
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 55 (Part 3) Bait and Stalling.

Uniah Gramanos seemed to be nowhere as one of her followers hung disgracefully from the mouth of a beast, its other leg dangling in the air.

Outside, New Universe Members were stepping in and out of the Spirit Realm hitting them, then regaining points before vanishing.


"Have some payback."

In other words, their numbers were reducing but they were far apart and Telewatches did not have any signal.

"How does it feel?"


So, at first, for the first few days, the incidents were isolated. However, with Iskrin Olinum paraded in the sky, some of them began piecing things together and were either running towards where they thought they could get back up from or where trailing Ninomorua who so disrespectfully displayed one of their leaders.


"Of course!"


Theze people stood no chance with Jagonu Nanhor and spear heading the attack.


"Did you show mercy!?"

Enhancement Techniques were deployed all around the inheritance grounds as the onslaught from the Nee Universe came with such suddenness and corporation that the Nobles could either pathetically defend or run.

"Have a cold dish of what you have sown."

Even when Isimiaila Fginja's crush struck, it was so decisive and precise that they had no time to react.

Weirdly though, it was as if the Noble staff did not care about what happened to their people.

In fat, it was after a month that Uniah Gramanos seemed to have stepped out of what looked like to a plant that was dancing with no wind, that Rashta Micko reported the events of what had been transpiring.

Uniah Gramanos scoffed. "She has finally come, but I am already ahead. I can definitely see my victory this time."

"Boss, what about our people?"

"Let them show their loyalty in these times, assassinate any turncoat both in tis reality and the other."

He bowed and wanted to move out but she caught his arm.

"Take me to another Easter Egg first."

"But of course, my lady."

"Hello, you want to stand?"

"Yes, I've slouched around for too long."

"Sure, but how can we let Jagonu Nanhor know?"

Kazu Nini's body had recovered and she no longer felt like she were wearing another person's skin.

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle it."


She took tentative steps then began basic exercise routines to make sure she was fine. Then, rolling her shoulders, Kazu Nini wanted to leave but she was held back.

"They have not yet reported finding any Easter eggs yet."

"Let me see the world, I think some of meridians have connected to the accupoints."

"See, I know you want to rush out there and I will be happy of you to be there but this is my first mission."

Kazu Nini have the girl a flat stare.

"And like, Jagonu Nanhor. Jagonu. Nanhor. Spoke to me, ME!!"

The elf rolled her shoulders and puffed her chest, "allow me this honor."

It took everything in Kazu Nini not to roll her eyes.

On the other side Uniah Gramabis had been comprehending something new. She already felt like he was on the right track and all she needed to do was spend time to gain enlightenment.

Rashta Micko had told her about Kazu Nini but the best she could do was spend time to learn new things which could build on her own foundations. Plus, Kazu Nini should be distracted enough to be exterminating her people wich would give her an edge of the Pixie girl.

She scoffed and closed her eyes, not letting the subject bother her anymore.

Jagonu Nahor and Isimaila Fginja were both atop Ninomorua's back with Iskrin Olinum in its teeth. They were passing over fields of endless green when Iskrin Olinum faded into this realm.

His green skin showed along with his Troll form white marks porked over his flesh and his sinister eyes suddenly donned a serene stad that made him look maniacal.

In response to his arrival, the Lindworm that flew through the air paused and coiled its body as if to spring forward.

The Goblin smiled and was about to slap her Epic Pact Beast when she heard Jagonu Nanhor's voice which brought her to the present


The Wraith hovered before them and began conversation.

"Do you happen to know where Lady Zlai Dfon is?"

"Your mate is in the jaws of my beast and you are more worried about a girl that gives no hoots about you?"

He laughed, something between a kettle whistle and a hooting train which almost made Isimaila Fginja flinch.

"I am sensitive to emotions, you know?"

Jagonu Nanhor regarded the Wraith.

"You want Zlai Dfon?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Then kick him out of the Inheritance Grounds."

Iskrin Olinum paused and regarded his dangling friend before looking back to Jagonu Nanhor.

"Let me see Zlai Dfon, and be reminded that I am not alone in my pursuit, first."

Jagonu Nanhor shrugged and flew away as Iskrin Olinum clenched his fists.

"If you are not willing to out life on a stake then don't think about challe ging me." She then stopped, "in other words, loose your fists."

"What if I don't want to?"

Jagonu Nanhor turned back to him an intent rolled off between them which made him sile till his kips tore, ichor trailing from the cut edges down to his chin.

"I just need a moment wth her, what is your stake?"

"Your li-"

Isimaila Fginja clamped the spirits mouth shut.

"Don't forget our mission."

Jagonu Nanhor rolled her shoulders. "Actually, I know I should not be involving myself with matters regarding couples – much less with anything regarding nobles – but what do you want with her?"

"You are a Spirit yourself, when you feel something do you not just leap at doing it?"

"Yes, I know, but the same way Spirits can lie us the same way Iskrin Onilum ran from our fight."

"I don't know about him, I know about me."

"Okay then, let me put it like this… what is your motivation? To want to infiltrate is through emotion has been done before has it been an act?"

She watched the Spirit's emotion flicker on his face as he struggled to find his words and knew that there was a possibility he mans what he was saying.

She looked at the ground, then the sky, before she finally moved away, carried on Isinaila Fginja's Epic Pact Beast.

"What does he want?"

"I know he wants her but I can't tell his motivations, though.

She was quiet for a while, "why did you stop me?"

"I want to st-" she sighed. "You wanted to actually tear him apart."

"Our mission was bait and distraction."

Isimaila Fginka paused and then slapped her forehead.

Jason Illjako Haon had been getting pleasantries since the day Gramanos Amalganom had taught Uniah Gramanos how to execute Sub-Par Blurry Step.

The girl in question was getting her hair done in some that that looked like a naturally formed jacuzzi.

Maids were surrounding her and attending to even her nails as she hadong realised that her status surpassed that of Jason Haon Illijak

But he was the one that sparked her decision, how useful would he be?

She could terminate the marriage contract with Jason Haon Illjako and eve look for more candidates. But he was ambitious, and he had helped her.

She sighed, thinking that if he had motivated her to do this, what else could he help her with?

But what was his goal? Helping her this much was suspicious of itself.

She pushes her thoughts away and resumed her treatment. While the exercise of the trial had been good, it was a strain both mentally and physically.

She had long healed, her body and mind, but her Ko-jin veins felt twisted in a way she could not describe.

Was it worth it, hell yeah it was!

Now, she knew Uniah Gramanos was against the Pixie and had a strong hate towards the commoners but Gramanos Amalganom could not care less.

She sighed and pondered about how the new change of status would mean for her, also about Uniah Gramanos' final request after she had learned Nominal Blur step.

Kazu Nini…

The Pixie in question realised that she might never heal in time as she was racing against the clock. So, the least she could do was get out there and move about.

Why was she so restless? Was it because of what the Wraith had told her?

She took a deep breath and let her thoughts go.

"-I am really honored o be in this position. You kn-"

Since she had stood, her 'guardian' had been rambling and she just noticed.

"-ike really though, I feel s-"

*Maybe the backlash was worst than I thought.*

Kazu Nini allowed herself to fall and he girl that had been talking rushed to her aid immediately.

"Mineral Stones, many, many, many."

The gurl rummaged through the SpaceBox and got out Mineral Stones that she placed into Kazu Nini's hands.


"What's your name again?"


"I like it."

Now, she had to get out there.