
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 58 (Part 2) Back At The Inheritance Grounds. Prologue 58 (Part 2) Back At The Inheritance Grounds.

Kazu Nini appeared outside of the region of mud.

"Trial passed, explore your capabilities."

When she looked around, she saw no Lesser Nobles to prey on and she smirked before heading in a certain direction.

She did not know if Isimaila Fginja was done with hers and could only look for where people are.

Searching around, she had no clues. So, she simply flew and flew until she met a cluster.

What surprised about too was that the gravity did not feel as bad as before. Every 10 meters, the gravity increased 2 times. So she could say that she was supposed to feel frightened at 200 levels of gravity.

Then, eventually, she dropped above them. After camouflaging herself, it had more of an effect when she suddenly grabbed their heads as she had dropped from a very high position.

Adding the fact of her 1st Easter Egg and her hardened body, she literally crushed their bodies to a pulp. The remaining Lesser Nobles even began running without looking back.

"Please spare us!"

Se scoffed an began thinking of ways to incorporate the things she had gotten.

She wanted to start with wind.

So, she pictured how she could use it for movement. In all the positions, Kazu Nini saw herself in different ways but spread eagle was the most versatile she could think up. [1]


Something with a starfish.

The Lesser Nobles were still trying to get away but Kazu Nini wanted to find a name first.

She would not call herself an artist but how could she use a technique without a name?

The Pixie frowned until she felt like she had finally found it.

"*Breeze Starfish Propulsion."


Kazu Nini had used a speed similar to Nominal Explosive Step and that was when she had tried it single handedly by letting her right shoulder face forward and her left hand extended back

And from her left hand was a burst of wind like a pyramid.

Anyways, she cut it off mid movement and landed a left punch through the Noble's heart.

Should she just call it wind launch?


Breeze Starfish Propulsion.

She slapped a head off a shoulder and began doing practice. It was when she remembered she will be getting points that Kazu Nini checked her Identification Card.

She looked at the numbers and couldn't help but smile. Hiding it again, the Pixie began to search for

more Nobles.


Towards the half of this month, Kazu Nini had sent at least 3/5 ths of the Nobles back to Chilkt State University. At some point she visited a chasm that looked very large.

She neared a stretch of plains far as the eye could see and saw a line a people. Then, she entered a Glass Orb and disappeared to their senses.

The sensitive ones picked that something was amiss. Looking at everything the had accumulated so far, they began running away. Others looked confused and wondered just what was happening.


The ones who had been running smacked themselves into the wall they did not know was there.


Her voice echoed as they found themselves trapped in a dome of glass at least 750 meters in radius.

When she revealed herself inside the Glass Orb, the people in the Glass Dome started panicking before they saw her clearly.

1,000 meters was the limit if she did not want o strain herself. So, she dropped like a bomb.


She had fell into the floor and the cracks spread from her toes to her knees, plus the ones from her hand to her elbows.

Either ways, the Lesser Nobles had pissed their pants.

"Leave all you have looted behind or face my wrath."

The quick witted ones dropped their bags and edged to the side. The New Universe had long stayed behind her.

She watched about several of them stand together and want to seem rebellious.

And she laughed as she spread both arms behind her.

"*Double Breeze Starfish Propulsion*"


She shot with the speed of Perfect Explosive Step. So, when they found Kazu Nini's elbows hooked on their necks they could not even react.

Two of them flew towards the chasm, screaming as they did. Funny enough, their bags of loot were now in her hands.

Breeze Starfish Propulsion

Next, she snapped a round house kick that was boosted by wind, knocking the next person into the hole.

Then, Kazu Nini chained it. So that she swiped the left row of them.

Funny though, she could not wield it outside of ejecting it forcefully from her body.

She sighed and wished it was more malleable like her glass and Mental Energy.

Anyways, she pushed the 1st perso who slammed into the 2nd that slammed into he 3rd that....

Anyways, when they were all in the air she stood above them.

Double Breeze Starfish Propulsion!

She used the Domino effect again, but this one she sent them into the chasm.

When she landed, Kazu Nini heard an applause and she turned around to see the New Universe that quietened under her gaze.

No matter how many of them she took down it would never be enough.

At this point she could either lose herself to it but should she might be signing them up foot things that will need to mire repercussions.

But there were already specified forces, so why not ride the wave?


When Isimaila Fginja stepped out of the cave, she was feeling haggard. But it was more of a personal feeling than that of a physical one.

Ninomorua was wrapped around her and shivered as it held her close

The Goblin looked from side to side and left.


In a dark area clouded by an unusual density of darkness, Jagonu Nanhor stepped from within the air laughed so terribly that the darkness fled.

Picking a direction, she jumped into the Spirit Realm.


A vampire walked out of a perculiar place that had a 100 meter iceberg floating in the middle of bubbling lava

His wings were stretched and his visage was not what some of his friends were used to; fangs, a physique doubled in his usual stature, blood leaking out of all his faial orifices a like it added to some otherworldly beauty and multicolored eyes that shone in the day.

When he referred suddenly, he looked like Kirian Kranimora and began running after he jumped into his own shadow.


An area looked as though it were being observed through a blurred lense. Then a hole appeared from a dot that grew at a snail's pace.

When Zlai Dfon fell out, she staggered like some of her bones were not straight.

Either ways, she left at some point by flying in and out of space.





The ground rumbled and the sky quaked in a place where a mountain seemed to be eaten out of.

No, not eaten, just chunks carved out and serrated at edges because of continuous detonations.

It almost looked like cheese with a perforated design.




Outside, Kirian Kranimora had been waiting but he did not look angry in the slightest.




Also, weird enough, there was no fire or heat, just shockwaves, vibrations and loud, loud noise.




In 5 more minutes, the vampire looked up to an area in the air





The explosions suddenly became cut off and hen air seemed to suddenly all the sound away as though long a zipper had been sharply closed.




A mushroom cloud formed in the air and reached at least 500 meters to the sky, a shockwave exoanding till it reached he same legth as kt was tall. Then,


The sound, the shockwaves, the explosions and the vibrations all collapsed on themselves before compacting into a tight circled that expanded to become a door

Henrique Viva emerged from the door panting. Spitting Kirian Kranimora, his mood returned to tha of glee and he welcomed his friend with a passionate punch of rapport.

"Bastard Dog"

"Blind Bat!"


On another side, The ground rippled as though it were water and Iskrin Olinum emerged from it. Coming out seemed to be a struggle as countless ropes latched unto him like leeches. They were so much that he was covered and looked like a moving coffin.

Each of the roppes loosened and thinned until they went from the strength of steel to the strength of silk. Though, it was until until a day later that he tumbled free, panting.

Now, though if you looked closely lines of ropes covered his skin in tight woven layers.


Haron Javan fell out from a purple discoloration as though an artist hadleaft a smear on the world.

Patches of collors trailed behind him, some glowing, others dull, some faded, tinded or shaded.

As though they marked his movement path, they continied with him until he hit the ground wth a THUMP!


Rashta Micko walked out of a wall that stood in the middle of what looked like acid and smelled like ammonia.

On falling, he could quite gather himself as his skin kept on dripping like it were liquid. But after the week he could sustain his form without too much of a strain, he immediately changed his form into an owl and shot forth leaving a trail of bubbling liquid in his wake as though it would explode at any moment.


Uniah Gramanis stepped out of a pyramid and then roared to the sky.

It was as though she were declaring to the heavens that a queen had emerged to take her rightful place.

"Nobles, GATHER!"

Rashta Mucko had been waiting for her to show up and once she did, he had bowed before she even roared.

At the moment though, he was going to spread word of her emergece.


Her version like the flower of life but with clawed palms then the feet facing backwards.