
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 57(Part 3)Easter Egg Number 3 (1)

Kazu Nini was slurped into the mud like water down a sink. Round, round and round before...


She felt something like clothing atop her entire skin and breathing was relatively easy.

She did not dwell too kuch on how she could beat through all the mud.

10 minutes and the clothing she felt all over her body was doubled and her breathing needed he to be conscious about every effort.

30 minutes more and she thought she had a wet heavy blanket over her entire person. Now her chest shuddered with each breath.

60 minutes later and it was like he was being chained up, she even added her mouth to the mix.

100 minutes later and Kazu Nini was panting hard like she was a Regular who had run at least 500 meters. Even her organs felt like hey were covered

150 minutes later, she was gasping for air as she felt like her entire body was going to implode.

210 minutes passed and she felt her vision swim. The pressure made her black out, but not in her consciousness but her senses.

280 minutes later, she felt her conscious construct as though a zipper had been pulled over it. Her forced breathing was all it took to keep her conscious.

350 minutes later, she was trying to reduce her breath because she felt like anymore and her organs would collapse. She fought to kee her eyes open as she did not want to xit he Inheritance grounds just yet

440 minutes and she shut her eyes, pulling every scrap of Divine Energy into her body into her skin seemed to alleviate he pressure and she thought ber herself a genius.

Why did she not just do this all along?

540 minutes passed and Kazu Nini was not sure what was happening until the pressure suddenly doubled and she choked, passing out. Then suddenly...

She was... falling?.....

At some point she realised she was flipping end on end but the feeling of termites trying to bore into her skin overwhelmed everything else.

Her vision tried to capture all that it could to remind her self o stay conscious

Sky of clay?




Water in the distance?


Sky of clay?




Water in the distance?


Sky of clay?




Water in the distance?


Sky of Clay?




What in the distance?


Sky of Clay? Then, Ground? Then, Water in the distance?


Sky of Clay?Then, Ground?Then, Water in the distance?


Skyofclay?Then,Ground?Then,Water inthedistance?






The crash of her body jolted her to her feet. An she started off feeling pain as though a car jad smashed into ber but eventually she started feeling pretty normal shortly after.

She glanced to see a beach and silt beneath her feet. She assumed she did not need to gain enlightenment here but it would not hurt to try.

So, the Pixie crossed her legs and when she used Mental Energy to see her innards, she saw that there were fine particles of mud clumped around her body.

In fact, she had snapped her eyes when she saw that before realising that she did not feel uncomfortable at a-


Water covered her from a small wave as though playing with her. However, the water lightly felt cold to her senses.

Ignoring it, she wanted to see what exactly the new agents in her body mean-


The Pixie felt that the new wave was slightly colder than the last she eas able to shrug it off once more.


On a normal day, she would have felt friendly uncomfortable at this point. But now she had the bod from the first Easter Egg, she felt the cold but it felt like she eas numb to it.

Waiting so that she would not be interrupted again, Kazu Nini did not feel an waves crashing into her but when she trued sending Mental Into her body sh-


Ths Pixie wanted to scream at the receding water but the cold this time made her shiver once out of reflex.

When she looked at ger skin, she realised she was not wet at all. Surprised, she braced herself to think about what just ha-


The cold hit her and her shiver lasted a full minute. The water long gone, she now found herself dry.

Bracing herself had not help, so she simply relaxed her bo-


The cold had the Pixie vibrating like a massaging chair and she did so until her body began sinking into the silt soil she had been sitting on.

She did not have time to meditate but she at least closed her eyes but she noticed the sky dim in brightness so she cracked open her eyes to see a wave that rise at least 40 feet.


She was running away before she even thought of it.


The Pixie had run at least 40 meters when she realised that the shadow of the wave of water was stretching out and constantly kept her in shade.

So, Kazu Nini stopped and waited till the wave covered all she daw amd was only 15 meters away from her before using Perfect Explosive Speed ome last time


However, the eave actually moved horizontally like a flat piece of paper and Kazu Nimi was too shocked to even be angry.


Her body got submerged into silt but she felt more like she wasim the middle of a chilling ocean.

10 minutes, 30 minutes...

The Pixie tried stopping the shivering but it did not concede and she only was helplessly submerged further and further.

60 minutes, 100 minutes...

Then, she attempted circulating Ko-jin about her body to counter it but it did not work as her body began becoming numb.

150 minutes, 210 minutes...

It was curious feeling as she felt no pressure but was only out of control, eventually though her hands became less and less responsive to her responses.

280 minutes, 350 minutes

Her body began having its veins showing on her outer skin as her entire form became purple pain and she felt brain freeze over her entire form. Pain wracked her until she felt that she would raher explode, metaphorically.

440 minutes, 540 minutes.

Eventually, though, not only her body stopped moving but the pain spiked until she thought she would avtually wake up nack in Chilkt State University. The water stopped moving and firmly locked her in plant, becoming more crystalline in form. The everything froze and she stopped.


Everything exploded and Kazu Nini fell apart literally; hands and arms in different direction, both eyes separated both legs spinning off in different directions.


She felt as though a pulling force started at her core and made her mass of mangled bory parts zoom to each other. Her leg jutted were her head should be, her hand stuck where he foot should be, her ear sat on her sternum, one hand sticking for at her ankles, a nose where knee was and that knee where a waist should be...


Her eyes im different locations and giving jer different scenes of view moved about as herbody also rearanged itself.


Now that her form made sense once more she found herself falling straight like an arrow. The land sge rapidly approached seemed to be double the distance than her last fall and she sighe, gritting hr teeth in anticipation.


Both ankles dislocated but wont heal. She bit her lower lip viciously instead of scream and began crawling where she saw what looked like a mound.

Then, she felt a slight shudder and sensed something was wrong but paid it no mind as sge did not know the land tilted from irs usual 180 degrees to become 170 degrees.

It was when she saw that reaching the mound got harde that she doubled her efforts.

The ground shook again and she was now at 160, now moving forward as as difficult as trying a double jump without a platform.

Another shake made the land 150 degrees and she began sliding back, which made her double her efforts of crawlin forth.

Yet another and the ground turned 140 degrees, now her speed increased and she tried grasping at anything. So, she saw she was approaching another mound soon and tilted her body.


As If the land itself seemed wanted to provoke her it shook as it became 130 degrees when she was halfway to the mound she intended to hold on to and the mound split in the middle, cracks appearing every where lile the lande had been shattered by a great force.



Kazu Nini felt he ground beneath her shake again to become 120 degrees while she was now moving at roughly 60 miles an hour.

Rocks pelted her face, cracks ripped her skin and scratches covered her skin and her clothes rendered as the crevices on the tilting ground widened


Now 100 degrees, she was not entirely on the ground again as she was levitating off its surface because of its inclination, but she spotted a burnt tree, black to a crisp which she hoped to hang on to.


She caught it , yes. But her momentum forved her form to swing around it once and then get her dislocated angles to hang off it.

The Pixie dangled in a paced oscillatory motion until the ground rumbled once more

Kazu Nimi screamed as she eventually fell off, spinning emd on end above a ground that was straight up, completely at 90 degrees.

Her head smashed into the ground that was moe like a wall now a few times and she sometimes saw an opening that glowed an amber red.

The place shool again and ome thinsg the Pixie was sure of was tht she entered some... cave...


She felt eater and looked around

No! This was magma?

So, why was she not getting burned?

Anyways, she saw that chunks of rock were falling into the magma she was in so she decided to could to swim and began darting down where there was a bright sheet of orange awaiting her approach.

At first the water was at room temperature though. No, she inly felt it to be water because of the 1st Easter Egg she had procured at the dessert.

100 meters deep it was luke warm

500 meters it was comfortable warm

1500 meters it was barely bearable warm.

4,000 meters something smacked into her and she realised that the rocks from before were falling like a meteor shower


Explosbe Speed was 5 steps every 100 meters. So, Kazu Nini boosted a straight 20 meters in an instant, rocks flanking her sides.


She banked a rock and above another.


Below and around the next.


Sh darted in between the next set like an arrow than emerged to cut a sharp left



In her excitement, she just saw her skin was turning pink and tender.


Something knocked into her and he admonished herself for her lack of concentration



Now, she needed 2 Perfect Explosive Steps before she could dodge the downpour of the rocks.


Kazu Nini was close to 10,000 feet, her skin steaming under the magma as she sped down below.


However, another rock smacked into her sides and she added one more Perfect Explosive Step in response


The Pixie was like a terrible gust of wind traveling through a forest of falling rocks.


Her skin began peeling to reveal another layer and she screamed but kept pushing.


Now, she was like lightening rendering the air and dodging rain drops as the ring of shockwaves behind her started evealing themselves even underwater

11,000 meters

12,000 meters

13,000 meters




14,000 meters

15,000 meters

16,000 meters




17,000 meters

18,000 meters

19,000 meters





Even at this insane level of constantly pushing herself, it was still enough because she was still holding back in the case of any emergency but now, she threw caution to the wind.


This was near the peak of what she could handle and she gave the falling rocks another gap as her skin began revealing her muscular structure.


Distance was been eating away like a glutton at a feast. The rings of shockwaves clearly showing themselves in the water.


And for the next 10,000 meters where it felt like the pressure was not increasing but only the heat, Kazu Nini fet safe until one rock missed her by inches.

Then, she took a breath and let go completely.


She passed the next 2,500 meters without a hassle!


The next 2,500 meters came and went with she still ahead.


The next 2,500 came and went before she knew it.


When 2,500 meters passed by and she saw the rocks gaining on her once more, she decided to kick off the rocks instead of strictly avoiding them. Mow, her shockwaves had expanded to not only the ings behind her but outside of hem were they deviated the pathe of he rocks directly behind her.



The one he had launched off exploded. Luckily, it helped boost her her so she did not mind.





The Pixie fet like she could see the end in sight as her body seemed to look eaten through. The unbridled shockwaves outside of the first set of rings her speed had created now made more rocks collide into each other.





Kazu Nini kept her eyes on a hole that showed a space beyond it and she zipped from one rock to the next.





Now, she was completely surrounded by the rocks. Her shockwaves pushing the away but making them come back around her like an upside-down funnel effect.



The rocks clustered her until she could not move 2 meters before meeting one, but someone did not have the leve of Mental Energy she did without a certain measure of will.



Kazu Nini held on till the last minute, at some point screaming and getting surprised that her lungs were not filled with magma


The Pixie emerged like an eruption, along with the rain of rocks. Her skin swiftly healing but she did not feel it drawing from her Ko-jin. Idly though, she thought it was part of what she had received from the 2nd Easter Egg.

Wait, she had never chained Perfect Explosive Speed like how she had just done; maybe that was from the 2nd Easter Egg too.

Anyways as she flew down, she started falling head first. But it was as if reality switched where was up to where was down.

Either way, at some point she was now flying normally as opposed to falling as she had been when she had swam theough the depths of the magma

In fact, it was after ahe sailed high into the sky that she saw she was arcing over a cliff.

The Pixie did not have time to admire the bright sun, the plains, the wandering tornadoes that passed through them or the holes on the ground.

She was at least 10,000 meters in the air and she panicked.

Her glass and Ko-jin did not respond to her at all.

Her Mental Energy was to no effect.

And as she felt herself healing, there was nothing to do but welcome the pain when she was already 5,000 meters and still dropping at a frightening velocity.

4,000 meters...

3,000 meters...

2,000 meters...

1,000 meters...

The wknd had been tearing at her clothes and it was an uncomfortable feeing of not being able to breathe but she held on.

900 meters...

800 meters...

700 meters...

600 meters...

500 meters...

400 meters...

She saw the ground getting closer and wondered if her skin will be able to take it.

Hold on a second was the floor riddled with holes.

300 meters...

200 meters..

100 meters...

The moment of truth.

But how it all just end after she had gone far. Well, there was nothing she could do about falling.