
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 56 (Part 1) Tired of Waiting

Kazu Nini felt her nausea wash away as divine energy filled her system. It was a weird feeling of feeling full but never reaching a bottle neck.

When she took tentative steps and saw that she was fine, she looked at the Elf who had been motoring her.

"I need to leave."

"Jagonu Nan-"

"I understand your desire to please but understand the stakes here. I am getting stronger to continue my aunt's legacy. For your sake and mine stand down."

"But this is the first task given to me b-"

"If i wanted to leave could you stop me?"

The girl opened her mouth and shut it before frowning to finally pout.

"Don't worry, it was under my orders."

Kazu Nini stepped out of the Spirit Realm and the girl quickly followed to find themselves somewhere that looked like a savanna.

Frowning Kazu Nini realosed Jagonu Nanhor had really wanted her out of the action for a while. Shaking her head, hee plans began blossoming. Not 'plans' per se, but something not too far from it.

The tree arcing over their bead had a patch of grass, chunks of stalls huddled in areas few and far between the feeling of heat perfectly imitating an actual savannah environment

"Head in that direction, I'll catch up with you." Kazu Nini reached into her SpaceBox. "Here, throw this wherever you can, the more hidden the better."

The girl stretched out her hands to receive... Glass. Shards of glass were placed in her palms and she held it like they were gold after the initial disappointment.

Kazu Nini had a lot of Divine Energy in her System, so she could not wait to test this out.

She raised her hand high up in the sky and let it face forwards.

"*Glass Network*"

A shockwave exploded from between her palms and the Glass Shards that flew into the distance. These shards stuck in the sand, lodged into trees, hid in the grass and continued flying forth.

She allowed the shards a distance of 1,000 meters before stopping them to crouch, then close her eyes.

"You can go now, don't forget to scatter the shards."

"S-sure boss. Stay strong, if it gets too tiring remember to rest."

Kazu Nini did not reply as she had a good view of everything in a hundred meters. With Reflection and Refraction, everything came to her sight in fragmented pieces. Closing herself in a Glass Orb that cloaked Ko-jin, sight, smell and sound, the Pixie saw where the Savanna ended to begin a dessert and she floated there in her Glass Orb.

There, two Nobles were crouched, and she could tell because they sat atop the backs of two commoners who were outside of the ones feeding them.

"How does it feel?"

One of the nobles slapped the buttocks of a commoner they sat atop.

"Tell me, was the New Universe really that good?"

"It wa-it was crap."


They food they had been cooking had since left the pit as the Nobles ate the meat clean until it was all bones which they stuck into the mouths of commoners they rode.

"Giddy up!"

"Move Horse!"

"Retainer 1, keep up"

"Retainer 2, bring the things along."


That one slammed his face into what seemed to be thin air.

The man rubbed his eyes to get a better view of what was up ahead and frowned before the air seemingly parted to show the inside of Kazu Nini's Glass Orb.

She beheaded that one with a hand tipped in a Glass Shard then turned to the next who had peed on his mount.

"What is your name?"

The boy was shaking so hard he could not speak.

"Where is Uniah Gramanos?"

"Sh-she was tha-that way."

Kazu Nini looked at him, "do you like the sensation of death?"

He shook his head.

"Good, now you are going to spin a story for them whenever they find you, but you are to send a message to the New Universe staff for me, alright?"

He nodded again extended out his hands to receive a piece of paper.

"And, you will be my ears as far as this goes. Keep the New Universe members who defected with you but help me watch things until you see me leave."

He nodded again as she stared at he quaking defectors. "The weak hold on to he strong and the string keep searching for who dares to think themselves strong."

"I don't blame you, do this for me out of your own volition. If you chose to leave, you would also be doing me a favor."

Kazu Nini then raised her hand and cut hem off before turning around to leave.

Walking into the desert, she did not feel anything of the heat until 3 days later. The heat was now in waves that made it look as if the world was on the verge of bursting into illusion. She felt thirst at the back of her throat as she wondered on but it did not take long for her to notice that moving forward was harder.

And this was weird because this level of thirst could not hold her to become this week. Thus, she summarised that the heat was so intense it was affecting gravity or the heat and gravity were at work together.

Note that, being a Divine Early Level 10 Cultivator, for her to feel heat until it slaked her thirst, the heat was far from normal. Her clothes too would have been steaming, but the way things took on the properties of others after long exposure, like the way iron would temporarily be made into magnets was the way her clothes carried some of her aura.

Along the way, she saw a group of people fighting and decided not to step in because she needed New Universe members who had spine. Especially after knowing that some had switched sides, she had been thoroughly disappointed.

The ones that saw her either ran away from their opponents or called her name to scare their enemies away. Either way, she was not disturbed on her journey.

Her logic was simple, looking for an easter egg meant that it would be quite difficult to find it. So, it was only until 5 days later that she found the area before look unnaturally calm.

The thing was, at this point, steam had long began to rise from her clothing, some areas of her skin was patched a different color from the heat, she was fighting so much to move every 1 meter that her body looked like she was being electrocuted, the air looked as though a stampede of bulls were rampaging hough it and her thirst felt more than just an itch.

She licked her lips and stepped forward like she stepped directly from one realm to another. Like, it was as though from fire into a refrigerator.

Before her was open space boxed into a room. For 10 meters of smooth floors and walls everything was the color of ash. Then, after was was looked to be a wall and this wall looked to be made of tiny sand that buzzed about as if it were intelligent. But it only moved in one direction - left and right.

But, what she understood was that, she was using Mental Energy to feel it from a distance, like at first glace the wall of sand was stationary.

Was this an Easter Egg?

With no door behind her, she could only move forward.

How thick was the wall?

Just before she could think on her question, she saw a writing on the Wall:

*Granular Structure Body:

Will you step forward to test your endurance?

If not, you can simply walk to the end and forget about this.

But if not, then immerse yourself within each wall until the Granules stop moving.


If she wasn't sure at all that this was an Easter egg, now she was at least 50% sure.

Kazu Nini then slowed just before it and then made sure it was moving, bracing herself for the pain. Taking a deep breath, she then stepped forward.

The resistance she felt was minimal. It was almost like walking through water that stopped at the ankles. But it left quite a few scratches as she saw that she could not summon glass to her aid.

Crossing her legs and sitting down, time passed by until the movement stopped. At least, 5 minutes passed.

The Pixie left that wall and saw that she now had a few patches of discolouration on her skin but no blood. Not even a mark.

The next wall had the sand moving up, down, left and right.

Taking another deep breath, she stepped into it and sat down.

The resistance now felt as though water had reached her knees this time, the moving granules of stone getting atop her skin as she settled down. At first she felt nothing outside of weight and biting pan but she braved it hoping to get something at the end.

Clearing her mind she guessed this one was about 10 minutes before things stopped and she stepped through.

She looked at her skin to see white marks but still no blood and stared ahead to watch a wall that moved in linear and diagonal movements.

Another deep breath and she walked forward.

The resistance now felt like it was water up to her waist, the Granules made her feel like she was being attacked by ants.

Waiting for 20 minutes to pass, she braved it till the movement stopped and she stepped out.

Her skin had swelling over its surface and though there was still no blood, she saw that the other marks this time were longer, bigger and not just of one color.

She looked forward at the next wall that seemed to have a mass of Granules swirling about in one direction then clashing into each other as a part of it changed its rotating direction.