
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 56(Part 2)Surprise.

Kazu Nini looked at the swirling mass of twisting granules and stepped in after realising that her wounds were either completely not healing any more or were either healing at a painful crawl.

Maybe his was a side effect of barging into Divine Early Level 10 the wrong way.

Bracing herself and holding her breath, she simply stepped forward.

The next one left her breathless, literally.

Forget that she felt as though water were upt to her neck and the weight on her shoulders that felt as though a boulder was pressing atop her entire person, forget that she felt as though knives were criss crossing themselves over her body forget that she might have felt blood trickling down her skin;

She was stuck in the box for an hour before the granules stopped.

Quite frankly, when someone was a regular, they had broken no limits yet.

So they could be likened to the number 1, if being dead was a 0.

Thus, when they broke through the limits, they opened up a potential door for +1 in addition to the 1 that represents their former self with limits.

Now, Kazu Nini had been there for an hour and while it was nothing for her, she was starting to imagine how much longer it would take when it finally ended.

Jumping out, she saw red marks over her skin lile a beast had tried to claw at her but had just stopped were the first layer of skin ended. This made the Pixie look back before forward where she glanced the next wall of granules to pass through.

This one had the appearance of the last but occasionally crashed in on itself and opened up with a loud POP or BANG.

Kazu Nini knew she could not end here as she had yo prepare herself for the battle that was coming up. So, she proceeded.

Now, she felt completely submerged, the crushing weight literally defined in this moment. She could barely hold her head high as she fought against the gravity in his wall of granules. Her skin felt piercing pain that peaked until she felt like she was being flayed.

5 minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 minutes...

She closed her eyes and held her breath closely. The pain in her body felt like it was alive.

30 Minutes, 35 Minutes, 40 minutes...

She jad almost started getting used to the weight but he pain she consciously ignored.

1 hour, 1 Hour and 5 minutes, 1 hour and 10 minutes...

The Pixie's hung neck distantly hurt, now she regretted trying to barge into Divine Early Level 10 without being sufficiently prepared as she would have been ale to heal her wounds.

1 hour and 30 minutes, 1 hour and 35 Minutes, 1 hour and 40 minutes...

Kazu Nini's neck felt numb but she persisted, even as she felt as though her entire skin as being revealed to the open air and torment.

1 hour and 45 minutes, 1 hour and 50 Minutes, 1 hour and 55 minutes...

She began asking herself if she could still hold out as she imagined her self being slowly flayed then dissected until... the Pixie leaped to her feet once the granules settled.

Emerging forth, she dragged in air and then subconsciously rubbed at her face with her hands to clear off the dust but there was nothing there.

Straightening up she saw her skin pink and tender, some rivulets of blood streaking about her body as she spotted some of her veins and arteries on her skin. Even her muscular structure was clearly defined now as though she has lost a layer of flesh.

When she saw that there was uet another wall, she frowned wondered if the Inheritance Grounds was purposely trying to get her out of it.

Or, she might have inadvertently walked into a trap meticulously set by Uniah Gramanos.

The next wall was like a wall of gears, that had separate parts moving at unpredictable speeds; one minute slow the next second blazingly fast. She took a deep breath and then took a step forward.

At worst, she would get stronger within school itself!

She stepped into the wall and felt as though she were underwater, entirely submerged from all sides and pointless to fight with it but only allowed to understand it then go along its flow!

The pain was nothing to want as she felt her innards being boiled.

Surprisingly, through, at some point the weight and pain had vanished.

Then, she quickly sucked in a breath before everything returned in full force.


1 hour and 30 minutes has already passed, so she could vouch for 4 hours. But what if this was longer?

2 hours 10 minutes, 2 hours 15 minutes, 2 hours 20 minutes...

She held on and saw this as simply something to overcome.

3 hours 30 minutes, 3 hours 35 minutes, 3 hours 40 minutes...

Kazu Nini firmly placed the image of trouncing Uniah Gramanos in her mind.

4 hours 10 minutes, 4 hours 15 minutes, 4 hours 20 minutes...

Now, the image of the thrashed Uniah Gramanos was replaced with the New Universe celebrating their champion.

4 hours 30 minutes, 4 hours 35 minutes, 4 hours 40 minutes...

So what if she crumpled here? Even the Inheritance Grounds, and Chilkt State University were not her only means of getting power.

One way or the other, she was going to let the nobles burn!

4 hours 50 minutes, 4 hours 55 minutes, 4 hours, 59 minutes...

As her breath ran out she snickered.

They would pay!

Then, she chuckled as the final wisp of oxygen left her lungs.

For the commoners!

When she roared she only had one thought;

Mako Nini WILL be avenged!


She did not notice that before sue was rudely caught off, the granules and the weight suddenly seized, almost as if it were intelligent.

Then, the granules rushed into her mouth, nose and ears until her body was forcefully pulled to contraction.

Though she felt the resistance, she could not tell what had entered her lips because she had opened her eyes to see the frenzied granules but she could not particularly feel anything within...

But her will fought it until her vocal cords were eventually free and she was now facing up, her back arced and, her elbows, back of her head and feet propping her up.


She stopped when she opened her eyes to see the Principal's face.

No, he was no nowhere to be found.


She was looking at another wall of shifting granules. A total of 6 hours and she was still here even Though she should be sent back???

She frowned as her Mental Energy began shooting ideas into her subconscious.

There was something to it... a pattern to this trial or whatever it was... and she would not proceed until she found out!

Why had she been subconsciously been seeing the weight in hr mind to be water?

Pacing, she had an idea then stopped as she regarded the next wall.

This one had shapes of claws clasping at each other following from the BANG of an impact creating shockwaves that rolled off the wall's edges to meet the hands where they had forcefully joined and ultimately destroyed them.

Kazu Nini looked st her mangled flesh to realise that while her body shook from time to time, her inner flesh glistened slightly...

Or was that what sge imagined, anyway she felt she should have much more loss of her bodily fluids than this.

The Pixie was going to take deep breath but stopped herself before she walked forward, the arms of granules stretching forth to pull her in.

In thier embrace her instinct was to fight it, but like her forner theory as she sat still and did mot resist it, the weight and pain were still there but... it was as though she was not the one being affected but someone else.

Like she felt it but it was distant. As though her sense if touch eas placed close enough for her to remember she had it byt far enough that the wright and pain felt like echoes of the real thing.

Gradually the Pixie floated to the middle of the wall

She experimentally opened her mouth and the granules found all her orifices.

This time, it lasted for a day.

When she found herself standing, she next wall had multiple arms and all sorts of appendages wriggling about and slapping against each other as if they all vied for her attention while producing loud sounds.

She took a breath in and glanced at her body which looked *twisted* like the crumpled mark of iron on a shirt. Kazu Nini was surprised why she felt less pain than the last.

Either way, she stepped in again. Amd for 3 day, she was filled with granules. But the pain had returned and the weight too.

So even though she felt like she was absorbing something, the excruciating pain had returned in full force.

She frowned as she was filled to the brim without end and her body began twitching like a mentally scarred and sick patient.

When it stopped she saw he body was shivering as though she was standing in the coldest winters as she glanced the next wall.

Shapes of humanoid beings and otherworldly ones slowly came to the surface from time to time and she wondered about that until she stepped through it.

She was crushed to the floor immideately but she dragged her body upright while she felt like her head was pounding. Her heart beat was in her ears and her vision swam. Even though she had opened her mouth, the pain had not eased itself. It was almost like she would suffer this no matter what.

And so, 3 weeks passed like this.

Kazu Nini found herself, at some point, standing before a wall.


You have acquired The Granular Structure Body Enhancement Technique!

This Technique is a technique that strengthens the body inside and outside!

Goodluck with it, when you leave this Easter Egg Ground, the technique will be branded into your mind.


You can choose to absorb the last bits of granules or you can choose take the remainder of the Inheritance Grounds as your time has been ticking.

Kazu Nini looked at herself as she had not had the chance because of the bold letters written on the wall.

Her skin looked fresh a d painfully clean she clenched her fist and felt air rush from the simple movement. In fact, it sounded more like a


The Pixie smiled to her self then spoke, "I want to absorb it all."