
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 57 (Part 2) Prudent Mole and Noble Cajoling

Up in the sky, Ninomorua was brandishing the Wraith Iskrin Olinum in its fangs and he was now silent as he shouldered the humiliation.

He did not even know that Jagonu Nanhor had since left after she had found an area that looked suspicious enough to be holding an Easter Egg.

It had been a hill of different peaks that looked to be moving while standing at the same spot. It was weird to behold.

Ninomorua had encircled it until Jagonu Nanhor jumped off and into the piece of rock.

Anyways, now Isimaila Fginja was on the back of her Lindworm and scanning below to find anything suspicious. She was feeling left out at the moment when she spotted a noble riding one of theirs like the ew Universe member was donkey.


Roaring in reaction to her emotions, Ninomorua flew down and happily so because the gravity up there was thought to handle. Even if it was only 20 meters above ground.


They landed noisily and the noble haf left his mount to run to the distance but Ninomorua leapt before him, growing in obvious threat.

"Wa-wa-" he stopped. "Lord Iskrin Olinum?"

The Wraith eyed the lesser noble which caused him to fall down to his fours in respect. Knees and palms kissed the floor when something kicked him away.

"Just what were you doing?"

That voice dis not belong to his Lord so he glaced up yo see a face he knew."

"Oh! Lady Isimaila Fginja. No, things are not what they seem, you can ask him."

Pointing at the New Universe member, she paused.

"Kazu Nini met us."

"…when was this?"

"About…" he frowned in thought, "…2 months ago."

"Oh." Her too frowned, "how come she did no take care of him?"

"She suad she had been disgusted that we switched sides. So, she asked us to act as ears in their midst."

Iskrin Olinum met the gaze of the Lesser Noble before closing back his eyes and It was now the Lesser Noble apprehensively turned his eyes to see his Lord was being held captive.

He gaped.

"What information do you have?"

"This was the one she said I should give you."

Apparently one of us is in danger, and I so not know if the plot will unhatch itself within the Inheritance Grounds or not but stay sharp. It should be something big, keep your head up and pass on the message.

Isinaila Fginja had gotten reports tht all of them had found Easter Eggs but she did not know if Kazu Nini had gotten one or not.

Why was Kazu Nini telling her this again, she had already told them before?

Oh, she mean we should prepare?

The Goblin sighed and looked at the Lesser Noble.

"Do you want to follow me to Kazu Nini or do you want to leave the Inheritance Grounds now?"

"I haven't yet gotten anything ple-"

"My patience is limited."

He paused and considered "I'll help deliver the message."

"Where is she now?"

"A month ago, there was an incid-"

"A month ago? Useless."

"Wait, please, it might be useful." The turncoat New Universe member held out an arm.

"What are you saying?"

"She did not emerge for as long as I was there in hiding. So, she might be coming out anytime soon."

"Fine, Ninomorua let him hang."

The Lesser Nobles eyes opened wide as the New Universe turncoat turned to around to leave but Isimaila Fginja pointed to him too."

"That one also."

It took them a full day before they reached the place that Kazu Nini had stepped into a tree. The Lesser Noble and the turncoat New Universe member were in its claws, so the Lindworm threw them down first.

The group eventually reached the tree which Isimaila Fginja threw in the Lesser Noble to be doubly sure. And the Noble passed through it, where she nodded in certain belief.

Shockingly, the air opened up to reveal Kazu Nini in a Glass Orb and Ithe Goblin jumped in response like a cat with a yanked tail.

"Boss, how are you?"

"Doing great."

"Did you heal before you left."


Isimaila Fginja facepalmed then shook her head and sat on Ninomorua's head so that her legs dangled on the Wraith's face.

"What's up."

"Well, I wanted to meet up, you know. I have not found any Easter Eggs, so yeah." She shrugged and blew out air.

"You could have asked him if he knew about one."

They both turned to the Wraith.

"Did he know one?"

"We scoured the lands for a full month, what dod you think we were doing?"

"Finally got your spine back because Jagonu Nanhor is not round, eh?"

Kzu Nini looked at him, "spit what you know."

"You have to promise to let me go."


"There was an arra with swamp and tentacles, a volcano that spat out lasers, a cave that sucked in things like a vacuum and a chasm that spat out items."

Kazu Nini eyed the Goblin, *was he lying?*

"You can verify it for us when you take us there."

He shrugged as the Lesser Noble fell out of the Tree, screaming until his face was planted in the ground.

Hastily picking himself up, his had darted around an he shivered at the sight of Kazu Nini where he kowtowed.

"Where is the other Betrayer?"

"She left in an area where there was a scuffle for an Easter Egg. After managing to enter, she did not come out for a while so we determined she was out of he Inheritance Grounds or gaining something good."

"Okay, what Easter Egg locations have you guys found so far."

The Lesser Noble stammered as he looked at Iskrin Olinom whi closed his eyes.

"A volcano, some mud, a cave a swap and an abyss."

Kazu Nini nodded an pull her finger at him.

"Iskrin Olinom you were honest. So, allow me to release you."


Perfect Explosive Speed caught them all unaware, but Iskrin Olinum flying away for 50 meters was unexpected.

However, most flabbergasting of all, was that the air opened up and he disappeared into it.

Kazu Nini, how had been happy at what she had gained from the desert, stood in shock as had punched him into an Easter Egg.

Everyone else shared the surprise, even the Lindworm.

When they caught themselves, they all laughed until Kazu Nini slapped the back of the Lesser Nobles head who was now seeing stars.

"Pick an Easter Egg out of everything you told us."

He stammered, what was going on?

"The m-m-mud?"

Wrong answer that's mine, pick another." She slapped his head again.

"The chasm."


"Sometimes it spits out things like Potent Artefacts or Mineral Stones."

Kazu Nini's eyes went wide, then she addressed him.

"We will drop you off at the chasm and will get 80 percent of whatever you find. Clear?"

He nodded then she continued.

"You will direct us to the mud, and then Isimaila Fginja will take her pic before the betrayer. You will be last."

True to his word, there was an area that had Kazu Nini trudging in mud for a full hour. And if she had not sensed independent action from the mud itself, she would have strangled the Lesser Noble. So on and on she walked as they stayed at a distance, until she felt a pull.

It was light at first but at some point, her clothes started raising themselves to its direction. Here, she waved at Isimaila Fginka to leave which she did. Kazu Nini walked and walked till her clothes seemed to want to rip themselves free and then she spun in circles till she was completely dragged underneath.

Isimaila Fginja asked for the direction for the swamp because she needed to drop off the turncoat before finding her own Easter Egg.

There, she saw vines that twisted into trees that swung about as though intelligent. Some vines just waved about and 59 meters in, there was a nest of vines that flailed about as if in ecstasy.

The turncoat opened his eyes wide and took a step back but Isimaila Fgunka tossed him off the Flying Lindworm that gingerly caught him in its teeth before blasting forth a pillar of sand which first grew in its throat that sent him directly into the nest of flailing vines.


Blasting through air and vines until he was as tangled as yarn ball before he disappeared into the Easter Eggs Location.

Next, after the Lesser Noble had shown the New Universe Ambassador where the Cave was, he was taken to the Abyss's mouth where a large crowd stood. From a distance she could see the fighting.

"How good are your skills?"

"I could d a fair amount of damage."

She said nothing.

"Oh, don't worry although the New Universe over there do no know I intend to help them, I will make it look like I am working for myself and then get as much as possible."

"Good," with that she threw him before Ninomorua's head and the Lindworm caught him in its jaws.



In a blast of sand the Lesser Noble met his contemporaries and crashed into most of them.

"Who goes there?"

He smiled a bloody smile as he could finally vent his frustrations.


Isimaila Fginja studied the cave that was sucking in anything that came close.

But that was not just it, the entire area had smaller caves like that. So once she got close she would wrestle until she got to the main cave.

A thought to turn back appeared in her mind but she imagined what it would be like if her people grew without her and she steeled her gaze.