
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Chapter 58 (Part 3) Stalkers (2)

Kazu Nini left with a wide smile but she contemplated some of the information she just heard.

The technique was limitless in its potential. That is it had no end do to its limits.

The only problem was that the only way to get it to improve was to get it cracked. That is, she had to be in am intense moment. She walked out as a portal appeared and appeared in the desert once more.

Outside, she saw her 'favorite new Universe Member' and smiled greatly.

"Hello... Dolby."

It is an honot to be remembered by the Gre-"

She cleared her throat at Kazu Nini's flat stare.

"Greetings Miss, Jagonu Nanhor says she found an Easter Egg and wishes to train. She also says that your plan is genius."

Kazu Nini nodded and found a direction she wanted to start walk.

"She also said she found an interesting location where where might be an Easter egg."

"No one has taken it?"

"People have tried and failed or are fighting for it."

"Have the nobles gone there?"

"Their forces are more there."

"*Glass Network*"

And because this girl had probably waited a month just to deliver this, Kazu Nini grew a Glass Orb around them both which covered them from detection, before flying where Dolby indicated.

If turned out to be Rashto Micko she would kill him. Too bad it was just in this realm... There was no sich incident however and she was grateful the elf had been prudent enough to stay quiet through the journey. Outside of giving directions, of course.

Kazu Nini's glass shards had shown her the area long before they arrived. And she waited in the air for a while, then someone literally stepped out of a tree.

She watched him long before confirming he was a New Universe Member.

Then, when a Divine Early Level 8 Noble had walked up to a tree a spear of Glass abruptly landed in his front and he had to jump back with Nominal Explosive Step just to evade it.

"Who is that fool?"

"This place is under the protection of Jagonu Nanhor, we have agreed to each enter turn by turn."

A New Universe Member spoke on behalf of the noble that he contemptuously eyed.

Kazu Nini waited again until the boy thought to step up and then she threw another spear that frightened him.

A Divine Early Level 9 Noble stood up and shouted, "show yourself!"

In that fashion, Kazu Nini rained spears on them.


After a while Kazu Nini stopped just targeting the ones approaching the trees, the new ones using Enhancement Techniques to try to get through but always failing.

"Hey, we have already agree-ARGH!"

The nobles could clearly see they were being targeted and with Iskrin Olinum who they had bore witness hanging from Ninomorua's jaws they were sure the New Universe would leap at any chace for revenge

"Show yourself!"

Dolby had gone from hiding her chuckles to outright laughs. In fact, she even pointed and begged Kazu Nini to directly fire at some yo which she sometimes agreed.

The scattering nobles ran about and shouted to the air as New Universe members began trying one after the other.

However, they all seemed to fail which Made Kazu Nini sit up and finally reveal herself as the 'sun' had fully arced over the sky.

But she wanted effect. So, while she gently dropped the girl, she herself fall feet first.


Dust rose to the air and she liked the fact that she felt no pain at all, not even the slightest sensation - this body rocked!

The Pixie slowly walked out of the dust cloud and allowed the looks of terror to cover their faces. Then, she waited until one if them was about to talk.

"Don't speak."

"That i-"

One Perfect Explosive Step later and he lost his head as well as his right to stay in the Inheritance Grounds. Next, she waited for the first person to beg with signs.

"Don't move."

Another Perfect Explosive step later and one less person was around.

Seeing as she had no other excuse to break their will, she rolled her shoulders and honestly spoke.

"I just want to test my Easter Egg out."





When Kazu Nini looked back she saw her people on their knees. They had bren waiting for revenge for a long time

"I am disappointed," and with that she stepped into the tree.

The bolder ones their heads and stared at her in shock until they understood what she meant.

Instead of fully stepping though, their boss stopped then turned around, "go and sharpen yourselves do."

In the world of the tree she frowned hard.

*Why was it so hard for her people to get an Inheritance?*

Shaking her head, she looked up to see a world of flowers.

But what caught the New Universe's CEO's eyes were the fact that each patch of ground had a different lighten or look or even air around it.

It was as though each one was somehow placed in his own habitat,. A least, that was the impression she got.

Her eyes though enjoyed a view of myriad flowers;

Sea pickle, Hippophae, air fern, lily pads, algae, Crambe maritima, Sea tulip, Hippophae rhamnoides...

Creepers, crawlers, carnivorous, tap roots, fibrous roots, annual, biennial, perennial...

Dandelions, Sun Flowers, Morning Glories, Queens Of The Night, Bamboos, Chrysanthemums...

The Pixie could even see trees in the distance. In fact, for a second, she thought she saw a tree walking. No, its branches were *moving."

This place has also had depth, though. For her not to be clear on what she saw then it must be farther than 100 miles as she had been using her glass before her eyes to enhance her sight.

And the smell was so multicoloured that Kazu Nini thought she would choke but it was also soft so that it gave her an unsettling feeling where she was curious as to what it would smell like but was left wanting because she expected to feel uncomfortable.

Anyways, the Pixie saw a board hanging up start from plants that are 1-10 years old, get enlightened or get out.

She almost laughed as it sounded ridiculous but basing off what had happened in hr last Easter Egg, were things really so simple?

So, Kazu Nini proceeded and picked up a flower which immediately sent her into a trance.

She saw the seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Then she saw the plants enduring the weather and how it fared in each one, how it could die or be rejuvenated or grow in abundance. The she saw pests, the best types of soil to use, the best ah to plant them, how to plant the in a nursery or open farm...

When she was done, she paused and then picked up the next one.

The same thing played out and the Pixie began to wonder just what to do.

When she picked a third ome, she did not proceed to the next but went back to the first.

Then, she noticed that the illusion was a distraction. In fact, what she thought to be rain during the seasons were describing something about lightening and wind.

This wss her conclusion because all the visions of the seasons had lightening and wind.

Kazu Nini the thought about something ahe had read during her pre- cultivation times.

It had said something about wood off shooting to Wind and lightening.

She laughed and then sat cross legged determined to crack it.

Wood - Plant

To Wind And Lightening

4 seasons...

Is this just time?

The last Easter Egg gave her a technique, so this one undoubtedly was... Was it something to do with flora at all?


Outside of the Easter Egg, Dolby had opted to stand behind and watch over the tree which brought looks of envy from her contemporaries as she had been seen riding with the Boss.

"What are you waiting for???"

The people all scrambled about to do as Lazu Nini had said.

'To sharpen themselves.'

Some interpreted it by attacking nobles and racking up points, others thought to find more easter eggs and hunt them down and others saw it that she just didn't want them weak. So, they would simply get stronger by getting older.

Uniah Gramanos had come out of her own Easter Egg, this one was her 2nd and she smiled in anticipation for the next match.

Se had been notified about Kazu Nini's arrival and headlong known that the New Universe was retaliating back at the for what she had done to them.

She chuckled.

Maybe she should just crush them all to enjoy their misery, still she had to admit that Kzu Nini was actually pretty influential to cause sich a change after coming after her and having lesser numbers.

In fact, around this time their numbers were roughly equal. Se looked forward to their match and would prepare for it.