
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 58 (Part 1) Easter Egg Number 3 (2)

Kazu Nini's body bounced back into the sky as though the ground was a massive trampoline.

But it was not just because it was unnaturally elastic, it was also because a geyser had blasted her up there.

And as she was shot in an extended arced, the Pixie was thrown towards a swirling tornado. Now, she closed her eyes and wanted to just get it ov-

When she was caught she had the strangest feeling, as though something dormant wa-

She was out again, hurled like a bullet towards the floor.



She was back up in the sky with because of not only elasticity but violent water as she furrowed her brows and decided to check something out. Idly she glaced at her skin that was red but had not even a scratch!



Her body almost totally looked flawless but she could see some sliver of cracks.



The cracks were now moe visible and she also saw them slowly closing.

In her mind she thought that her hardness was because of the 1st Easter Egg trial but she now definitely attributed her regeneration to the 2nd Easter Egg trial.



Now the cracks were larger as her body's rate of being injured was higher than that of its regeneration.

She definitely planned to stay at least an extra month to check out what exactly she could and not do right now.

After several times of being tossed into he sky, she was finally thrown back into a tornado that stretched from sky to ground an ripped out earth from beneath it. The 5 meter wide body of wind had particles around it that it had picked up in its violent passing.


Kazu Nini had landed on a piece of ground it had ripped off and found it surprisingly easy to leap from selected piece of dirt to the oher as she advanced.


Yes, she felt he wind resistance but it was almost like it was half of what it was supposed to be.


Then, taking a deep breath, she jumped forward.




She was thrown back with almost 0 time interval but luckily she caught one of the pieces of each that she had once used as a platform. Dragging her self up with some difficulty, Kazu Nini got close to the tornado again and just stretched out her hand this time.


Then, sometimes she felt like her hand were transparent. Other times it was solid and she felt resistance.


Tentatively, she breathed deep breaths and kept her hand outstretched.


It entered!


Her hand was inside the tornado las if she were dipping it in water!


She was so surprised she was thrown back and unto the ground again.



Scowling she waited until she had a chance again, then she dive head first. Eyes closed, mind clear, she envisioned the tree from the 2nd Easter Egg.


No resistance!




However, she had kept it up until she passed through the other end of thee tornado.

Kazu Nini almost rolled her eyes.









For he next one she found, she kept herself alert


Mind clear

Breathing calm



She entered without a hassle, then she snapped hr eyes open and stopped like she could fly.


It was like... She had become an organ in the body of the 5 metre wide tornado and was moving along with it. However, it was not enough for her


The sound inside was even different from the outside


So, she allowed herself to be relaxed until she came to a rough middle of the tornado where she sat down cross legged.


Holding the image of the tree in her mind she took deep breaths before she began noticing that each breath was longer than the last every 60 seconds.


Breathe in

Breathe out



After about an hour, she saw that she could see the outside almost perfectly, like he was behind dirty glass.


The Tornado had been thinning!


After another hour, it dissipated and Kazu Nini knew what to do next.

She was going to do tornado hunting!

She started with 5 meter tornadoes.

When those were finished, her next target was 10 meter ones.

Then 15 meters...

Eventually she met a 100 meter tornado and finished it with relish.

Kazu Nini was not sire what was happening exactly, but hr resistance towards wind was dropping and it was easier for her to move deep within it.

And with each one she had been feeling lighter and lighter. A month passed by when she was done. In fact, she did not want it to end.

Funny enough though, when she was down with the 100th meter torando, she had become so light that she no longer bounced on the ground too far.

And eventually she was walking on it. She then reached the mouth of the largest hole she saw and with no other structures or clues around, the Pixie jumped inside.

She found the height to be at least 800 meters and at most 1,500 meters. So, finally, she estimatedit to be about 1,000 she also guessed it was even wider across.


The fall gave her cracks in her feet where she had landed that stretched up to her knees and her fists to her elbows.

But that was it - almost 0 pain!

When she shouted, she heard her echo in a way that suggested a water body up front.

However, this interior did not have water in its depths. It was mud and if the Pixie had been focusing on the geysers spraying her, she would have noticed that the waters had increasingly dense colouration as she was passing through the seemingly endless plains.

Anyways, she was toe-deep in the mud and began walking towards the depressed center as the inner part of this hole was shaped like a bowl.

After 50 seconds she was ankle deep, another 50 she waist deep, 50 again and she was neck deep. She could tell that she was still a long ways from the center.

Kazu Nini took a deep breath that lasted an entire 3 hours because she was curios as to its limits.

So, she dived in and reached the bottom, but because of her new body weight, she was upside down and moving with her clawed hands.

At least 1 hour had passed but her breath almost felt endless.

2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. At 5 hours, she was reaching her limit but the increased water resistance told her she was near to the middle of it.

So, whe trudged on and until until she felt an opening. And once her fingers touched there, she had planned to shoot back out with Perfect Explosive Speed but the grounds began shaking.






She could not seim fast enough for her breath or the surface as she headed straight up. The entire plain rumbled for a straight 15 minutes before the areas with holes on them depressed as though held by a terrible suction.





The sudden silence on the outside was nothing sort of foreboding and chilling.

Her lungs were giving out and she was wondering what she had been thinking. She had ho-


All the geysers erupted across the plains, save from the hole she was in, but instead of going up they arced and bent in their flight trajectory as they emptied themselves of all the murky water they held. Amd all of the led to the hold she was in!


Water flew across the sky in a beautiful unnatural sight that made it seem like a raging unclean ocean god wished nothing more than to submerge and flood everything.


Wherever they passed, everything was left caked in dirt like it had been forcefully cleansed in reverse


Her consciousness was drifting and she had lost strength to even use Perfect Explosive Speed anymore




All the water raged for a complete hour before they met at the hole she was in and began filling it up!

At this point she was dropping in the amount of air she could take in.




Her movements were slowing to a crawl, but if she took a moment to look above and through the surface of the water, Kazu Nini would see that the the Gesyers which had rushed into this area stopped just above the surface of theiddoed water she was loosng her consciousness in.

Her Ko-jin could now only reach her bones.

Perfect instant Step

Brilliant Instant Step

Nominal Instant Step

Sub-Par Instant Step

Imperfect Instant Step

Anyways, she needed to get whatever it was she as to win in this 3rd Easter Egg. So, she pushed on as more and more water accumulated into 3 inches above the surface of the muddied lake she was in.

Her Ko-jin could now only reach her organs.

Perfect Quick Step

Brilliant Quick Step

Nomina Quick Step

Sub-Par Quick step

Imperfect Quick step

Kazu Nini almost felt completely mortal again. It was like she was helpless and she frowned in inability and began floating in the water. Her body shoild have been going up but maybe it was too murky so that wasimpossible.

Either way, she thought she was unconscious until the Pixie felt a tugging sensation.

Her body was pushed to the surface and if she could see above the surface the water that had rushed into the space above was pushing to an area just 3 inches above it.

Eventually her body got submerged in the separating space and she hung there as pushing happened from within the lake while pushing happened from above.

She felt like life had been sparled into her and her eyelids fluttered.

Then she felt like he could moveher limbs.

Following she felt like her enrgy was returning back up.

Next she felt full.

Then she felt bloated and she began frowning

However, the discomfort lasted for another hour before she woke up outside the region of where she had began the 3rd Easter Egg of her time in the Inheritance Grounds.

"Trial passed, explore your capabilities."