
NPC Gamer: Dominating the VRMMORPG With my AI

In the virtual realm of 'Aetheria Online,' death unveils an unsettling truth to Cian: he was merely an NPC in a game. Facing a cruel demise and losing his only friend at the hands of the formidable players, he vows to do to them what they had done to him. In a surprising twist of fate, Cian is transmigrated from the virtual world of 'Aetheria Online' into the body of a human player, Levi Bronte. He returns to Aetheria Fueled by a fervent desire for strength and revenge, he embarks on a quest to ascend to unprecedented levels. Guided by his AI companion, 'Blue,' Cian is resolute in his pursuit of vengeance against the players who once ended his life, all while adapting to his new life. He encounters a mix of characters ranging from players, to NPCs and Anti-players. Forcing him to make decisions that might affect the fate of both worlds ----------- A novel I enjoy writing, really hope you enjoy reading it just as much. More power stones = More motivation ----------- Not just wish fulfillment, an actual story that leaves you with stuff to think about.

SIRE_ · Games
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68 Chs

Welcome to Aetheria

⟨⟨would you like to edit character physical features⟩⟩

It didn't seem like a bad idea but there wasn't really any need.

"I highly doubt becoming bigger would have any major difference on my stats, it might in fact make me even slower by consuming more stamina. Besides what do I need good looks for, it's not like it's going to make me stronger.'

⟨⟨choose warrior name ⟩⟩

''Warrior name? All this things is just a waste of time. Do I have to pick a name?" 

⟨⟨ yes! Warriors aren't advised to use their real name for security purposes ⟩⟩

His brows furrowed as he gently stroked his chin, pondering immensely on what seemed like a very difficult question.

'a name? What name do I use? Nothing really comes to mind, maybe I should just say NPC'

After a full minute, he still remained there stroking his chin

"What the hell I'm I even thinking this hard for, it's just a name" he said with slight faudstration 

"Levi, my name would be Levi" 

'It doesn't even matter what I say, I just need to get past this point plus I can change it anytime I want'

⟨⟨ okay Levi, welcome to the world of Aetheria ⟩⟩

With that a brilliant bright light enveloped his sight before seemingly plunging him to the ground.


There he was, standing in an open field wearing what looked like rags. Above him, the grandiose moon loomed, seemingly within arm's reach, casting an ethereal glow over the surroundings.

In an attempt to take a few steps he could feel the lightness of his body, with the cool night breeze blowing past his face. Echoes of distant wolf cries reverberated, their origins shrouded by the veil of darkness.

 "Finally," Levi muttered with an indifferent expression.

Now that he had returned he could notice just how different this world was. Aetheria really was a world of fantasy.

Levi wasn't very happy returning to this world because it only reminded him that he was just an NPC, but he knew he had to.

Levi turned around to see if he could find any landmark to identify his current location but there wasn't anything else other than grass and small boulders. However, in the distance, lights flickered, indicating what seemed to be a village.

A notification window materialized, presenting instructions on utilizing various interface features—inventory, map, and more.

Levi let out a sigh of disappointment. He had successfully returned but Blue was nowhere to be found. 

'It was worth a try, it's not like I didn't know this was a possibility.' Levi sighed


The chime of a notification preluded the appearance of another window.



Info : simply make it to a village in the Nevadar region

Reward: 10 gold



"Oh… my first quest already" he sounded a little bit excited even if he expected it.

He had read somewhere that this was the first quest given to new players so there was no way to reject or accept it.

This quest was meant to help new players get used to the game features before encountering other players.

Aetheria Online's quest system was unique. Quests could be acquired from NPCs or generated by the game, tailored to a player's class or environment. In rare instances, players could even will quests into existence—an innovation enabled by the Super AI overseeing the game.


A translucent representation of Aetheria materialized, displaying the five regions—Highlands, Lowlands, Nevadar, Mystic Forest, and Badlands—along with key towns. 

According to the map the village he had spotted was part of the Nevadar region.

'10 gold isn't that too good to be true?'

"These players really have it easy" 

Levi began walking in the direction of the village. 

'all I have to do walk a few kilometres and I'll get 10 gold…. that's practically for free'

His mind shuffled between how easy it was to be a player in a world that wasn't theirs and how he was going to go against Leviathan without Blue.

"It doesn't matter if that stupid AI isn't here, It's not like I actually needed him in the first place. That AI would just keep on yapping" Levi muttered under his breath.

Just as the words left his mouth he heard a familiar synthetic female voice

[Welcome back master]

Levi shifted his gaze to see a blue orb floating beside him.

"Ah... Blue! I thought I'd lost you," he exclaimed, a glint of excitement in his voice,

[And I was starting to think you were never coming back]

"Why wouldn't I? I made a vow to kick those monsters out"

[I am aware of that, I just suspected that you didn't make it out and died during the process. In fact I was in the middle of moving on before you returned]

"Moving on? You disloyal piece of code! I was delayed because you placed me into a player's body outside the game," Levi accused.

[I could tell something was different since both your NPC codes and physical form have changed. In my opinion you look better now]

"Stop making it sound like it was your intention, you just said you thought I was dead"

[That's because I didn't think you were smart enough to make it back… I never doubted myself for a second after all anything is possible with me]

"Thank goodness, you're just as humble as I remember," Levi sighed 

No matter the situation this was perfect. Just this small blue orb has the ability to make him infinitely strong, all he needs to do is ask.

'All I have to do is ask' 

"Blue, I need you to make me stronger," Levi requested.

[Most definitely, I'll do everything in my power to help you level up]

"Level up? No… I want you to give me peak everything, peak strength, peak stamina, speed everything" the grin on Levi's face showed a feeling of accomplishment.

With this he wouldn't have to go through the stress of a newbie player, searching for items and quests in order to level up. He'd simply skip to the good part.

[I'm afraid I can't do that]

"Huh!? What do you mean you can't do that? You literally told me you were the all powerful AI that could do anything"

[First of all I never said that and Secondly, as a player, I lack access to modify player codes. Forceful alterations would trigger an alert to the EternalBlue and result in our expulsion from the game.]

"If you've lost your ability to alter the game codes then what use do I have for you" he asked, disappointed 

[I can still subtly alter my codes but I'll need privileged access, other than that I'm very much restricted within the game]

He let out a sigh of frustration,

"What good is that If you can't make me stronger"

[It may not look like much now but it's a major plus in your arsenal, it's only a minor set back I'm sure my master would be the strongest in no time]

'A minor set back' he thought as he continued walking. 

'it's not like things would always go smoothly… for now I'll just have to focus on getting stronger any way I can'

"You're right, I'll just grind until I become stronger"

[ I've taken the form of a sprite and with the amount of information I have gathered while master was away I'm sure It wouldn't take too long]

During this moment, Levi understood the paramount significance of information. Aetheria, a world veiled in mysteries, held within its depths secrets that unlocked exclusive items and quests for players. This realization eased his mind slightly.

He was almost at the village before he received a message from Darcy informing him that she had just finished a quest with some members of her clan and would be waiting for him at Amoha 

'if Amoha is the village I'm heading towards it suggests she knew where I'll be, that means players aren't really spawn at random, maybe it depends on the location you logged in from'

After he walked past two gigantic Boulders he received a notification 

<You have entered the Nevadar Region>



You have successfully made it to The Nevadar region

{Quest cleared}

10 gold has been added to your inventory
