Ahh.. umm.. maybe she trying to sell all of them before expired."

"Umm... Master Arthur. May I cook these meats? There are several recipes I want to try. Looking at ingredients like this, it would be a waste if they were made into meat soup. We can make three kinds of meat dishes for the next two days."

"Three kinds of dishes? That makes me interested to taste it, "said Arthur.

"Um! We can make rabbit meat soup, rabbit steak, and rabbit meat curry" Yuuki said with a happy smile.

"Sound similar to each other. Is that a different dish?" Arthur asked.

"Of course, Master Arthur. I learned it from my mother's recipe, I can guarantee the taste!" Yuuki exclaimed confidently.

"Eh, your mother sounds amazing with her cooking recipes. Talking about your mother's recipe, I want to taste one of her creations."

"Ung? Which recipe? Hasn't Master Arthur even tasted my mother's cooking recipe?" Yuuki asked in complete confusion.

"Not a food recipe, but the result of a recipe in the form of the fruit of love that was born into this world.." Arthur pulled Yuuki's arm into his embrace and kissed her soft lips.

"Hnngg!! The sudden touch of Arthur's lips surprised Yuuki. She received another touch that caressed the hair of her head and lower body.

"Muuu... M-Master... Don't kiss-" Yuuki tried to reject Arthur's kiss.

[Skill: Heaven Cares Active!]

[Skill: Kiss Holic Active!]

[Skill: King of Temptation Active!]

[Skill: Seductive Aura Active!]

[Skill: Seductive Body Fluids Active!]

With five skills active simultaneously, Arthur launched his small attack toward Yuuki's lips. The skill he had built up over the years had reached the highest level. Yuuki was just an innocent girl who was influenced by Arthur's skills without knowing it. For Yuuki, the experience she felt was a pleasure that her husband's touch could not possibly have.

Heaven Caress was a skill that made Arthur's every physical touch feel comforting and gentle. Even the touch of a sensitive area will be changed to a softness that evokes hidden feelings from the target.

Kiss Holic is a skill that is active when Arthur kisses his target's lips. The combination of soft lips and the movement of Arthur's tongue can create a unique sensation that is impossible for the target to resist.

King of Temptation, it's a passive skill that is active at random times. The effect of that skill is to increase Arthur's pheromone substance which captivates the hearts of the women around him. Any woman affected by this skill would find it difficult to forget Arthur's seductive scent. Sometimes, this skill activates beyond Arthur's control and makes it difficult for him to get away from the girl who is captivated by this skill. Yuuki had been captivated by Arthur's scent after being affected by this skill.

Seductive Aura is a skill to awaken a woman's hidden desires after making physical contact with Arthur. Unlike Heaven Caress, Seductive Aura will be activated when the target sees Arthur's body. Before Arthur touches his target, the Seductive Aura will not work. So, Arthur must touch the target's body parts to activate the effect of this skill.

Seductive Body Fluids are a skill to awaken a woman's hidden desires through Arthur's bodily fluids such as sweat, blood, urine, and semen. Several other races might be attracted by Arthur's body parts such as vampires who are attracted by Arthur's blood, Yuuki who are attracted by Arthur's sweat, and Succubus who are attracted by Arthur's semen.

"Mmmphh.. Chuuu.. ❤ "

"Sllluuurpp.. Chuuu.. ❤ "

"Nyaaaaa.. Masteeeerr~ ❤ "

Yuuki was drowning in pleasure after trying to reject Arthur's kiss. Her body had another answer than her mouth, the soft touch that stroked her head made her mind drift away from her husband.

"Maasteerrr.. ❤ " Yuuki's pupils slowly turned into a symbol of love.

"Yuuki, it's time for us to cook this food," Arthur exclaimed.

"Eeeeeh.. ❤ W-Why?" Yuuki was very disappointed with Arthur's order. Her pupils which had turned into a symbol of love slowly disappeared and revealed her sullen face.

Arthur's changed his decision at the last minute. Arthur was piling on Yuuki's sexual frustrations for dinner. While buying groceries, Arthur thought of a little plan to tempt Yuuki's loyalty toward her husband.

"Mummmmuuuu..." Yuuki who had a sullen face could only grumble a little.

"Yuuki, we'll continue tonight. Before that, please drink this potion." Arthur took out a small glass bottle filled with a bright blue liquid.

Yuuki received the glass bottle and examined the liquid.

"M-Master Arthur, what potion is this?" she asked.

"Yuuki, do you remember your previous request?"

"Ung?" Yuuki replied with confusion.

"Night service.. since we do that things in the morning. I want to do that again."

"W-Wait a minute, Master Arthur. That one is too much" Yuuki said in a panicked tone.

"That's why I made the Virgin Vial potion for you. By drinking the potion, your virginity will return. Just in case, I've made two potions. I know this sounds selfish-" Arthur stopped his words after seeing Yuuki's face hanging limply.

"Master Arthur, I don't want to do that. For me, that was broke my wedding vows..." Yuuki looked at Arthur's face and showed the ring finger attached to her wedding ring.

"As Niko's wife, I can't do it..."

"But, as Master Arthur's Exclusive Maid... I can do it.." Yuuki took off her wedding ring and looked into Arthur's eyes.

"M-Masteeerrr.. ❤ " Yuuki's pupils turned into a symbol of love again and looked at Arthur with a small code to get praise.

"Umm.. good work, Yuuki. Now, make a lunch and you will get your exclusive lunch," said Arthur.

"Umm... M-Master... C-Can I lick that again?"

"That?" Arthur understood Yuuki's words, but he deliberately teased her.

"Master Arthur's big penis.. ❤," Yuuki said shyly.

"Of course," replied Arthur.

"Ah... Uhm... Master Arthur.. please keep this ring so I can carry out my duties as an Exclusive Maid properly. After my duty is done, I'll take it again" Yuuki's words sounded sad but the smile on her face showed her happiness.

Yuuki immediately made lunch based on her mother's recipe. With the groceries Arthur had bought, she put on a smile face and hummed a song while making lunch.

Behind Yuuki's beautiful body which turned its back, her body movements looked like a wife preparing her husband's lunch. That sight made Arthur smile with satisfaction. With Yuuki's wedding ring slipping off, Yuuki's conquest plan is about to reach climax.

Now, Arthur can focuses on training Yuuki to be a maid who is thirsty for her Master's affection and attention.

"Well, everything is going according to plan" Arthur muttered.